Top 73 Quotes & Sayings by Miguel McKelvey

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American businessman Miguel McKelvey.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Miguel McKelvey

Miguel McKelvey is an American businessman, and the co-founder and former chief culture officer of WeWork.

I don't think we are trying too hard. WE is inclusive from the beginning. That's the whole point. We've always been, 'everyone is welcome.' There is no velvet rope, no barrier to entry.
Partitions and cubicles can be oppressive. They are so boring.
Companies have greater responsibility to their team members and to the world these days. We're the ones with the power. Large employers are the ones that can move the needle on issues.
People can connect in different ways. If you do a rope course with someone you otherwise wouldn't meet and you share this incredible challenge, then you have perhaps formed a bond that could last forever.
For many of us, we imagine that separation is crucial, the time for your mind to switch from one thing to another is important. And there are other people who are much more comfortable with that barrier being on a spectrum, always working or always semi-working.
Hospitality is about trying to support multiple functions in one space. — © Miguel McKelvey
Hospitality is about trying to support multiple functions in one space.
When you're in the moments of greatest stress, those are the most memorable.
I consider myself to be a 'reducetarian.' I try to consume less and be aware of the decisions I'm making. Not just food, but single-use plastics, and fossil fuels and energy.
What will make you energized and motivated, to be awesome today? Is it an awesome shower in the morning, is it a great breakfast, is it a beautiful view? Or is it all of those things together.
We had a bunch of 'we's - a fitness concept, a restaurant concept. The first business plan we had included all of them.
More and more people are getting turned out of their corporations and laid off. As more people leave that behind, they're tapping into their own skill sets and talents and doing something for themselves.
I don't eat meat, but I don't consider myself a vegetarian.
We're not competing against other people who have similar ideas but we're competing against ideas of work in general. There are still traditional office spaces that are not friendly to human beings that are not designed for connection and collaboration.
We're really focused on being 'of no time.' We studied the idea of timelessness, looking at what designs in history have become timeless.
I'd eat bowls of soft-serve ice cream until I felt sick.
Empowering people to pursue their journeys. That's our first mission. Put people into an environment where they can do that, and that creates the energy.
What draws us to a city like San Francisco is the same thing that draws entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers to WeWork: it's the creative atmosphere, the technical sophistication, and the strong sense of community.
When we started WeWork it really was thought of holistically. — © Miguel McKelvey
When we started WeWork it really was thought of holistically.
Our mission is to support people in their life's path or career path, as they define it, and really, to help people succeed in whatever way they choose to. That's what we started from.
I've seen how business can transform communities.
I still want an entrepreneurial culture to exist forever.
When you have no idea what to do or how to do it, you just need to see and absorb as much as you possibly can and just fill your vocabulary and your brain with as much as humanly possible.
If I had to name my superpower, it's probably empathy.
If you look at WeWork as a brand I think the way we design has a more masculine vibe.
We're not really in the real-estate space so much as we are the community-building space.
Many of our buildings have large format murals that are of varying subject matter, and we've found that those are the sort of things that make people stop, digest, and absorb.
There is always someone who is going to look for the cracks.
When you're 30, 40, 50 people and you're all in the room and that energy flows, that's sort of easy to maintain and I think we've learned to love that.
I want to be a person who says 'Hey, if something is going on, come and tell me about it.'
The difference between me and a lot of other people is I can feel the effect of light, space, furniture, height, scale, distance, all these micro-environments affect me in a strong way.
Apart from differentiating our spaces with design, we also look for buildings that have distinctive character. We make sure every seat is a good one.
We're very specific when we're drawing work plans. We think about the chances of when a person gets off the elevator where they will go. We think about how people get to a coffee machine, when they go and get their lunch, when they go to the bathroom.
There's no such thing as 'making it.'
It can be isolating to be an entrepreneur... you have to keep hustling to make it happen and that can be lonely.
People need a space that they can go to make a conference or Skype call. It's important to create those spaces and create a company culture that supports those spaces.
The vision for WeWork has always been about community. It's been about working together to accomplish things greater than what we can accomplish on our own.
The copycats are interesting because some of them branded themselves as 'WeWork of China,' which helped establish us before we were there.
Our growth has been very fast but in every place we've gone, we've achieved great success.
There's a trend for people wanting more meaning in their work and pursuing something in the day-to-day that is valuable rather than working as a means to the end.
We think we can play a small part in the evolution of culture.
Look, I'm 41 with a six-year-old son, and even though I live in a building with a million kids, he doesn't have one friend there because there's no context for making that happen. I think there's a huge market for a connected building where I could broadcast to other parents that I want to set up a playdate for my child.
One thing that people in Miami seem to be good at is partying. — © Miguel McKelvey
One thing that people in Miami seem to be good at is partying.
If you can figure out a way for people at all different stages of life to believe that they're all meaningful to each other, then yes, WeLive can work anywhere.
In the U.S., people are habitual about drinking coffee in the morning. In China, many are drinking coffee in the afternoon.
In the big picture, we see WeLive as a huge opportunity, as big as WeWork, for sure.
Commerce is a core component of pretty much any successful society.
Many of the things we looked to solve initially were services like Internet and desk space. Then we got into the game of connecting people.
I like to be next to the center of attention.
People really want different things depending on who they are.
We've set this forever ambition to make WeWork the best place.
We know the number of conference rooms and phone booths that make a building successful.
It's a dream come true to think that opportunities flow from personal connections.
The reality is we are all about servicing people and helping them achieve their dream, follow their journey and define their own success. When that is 100% authentic that flows through everything we do and translates.
It's certainly important for people to have a sense of privacy. — © Miguel McKelvey
It's certainly important for people to have a sense of privacy.
In New York, you have thousands of buildings that have never been renovated, that have horrible designs, that are really cramped and terrible.
Happiness, the feeling of positivity, really is the foundation of productivity.
A desk for $350 a month in a common area is not as cheap as a coffee shop. But a lot of people would say they're empowered by that environment in a way that makes it worth it.
You can only stay up all night so many times.
When you have your own business, you don't mind failing if it makes you better in the long run.
We need to pay attention to the whole space - every room, chair and table - so it feels uplifting and inspiring.
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