Top 245 Quotes & Sayings by Mike Huckabee - Page 4

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Mike Huckabee.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When people are breaking the law, they don’t get an invitation to the White House. They ought to be getting an invitation to the big house... This is just an anathema to everything that the civil rights movement was truly all about and what it accomplished.
We ought to be people of compassion. And being people of compassion means we deny ourselves, and our self centeredness.
Ordained Baptist minister; I make no apology for my faith. — © Mike Huckabee
Ordained Baptist minister; I make no apology for my faith.
If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague.... It is difficult to understand the public policy towards AIDS. It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents.
It's more likely I'll dye my hair green, get a bunch of tattoos and go on tour with Amy Winehouse.
Plays bass guitar in rock band "Capitol Offense".
America needs optimistic leadership to revive national soul.
I almost wish that there would be something like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced, forced - at gun point no less - to listen to every David Barton message.
Ok to ban smoking from workplaces, but not to ban smoking.
John McCain will follow the fanatics to their caves in Pakistan or to the gates of hell. What Obama wants to do is give them a place setting at the table.
Wouldn't propose new taxes, but won't pledge against taxes.
You learn to handle the big moments in life by practicing on the little ones.
Vertical lift-up politics rather than horizontal left-right. — © Mike Huckabee
Vertical lift-up politics rather than horizontal left-right.
George W. Bush has done a magnificent job.
USA has gone from Barney Fife to Barney Frank.
I didn't major in math. I majored in miracles, and I still believe in them, too.
I think the important thing is to realize that the establishment of a democracy is sometimes a messy thing and it takes time. Yeah, we've been at it 240 years.
The Democrats say we ought to give Barack Obama credit for trying. That sounds like the nonsense of giving every kid a trophy for showing up. Friends, we're talking about leading the country, not playing on a third-grade soccer team! I realize this is the man who got a Nobel Peace Prize for what he would potentially do, but in the real world, you get the prize for producing something, not just promising it.
Lets all be reminded, 60 million Americans are on Social Security, 60 million. A third of those people depend on 90% of their income from Social Security. Nobody in this country is on Social Security because they made the decision when they were starting work at 14 that they wanted to trust some of their money with the government.
There's never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived.
Hi, I'm Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, wanting to say "Congratulations, Canada, on preserving your national igloo".
The government has no business knowing how much money we make and how we made it. It's none of their business. And that's why I believe that manufacturing is critical. If we can't feed ourselves, fuel ourselves and fight for ourselves, we can't be free.
My purpose is to make sure that we protect every American, wherever that American is, and if an American is calling out for help, whether it's in Benghazi or at the border, then we ought to be able to answer it.
Competition breeds excellence, including in the GOP race.
Well I'm sure now that the press is going to tell you (Mitt Romney) isn't perfect. Now my friends for the past four years, we've tried the one that the press thought was perfect and that hasn't worked out all that well for us.
A healthier, less impoverished planet is good for all of us. From an economic standpoint, it allows people to contribute more to the marketplace and lead productive lives. U.S. foreign assistance opens new markets to U.S. goods and services and creates new trading partners and allies.
Improved AR roads, via voter-approved tax increase.
He spent more time on the road to Damascus than a Syrian camel driver. And we thought nobody could fill John Kerry's flip-flops! ... [Romney's record was] anything but conservative until he changed all the light bulbs in his chandelier in time to run for President.
We are a nation of faith, and we are stewards of God's world.
My own father held down two jobs, barely affording the little rented house I grew up in. My dad worked hard, lifted heavy things, and got his hands dirty. The only soap we had at my house was Lava. Heck, I was in college before I found out it wasn't supposed to hurt to take a shower.
First governor in Arkansas history to ever lower taxes.
Opposing Bush's troop surge is a dangerous position.
Now the question is, now that we are there, what should we do in the best interest of the U.S., not only from a standpoint of the necessity of some stable democracy in the Middle East.
People need to remember that to balance the federal budget off the backs of the poorest people in the country is simply unacceptable. You don't pull feeding tubes from people. You don't pull the wheelchair out from under the child with muscular dystrophy.
My working poor parents told me that I could do better. They taught me that I was as good as anybody else. And it never occurred to them to tell me that I could just rest comfortably and wait for good old Uncle Sugar to feed me, lead me and then bleed me.
Kenneth Copeland is a friend, innocent until proven guilty.
Now, have I ever been tempted to break into a Krispy Kreme doughnut store in the middle of the night? Oh, yeah. God help us if I had a mini-bar stocked with cheesecake and chicken-fried steak.
I'm not sure how paying for transgender surgery [in the military] makes our country safer. — © Mike Huckabee
I'm not sure how paying for transgender surgery [in the military] makes our country safer.
Raised some taxes based on court orders and voter approval.
It's the best proposal that we ought to have, because it's flatter, it's fairer, it's finite, it's family-friendly. And instead we've had Congress that's spent money like [John] Edwards at a beauty shop.
Sometimes we talk about why we're importing so many people in our workforce. It might be for the last 35 years, we have aborted more than a million people who would have been in our workforce had we not had the holocaust of liberalized abortion under a flawed Supreme Court ruling in 1973.
The money paid at consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers.
Now, many Americans fear that China might grow too strong ... I'm more worried that America might be getting too weak. It's not bad for the United States if other nations have a strong economy. One fewer hungry-mouthed country wanting us to take care of it and its people is great news. If they have money, maybe they will buy the things we innovate and make.
The more that all of the external things began to materialize, the less the internal things began to crystallize.
Raised Arkansas taxes 5 times, but lowered taxes 94 times.
If anybody wants to believe they're the descendants of a primate, they're welcome to do it.
We are sworn to uphold the Constitution and law. And it has to be consistent and agreed upon with three branches of government - one can't overrule the other two.
A 100 years from now the consequences for standing for Jesus will be greater than the consequences of not standing for Jesus today. — © Mike Huckabee
A 100 years from now the consequences for standing for Jesus will be greater than the consequences of not standing for Jesus today.
When I was in college, we used to take a popcorn popper, because that was the only thing they would let us use in the dorm, and we would fry squirrels in a popcorn popper in the dorm room.
We had so many different presidents, including Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln - there were other founders like Hamilton, Adams - who made it very clear that the courts can't make a law. The Constitution is expressly clear that that's a power reserved to Congress.
It seems like election 2016 has been a whole lot about a person who's very high in the polls, that doesn't have a clue about how to govern.A person who has been filled with scandals, and who could not lead, and, of course, I'm talking about Hillary Clinton.I think America is in trouble, but it's not beyond repair. But it's going to take leadership who sees the greatness of this country, and who believes that once again we can be one nation, under God.
The fair (ph) transforms the process by which we fund Social Security and Medicare because the money paid in consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, all the people that are freeloading off the system now.
The fact is there are a lot of things happening at the federal level that are absolutely beyond the jurisdiction of the Constitution. This is power that should be shifted back to the states.
This room is a testimony that there are men who want to be a man for God and a man of God.
Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call 'Vertical Politics'.
Life question reflects nation's nature & equality of humans.
Every single one of us as Americans need to remember that freedom did not come free, as we get on our knees tonight, thank God we live in a country where people are trying to break into, and not a country people are trying to break out of.
I've always believed leaders don't ask others to do what they're unwilling to do.
Ronald Reagan said "trust, but verify." President [Barack] Obama is "trust, but vilify." He trusts our enemies and vilifies everyone who disagrees with him.
A country needs to be able to feed itself, fuel itself, and fight for itself.
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