Top 128 Quotes & Sayings by Mike Pompeo - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Mike Pompeo.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Secretary Clinton should be denied access to classified information. Congress must also hold the State Department accountable for fixing the culture of lax handling of classified information.
An enormous piece of the cost in our health care system today is driven by lifestyle decisions, and so we all have an effort to do better.
As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I know that the CIA, Treasury Department, National Security Agency, and others work closely to keep tabs on the IRGC's operations.
Science, innovation, safety and affordability. Who could oppose United States food policy based on these core principles? Unfortunately, this idea has become unnecessarily controversial in agriculture.
In Wichita, the district I represent, the 'Air Capital of the World,' general aviation is critical to the proper functioning of our airspace and is a key driver of economic growth, innovation, and job creation.
Created specifically to house the world's most dangerous terrorists, the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay is designed to keep both American personnel and the detainees safe and secure.
I think Secretary Clinton tried to hide every one of her emails. She destroyed 30,000 of them. — © Mike Pompeo
I think Secretary Clinton tried to hide every one of her emails. She destroyed 30,000 of them.
Poll after poll shows that consumers want the right to know what's in their food and how it's produced. Because our food choices have such a significant impact on our lives, this is a trend that should be welcomed, not frustrated.
The sooner we act, the sooner we can start turning the tables on cyberattackers.
If Congress wants to reform our nation's air traffic control system, it must do so without creating new mandatory user fees and additional layers of regulatory bureaucracy.
As we have seen both in healthcare and energy, passing reckless, ill-conceived massive bills usually create more problems than we solve.
In Congress, I represent South Central Kansas, home to McConnell Air Force Base.
Secretary Clinton was warned repeatedly about her duty to secure classified information and that her unsecure server did not meet that standard.
Whether Congress decides to block GMO labeling is about more than the right to know what we're buying and eating. It's also about consumer confusion.
Hillary Clinton cannot be the president of the United States.
The IRGC's tentacles are well hidden in the Iranian economy, making the risk of becoming entangled with the organization an impossible-to-quantify possibility.
In many cases, an expansion of Medicaid will not only drive taxpayer costs but will deliver lower-quality care than what they have today. — © Mike Pompeo
In many cases, an expansion of Medicaid will not only drive taxpayer costs but will deliver lower-quality care than what they have today.
It would not be permissible for you to build a home and not let law enforcement in if they had a search warrant. If they think there's a crime ongoing, they go to court and get a warrant, and they're permitted to come in your home under the Fourth Amendment.
Through a voluntary national certification program, SAFLA will create uniform rules and definitions for foods carrying a GMO-free label, allowing consumers to understand and identify those products that fit their food preferences.
All of our intelligence agencies, our Department of Defense, are all working to meet this threat. But it's a fast moving world; it's a place where offense is easier than defense, and keeping up with the next innovation in cyber-warfare is an enormous challenge.
It speaks to the incredible risk of doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran if American companies have to turn to federally guaranteed funding mechanisms to support their business there.
It would be wise for the U.S. private sector to stay away from Iran.
There is only one Republican presidential candidate that has a proven, courageous, and conservative record on national security: Marco Rubio.
By rejecting the Iranian nuclear deal, Congress can help achieve the original goal of isolating the bad actors in Iran - the Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, its Quds Force commander Quassem Soleimani, and the radical clerics.
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei and Assad are two sides of the same terror coin. Letting Assad continue to wield lethal power means that Tehran's terror network - from Hezbollah to the Houthis - will persist in threatening the West.
Any candidate who thinks that we only need to attack ISIS from the sky, without regard to where they flourish and why, shares President Obama's view that Iran is our partner in peace.
The responsible choice? Steer clear of business with Iran.
As conservatives, we support free market principles and believe the private sector provides solutions that the government cannot.
It is in our interest to crush ISIS, terrorist groups like the al-Nusra front and Ahrar ash-Sham, and Iran's puppet Assad.
CISPA permits, but does not require, entities that have been attacked to voluntarily share their knowledge of a cyber threat with each other and with government.
I am convinced that the steps contained in H.R. 624 are reasonable, acceptable, and valuable. The vast majority of members of Congress who take the time to study this legislation will agree.
At some point, an industry has to either succeed or fail on its own merits.
No one has ever escaped from Guantanamo Bay. It is by far the most secure detention facility in the world.
Paul Ryan is a solid conservative.
The JCPOA can perhaps delay Iran's nuclear weapons program for a few years. Conversely, it has virtually guaranteed that Iran will have the freedom to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons at the end of the commitment.
The unmerited fear of genetically modified organism crops threatens scientific advancements in biotechnology needed to meet the growing global demand for safe and affordable food.
Every single day, agents of certain foreign governments are relentlessly and methodically trying to hack into our corporations' computer networks and steal blueprints for next-generation equipment and products from some of America's largest exporters.
As a result of the billions of dollars flowing into Iran after the JCPOA, the Iranian regime is able to increase its support to terrorist group groups like Hezbollah.
To affordably feed the next billion people, we must have higher-yielding crops with even greater nutritional value. America should be at the vanguard of the innovative advances that will make this happen.
If terrorists are already on our southern border, a national-security failure has already occurred.
When it comes to reforming the way our skies are regulated, we must be certain that as we work to solve specific problems, we do not create others.
I spent my whole life working hard. — © Mike Pompeo
I spent my whole life working hard.
As a member of Congress, I am part of a large group of elected officials who remain clear-eyed about the threat emanating from Tehran.
Sometimes I think people live in a parallel universe when they say all we need are a few more regulations.
Non-commercial general aviation flights serve as a lifeline to thousands of communities where airlines do not fly, while contributing a fraction of total U.S. air traffic congestion.
Some opponents of GMO labeling claim that disclosing genetically modified ingredients will increase food prices. But every shopper knows food companies routinely change their labels to make new claims and highlight innovations.
By withholding critical details and stonewalling congressional inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.
Because of Iran's support for terrorism, disrespect for human rights, and nuclear proliferation, it has been under U.S. and international sanctions for decades - and companies have been fined billions for circumventing those sanctions.
I am proud to serve on the House Intelligence Committee, and every day, I see the lifesaving work of our men and women in uniform.
The nuclear deal with Iran's radical clerics and their military junta is the most dangerous and potentially deadly action that the Obama administration has yet taken.
Private monopolies run by special interests should not get to raise taxes and set regulatory policy for the United States.
In 2012, President Obama was faced with a new Egyptian leader, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead of applying pressure to root him out, President Obama waived U.S. law and provided taxpayer aid to prop up the most radical elements within Egypt.
One of the very first serious books I read when I was growing up was 'Atlas Shrugged.' — © Mike Pompeo
One of the very first serious books I read when I was growing up was 'Atlas Shrugged.'
GMOs play a central role in meeting the challenge of providing affordable and nutritious food to consumers all over the world.
Less intelligence capacity equals less safety.
The Safe and Affordable Food Labeling Act aims to address unnecessary impediments to feeding the world.
Creating a new air traffic control regulator outside of the FAA would be a risky and expensive undertaking, the consequences and costs of which would be borne by American taxpayers and the traveling public.
To reap the benefits of GMO technology, the U.S. must ensure that decisions about our food system are made based on science, not innuendo.
I do not want to put U.S. companies in a position where their competitors are behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the way they are required to behave. That is neither fair, nor will it solve the problem.
I'm with the president nearly every day. We engage in complex conversations about some of the most weighty matters facing the world. I deliver to him this exquisite product that's been developed by my officers. He engages in a way that shows his understanding of the complexity. He asks really hard questions. He delivers policy outcomes based on the information that we provide him. My observation of the president is that, we deal in serious matters.
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