Top 171 Quotes & Sayings by Mila Kunis - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Mila Kunis.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I've spoken about this completely independent of this movie prior to ever being attached to this film that as a kid the first movie that I remember seeing that resonated with me was the Wizard of Oz. I think just visually the color, the spectrum of it and how fantastical it was and how much you wanted to live in that world, for a nine-year old was so magical and so grand so I have the greatest, fondest memories of it.
It's fun to play somebody who has no boundaries or rules. There's no book you can read on how to play a witch, so you just create a version. It's really great!
I think that there are a lot of reasons to be insecure as an actress... But I don’t really have a perception issue. I’ve been pretty good about being who I am in the public’s eye.
I feel like every role that you take there's a part of you that obviously feels like you can do it. I don't know if perfect is the right word because I don't believe in perfection and I don't think it exists but I think striving to do something well is in every single part.
When gay people can get married, then I'll get married. — © Mila Kunis
When gay people can get married, then I'll get married.
I mean I think people prepared me for like a lot of green screen [in Oz the Great]. I didn't have a lot of green screen. They build most sets. When this castle was tangible, Emerald City was tangible, the forest, the woods was tangible, the cemetery, everything was there.
I make myself laugh all the time. I think I'm really funny. I do.
I'm not out there screaming that women are drinking bourbon, but I think it's a great beverage as an option. I've got nothing against drinking a Cosmo or Martini. It's not like one is judging the other. It's just delicious and slow and steady, and there's something about sipping a bourbon that to me is very relaxing.
I actually live a very mediocre lifestyle. So I decided to step back and do things not just for the sake of doing them, but because I believe in them and I want to do them.
If you imagine whipping your skin every day, that's what it does and it's a full prosthetic piece.
I don't necessarily put on an act when I go on Jay Leno or dress differently in public than I do in private. I'd like to think I'm the same person, more or less.
"Well, we knew it. Women can't sell movies". That's what it used to be like. "Well, this movie did well, but it's a fluke."
I don't know what it's like to not work; my family embedded that in me.
I think that you have to restrain yourself from googling your name and have other hobbies and desires and wants. You do a million things. You go to school, you write, you read, you blog.
I commend women who wake up 30, 40 minutes early to put on eyeliner. I think it's ­beautiful. I'm just not that person. — © Mila Kunis
I commend women who wake up 30, 40 minutes early to put on eyeliner. I think it's ­beautiful. I'm just not that person.
To your point earlier if a female movie does well they're like "Oohhhh! I can't believe it did well! Maybe the next one will do well, too."
I very rarely get actually sad when ending a movie.
I'm such an exposed and aware person.
I don't wear makeup. I don't wash my hair every day. It's not something that I associate with myself.
They still put you in a room with these people who apparently have no difference whether you're making a family driven show or otherwise. But I do realize it's very sad to me. This is the first film [Oz The Great] that I've done that's not R rated. It's a really weird connection.
I had such a great time doing commercials and things as a kid. My grandparents were on set with me all the time, and I loved that I got to hang out with them, so I will forever be grateful for that. But I just loved every minute of it.
You can do a movie for Disney or not. People will still ask you inappropriate questions. So in order to answer it, do I feel like there's a difference in promoting it? Apparently not.
There was a company that I did a photo shoot for once that manipulated the photo so much, I was like, "That's not even me." Like, what's the point? You wanted my name, and then you wanted the version of me that I'm not. I absolutely hate it.
I think sadly in any industry and in any work related environments females always strive to achieve a certain amount of perfection whether they be skinny or pretty. It's constant in our society.
What made me feel empowered was the gun, not the clothes. Like if I had the gun, it didn't matter what your size was, what your stature was.
I think I have a good sense of humor, but I'm not, like, a joke-teller. I get the jokes, which is sometimes half the battle. Believe me, I have no idea why anyone hires me.
Women innately have this weird thing where they try to have a perfect persona - to look perfect, be perfect, act perfect, have their kids look a certain way. Women put so much pressure on themselves.
Any man that has had a mother, has a sister, wants to be a father will find this [movie Bad Moms] incredibly eye opening and hysterical and funny.
I think that what kids watch now a days is different than what kids watch when I was young so I don't know. I think that it's up to the parents to decide. That's the truth. I'm not a parent. I have no idea, but I think some parents let a ten year old watch it and some parents wouldn't.
When it's a comedy or drama or horror or romance, it's all the same. You want to be honest with the character. You want to play truthfully and you want to be genuine with your character.
An actor goes crazy in a hotel room, gets trashed, throws a bench, breaks a window, and he is considered a rock star. An actress does that and she’s sent to rehab and is thought to have problems and issues and can’t get a job.
I came to America when I was seven and a half in 91. I think the first full length book in English that I read was Return to Oz when I was nine years old.
Putting the makeup on, not a problem. Taking the makeup off, every night.... it makes your face swell.
People criticize a woman for everything - like, I get criticized for how my hair looks when I go grocery shopping or the fact that I don’t wear makeup when I get my nails done.
I decided to do a comedy. It's a good mind-set to go into work and be happy every day instead of being in a dark place.
In a marriage, you and your partner come first. — © Mila Kunis
In a marriage, you and your partner come first.
Having a newborn you have to teach yourself what patience is or you'll go crazy.
As an actor, you travel so much. It isn't great for a marriage.
Detroit was really fun, FYI, in case anybody wants to go to Detroit. I love it. I did.
I think parenthood is just ripe for comedy. This just happens to be told from the perspective of women.
Women get scrutinized all the time for the way they look. So if I can learn to deal with that, then I do believe I can learn to deal with people's criticisms of my film choices.
It took me five months to lose twenty pounds and it took me hours to gain it back. I mean it was magical how quickly it all happened. Going back to my poor eating habits after having really good eating habits my stomach was a little unsettled.
I didn't get the Russian Jew part because they didn't think I looked Russian or Jewish enough - and, mind you, I am both Russian and Jewish - so I was cast as the racist Mexican.
I am not a person of nature. I love to think of myself as one, but I've never even gone camping.
[Oz the Great] it's not like I had to imagine things, and as far as wire work goes, I had fun with it.
I can't imagine loving somebody more than I love Wyatt [my son]. I can't. I just don't know how that's possible. — © Mila Kunis
I can't imagine loving somebody more than I love Wyatt [my son]. I can't. I just don't know how that's possible.
It's been the greatest gift that I've been given. Because no matter how much my parents have asked me to be more patient, no matter much my husband has asked me to be more patient, none of it mattered until I had a kid. And then all of sudden I was like, "Oh. I have to be more patient." They were all like, "Yeah! We've been telling you that for twenty years!" And I find it to be a gift. Every day I'm more patient.
Dads - and people in general - should keep in mind that we as mothers put enough pressure on ourselves. We don't need outside pressure put on us.
My parents went through hell and back. They came to America with suitcases and a family of seven and $250, and that's it.
Another important thing to learn is that kids have a personality that has nothing to do with you.
Five inches of snow in five inch heels, you can't look sexy and you can't look like you know what you're doing because you're fall.
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