Top 188 Quotes & Sayings by Miles Davis - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Miles Davis.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
In high school I was best in music class on the trumpet, but the prizes went to the boys with blue eyes. I made up my mind to outdo anybody white on my horn.
It's like, how did Columbus discover America when the Indians were already here? What kind of s-- is that, but white people's s--?
When kids don't learn about their own heritage in school, they just don't care about school... But you won't see it in the history books unless we get the power to write our own history and tell our story ourselves.
I don't pay no attention to what critics say about me, the good or the bad. The toughest critic I got is myself...and I'm too vain to play anything I think is bad. — © Miles Davis
I don't pay no attention to what critics say about me, the good or the bad. The toughest critic I got is myself...and I'm too vain to play anything I think is bad.
I always listen to what I can leave out.
The way you change and help music is by tryin' to invent new ways to play
You should never be comfortable, man. Being comfortable fouled up a lot of musicians.
All my inspiration comes from Ahmad Jamal.
I never thought Jazz was meant to be a museum piece like other dead things once considered artistic.
White folks always think that you have to have a label on everything - you know what I mean?
My ego only needs a good rhythm section
If you love them in the morning with their eyes full of crust; if you love them at night with their hair full of rollers, chances are, you're in love.
You have to practice for a long time before you can learn to sound like yourself
It took me twenty years study and practice to work up to what I wanted to play in this performance. How can she expect to listen five minutes and understand it?
I think every Negro over fifty should get a medal for putting up with all that crap.
That was my gift . . . having the ability to put certain guys together that would create a chemistry and then letting them go; letting them play what they knew, and above it.
I've come close to matching the feeling of that night in 1944 in music, when I first heard Diz and Bird, but I've never got there. . . . I'm always looking for it, listening and feeling for it, though, trying to always feel it in and through the music I play everyday.
I think the greatest sound in the world is the human voice. — © Miles Davis
I think the greatest sound in the world is the human voice.
...people will go for anything they don't understand if it's got enough hype. They want to be hip, want always to be in on the new thing so they don't look unhip. White people are especially like that, particularly when a black person is doing something they don't understand...That's what I thought was happening when Ornette hit town.
Don't be afraid of mistakes - There are none.
Jazz is like blues with a shot of heroin!
There are no wrong notes in jazz: only notes in the wrong places.
What's swinging in words? If a guy makes you pat your foot and if you feel it down your back, you don't have to ask anybody if that's good music or not. You can always feel it.
You can't play anything on a horn that Louis Armstrong hasn't played
With "We Are The World," I can't even eat when I watch that on television. If I'm eatin' some food, I have to put it down. I feel very strongly about that.
I don't care if a dude is purple with green breath as long as he can swing.
I've always told the musicians in my band to play what they know and then play above that. Because then anything can happen, and that's where great art and music happens.
Sometimes [playing free] doesn't happen, because maybe a guy's wife'll come in, you know, and his ego will catch him. If everybody's completely just straight-without any old ladies over here, a fourth of whisky over there; if it's balanced right, it'll come off. It has to be. But when you get egos involved with playing free, you can't do it.
Jazz musicians are so comfortable. The reason they can't do what we do is because they're so comfortable doin' what they do.
Play what you know and then play above that
Audiences - they like colour, you know. I can go out there wearing a red suit, man, and they'll say I'm out of sight ... I think they should be educated; you should always drop something on an audience ... When you get in front of an audience, you should try to give 'em something. After all, they're there looking at you like this. You can't go out and give 'em nothing.
You can tell whether a person plays well or not by the way he carries the instrument, whether it means something to him or not.
If you're going to drop behind, you have to keep it there.
When the band plays fast, you play slow; when the band plays slow, you play fast.
Keith, how does it feel to be a genius?
I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am one thing, a musician.
Do not be afraid of errors. There are no errors.
If you don't know what to play, play nothing.
I like Stan [Getz], because he has so much patience, the way he plays those melodies - other people can't get nothing out of a song, but he can, which takes a lot of imagination.
Bebop didn't have the humanity of Duke Ellington. It didn't even have that recognizable thing. Bird and Diz were great, fantastic, challenging — but they weren't sweet.
Food makes my mind sluggish. — © Miles Davis
Food makes my mind sluggish.
Jazz is an Uncle Tom word. They should stop using that word for selling. I told George Wein the other day that he should stop using it.
Music is an addiction.
I mean, it makes me sick when I see a white man sitting there smiling at me being entertaining, man. When I know what he's gonna do after he gets through. You know, when you see that thing on their face - like: "Entertain me." You know what I mean? Even the black guy that's trying to be white - even he can have that crap on his face.
I usually write from the rhythm section...If a drummer got a funky beat on some things - like a half-shuffle or a shuffle or a backbeat that's even - I can write something.
If I hear a song like "Time After Time." I'm sittin' there lookin' at video and Cindy Lauper comes on singin' this song. I said, "God damnnnnn!"
The music has gotten thick. Guys give me tunes and they're full of chords. I can't play them...I think a movement in jazz is beginning away from the conventional string of chords, and a return to emphasis on melodic rather than harmonic variation. There will be fewer chords but infinite possibilities as to what to do with them.
In Europe, they like everything you do. The mistakes and everything. That's a little bit too much.
Some musicians play with their heart, you know what I mean? I don't know what to tell a person that can't - if you can't tell a person what you're talkin' about when they're rushin' or droppin' the tempo, you get somebody else.
Music is a funny thing when you really come to think about it.
I'm not messing around with nobody's woman. If I want a woman I go get her - you know what I mean?
A lot of people ask me where music is going today. I think it's going in short phrases. If you listen, anybody with an ear can hear that. Music is always changing. It changes because of the times and the technology that's available, the material that things are made of, like plastic cars instead of steel. So when you hear an accident today it sounds different, not all the metal colliding like it was in the forties and fifties. Musicians pick up sounds and incorporate that into their playing, so the music that they make will be different.
The only reason to write a new song is because you're tired of the old ones. — © Miles Davis
The only reason to write a new song is because you're tired of the old ones.
Look, man, all I am is a trumpet player.
Sometimes, if you ask people to "go downstairs and get me this or that," they'll say, "It's rainin" or "It might rain," or "There's some bumpy roads on the road," or bla-bla-bla. They give you all those excuses, so when they do something which is easy, you're supposed to say, "Damn, you did that?"
I don't like to hear someone put down dixieland. Those people who say there's no music but bop are just stupid; it shows how much they don't know.
When you work with great musicians, they are always a part of you . . . their spirits are walking around in me, so they're still here and passing it on to others.
I used to enjoy all the white bands when I was a kid listening to the radio. But the record companies, they take music and label it - like, they say "rock". Because the white singers can't sound like James Brown, they call him "soul". They've been doing that for years. That's the prejudice crap.
It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself.
I still got my Ferrari.
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