Top 294 Quotes & Sayings by Mindy Kaling - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Mindy Kaling.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I, like most women, I dress for other women, I think. If I was going to dress for men, I think in general I would be just wearing, like, a fitted black T-shirt and tight jeans every day.
When people call me either a girl crush or their best friend, like, the best friend they want, that's, to me, the best compliment anyone could ever give me.
Not to be weird, but I still have an ongoing relationship with my mom, even though she passed away, and I've been surprised at how much I've been able to convey to her. Now I sound like a total weirdo, but that's true.
I try not to put anything political on the forefront of what I'm trying to do creatively. At the same time, I do think it's wonderful when I hear people say that it's inspirational that I'm an Indian woman on camera. My life is very diverse, and my friends are a diverse group of people.
There's the psychotic ambitious side of myself that wants a fashion line and my own network and be like a combination of Oprah and Gwen Stefani. And have a perfume. Definitely a perfume.
The overlap in the Venn diagram of things that men hate for women to wear and the things that I love to wear, it's almost a full overlap on the Venn diagram, which is unfortunate for me.
I love 'The Office.' I'm in the premiere, and I'm maybe gonna shoot another episode this season, but I've been there since the very beginning, so when I found out this is the last year - I am a good Asian kid who was an A student - I wish I could be there to the end to see things through.
I've always assumed that my parents and my in-laws would live with me when I get older and have children. I just assume it will happen and that it's the right way to do things. It's a deeply Indian custom - that you kind of inherit your parents and your spouse's parents and you take care of them eventually.
If you've seen a photo of me from when I was a kid, I don't think anyone would have expected that going in front of the camera was something that I was going to do. I can't believe how little effort my parents put into making me seem like an appealing little girl.
The Tweets that I have written that are most popular are the ones that are the kind of universal girly concerns and observations. — © Mindy Kaling
The Tweets that I have written that are most popular are the ones that are the kind of universal girly concerns and observations.
I would love if gay men responded to me. All I want is for many gay men to dress up as me for Halloween.
We always think of a diet with a big groan. But I think diets are fun. I think it is an American pastime for a lot of women.
Anyone who's lost someone to cancer will say this, that you have to struggle to try to remember the person before the diagnosis happened, because they really do change - as anyone would change.
I was obsessed with being popular in high school and never achieved it. There's photos from our high school musicals, and I'm comically in the deep background, wearing a beggar's costume.
The funniest racism is the racism between minorities. It's something you don't see dramatized, but almost every minority I know who's my age, they have these funny stories about their parents stereotyping other minorities.
I have an underdog spirit in me, and now it feels weird to kind of get my own way more often than not.
Later, when you're grown up, you realize you never really get to hang out with your family. You pretty much have only eighteen years to spend with them full time, and that's it.
I once heard that Quentin Tarantino, who I obviously love and think is a genius, says that there's no such thing as guilty pleasure, there's only pleasures. And I do love that idea, because I do think that there's a pretentiousness when people make a list of their favorite things. I like to live a life where I don't think of my pleasures as guilty pleasures.
I have a personality defect where I refuse to see myself as an underdog.
I have crushes on celebrities or people I meet or see in the coffee shop, and every day I fall in love with three people simply because they said one funny thing or appeared to me in a certain way.
When I was a kid, I would always write down lists of my favorite things and keep them in my wallet, just in case someone ever needed to know what my 10 favorite foods were, or my 10 favorite actors.
Sometimes you just have to put on lip gloss and pretend to be psyched. — © Mindy Kaling
Sometimes you just have to put on lip gloss and pretend to be psyched.
Future hipsters will love me ironically.
Teenage girls, please don’t worry about being super popular in high school, or being the best actress in high school, or the best athlete. Not only do people not care about any of that the second you graduate, but when you get older, if you reference your successes in high school too much, it actually makes you look kind of pitiful, like some babbling old Tennessee Williams character with nothing else going on in her current life. What I’ve noticed is that almost no one who was a big star in high school is also big star later in life. For us overlooked kids, it’s so wonderfully fair.
I'd rather be like Odysseus than someone who was handed everything.
In my mind, the sexiest thing in the world is the feeling that you’re wanted.
I sort of refuse to be an outsider, even though I know that I very much look like one to a lot of people, and I refuse to view myself in such terms.
Why is everyone trying to tell me that when you get older it gets better?
Nothing gives you confidence like being a member of a small, weirdly specific, hard-to-find demographic.
There are time when friends have said they hooked up with someone and all it means is that they had a highly anticipated kissing session. Other times it's a full-on all-night sex-a-thon. Can't we have a universal understanding of the term, once and for all? From now on, let's all agree that hooking up = sex. Everything else is 'made out.' And if you're older than twenty-eight, then just kissing someone doesn't count for crap and is not even worth mentioning. Unless you're Mormon, in which case you're going to hell.
I have never regretted erring on the side of withholding information.
I'm the kind of person who would rather get my hopes up really high and watch them get dashed to pieces than wisely keep my expectations at bay and hope they are exceeded. This quality has made me a needy and theatrical friend, but has given me a spectacularly dramatic emotional life.
Listen, my body is attracted to your body but when you speak it makes my brain angry.
I have the right to life, liberty and chicken wings.
There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.
One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about.
Write your own part. It is the only way I've gotten anywhere. It is much harder work, but sometimes you have to take destiny into your own hands.
I never want to be called the funniest Indian female comedian that exists. I feel like I can go head-to-head with the best white, male comedy writers that are out there. Why would I want to self-categorize myself into a smaller group than I’m able to compete in?
When I was a kid, my parents smartly raised us to keep quiet, be respectful to older people, and generally not question adults all that much. I think that's because they were assuming that 99 percent of the time, we'd be interacting with worthy, smart adults... They didn't ever tell me 'Sometimes you will meet idiots who are technically adults and authority figures. You don't have to do what they say.
I would rather have someone read my diary than look at my iPod playlists.
There Has Ceased to Be a Difference Between My Awake Clothes and My Asleep Clothes
I have a thick skin, which comes from being a not-really-skinny, dark-skinned Indian woman. I haven’t fit in every place, and so I’m kind of used to resistance.
I've always had that chip on my shoulder. I've just always been super hard on myself.
There are so many distractions you can face as a woman, either with relationships or worrying about, Should I go to this party? or, Should I be doing this to help me get ahead? All [success] is, is doing your work and staying focused. It's boring advice, but boring good advice is what you can get from me!
There is some pressure when you are a woman doing what I do that you must support all other women unconditionally, no matter what they're projecting, or writing, or producing, or putting forth as their art. I think that's equally arbitrary and random and unfair, and kind of sexist. The secretly sexist way. I have really high standards for what I think is funny. I have that for everything, and I think it would be disingenuous of me to blanket-ly love everything a woman has produced simply to make a statement that we're all in this together.
I didn't completely forget how to be nice or feminine because I have a career. — © Mindy Kaling
I didn't completely forget how to be nice or feminine because I have a career.
I'm not into red carpet looks where it's clear the woman wanted to look like a pretty, pretty princess.
I feel like I'm in the right profession.
If I'm going to be a mess, I might as well be a hot mess, right?
Everyone should try to live their life like they'd like to be a role model.
I have a personality defect where I sort of refuse to see myself as an underdog... It's because of my parents. They raised me with the entitlement of a tall, blond, white man.
There are many teenage vampire books you could have purchased instead. I'm grateful you made this choice.
Sometimes I aid into the confusion by having my character's name be my name.
I feel the same way about clothes as I do about food. I want everything.
I'm an A student. I'm addicted to feedback, and I want to please people. That's sort of how I've gotten to where I am.
A remarkable thing about me is that the time that elapses between a sad thought and a flood of tears is three or four seconds.
There are little Indian girls out there who look up to me, and I never want to belittle the honor of being an inspiration to them. But while I’m talking about why I’m so different, white male show runners get to talk about their art.
If you are going to ask your crush for their phone number, you are one of the small group of women I am so jealous of. — © Mindy Kaling
If you are going to ask your crush for their phone number, you are one of the small group of women I am so jealous of.
Everyone has a moment when they discover they love Amy Poehler.
There are little Indian girls out there who look up to me, and I never want to belittle the honor of being an inspiration to them. But while I’m talking about why I’m so different, white male show runners get to talk about their art. I always get asked, ‘Where do you get your confidence?’ I think people are well meaning, but it’s pretty insulting. Because what it means to me is, ‘You, Mindy Kaling, have all the trappings of a very marginalized person. You’re not skinny, you’re not white, you’re a woman. Why on earth would you feel like you’re worth anything?’
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