Top 806 Quotes & Sayings by Mitt Romney - Page 12

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Mitt Romney.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
An employer verification system must be implemented to ensure jobs are not given to illegal immigrants.
Giving tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants needs to stop.
Illegal immigrants should be required to return to their home country. — © Mitt Romney
Illegal immigrants should be required to return to their home country.
Those who have come to the United States illegally should not be given amnesty or an easier path to citizenship over those already in line.
Securing the border is priority number one.
We have an opportunity to have real leadership. America's going to have that kind of leadership and continue to promote principles of peace to make a world a safer place and make people in this country more confident that their future is secure.
I'm thinking about the people who I want to see running for President. And there's quite a group. I mean we have a very strong field of leaders who could become our nominee and - and could stand up for the kind of leadership I think America wants.
I never really called myself pro-choice.
I think it's unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.
There were a couple of times I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip.
It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.
I want to make sure that we make America more competitive. And that we do those things that make America the most attractive place in the world for entrepreneurs, innovators, businesses to grow.
Ending illegal immigration only strengthens legal immigration. — © Mitt Romney
Ending illegal immigration only strengthens legal immigration.
I've been a hunter pretty much all my life.
America's going to come back, and for that to happen, we're going to have to have a president who can work across the aisle.
I would like to have campaign spending limits...
Washington is broken. I know what it takes to get this country back, and will work with good Democrats and good Republicans to do that.
Don't try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.
My wife drives a couple of Cadillacs.
I'm learning to say 'y'all' and, I like grits... Strange things are happening to me.
China has an interest that's very much like ours in one respect, and that is they want a stable world. They don't want war. They don't want to see protectionism. They don't want to see the world break out into various forms of chaos.
I like PBS. I love Big Bird ... But I'm not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for it.
I'm not saying anything one way or the other about the two ballot issues. I am not speaking about the particular ballot issues. Those are up to the people of Ohio. But I certainly support the efforts of the governor to reign in the scale of government. I am not terribly familiar with the two ballot initiatives. But I am certainly supportive of the Republican Party's efforts here.
I'm not a big-game hunter. I've always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will.
I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.
Who let the dogs out? Who, who.
We in America can compete successfully with anyone in the world, and we're going to.
I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back.
I want to get America's private sector growing and I know how to do it.
The embassy in Cairo put out a statement after their grounds had been breached. ... An apology for America's values is never the right course. ... The statement that came from the administration was - was a statement which is akin to apology and I think was a - a severe miscalculation.
The United States needs to be made more appealing to legal immigrants.
I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it.
I'm Mitt Romney-and yes Wolf, that's also my first name.
It's so critical that we make America once again the most attractive place in the world to start businesses, to build jobs, to grow the economy. And that's not going to happen by just hiring teachers.
I fully support Governor Kasich's-I think it's called 'Question 2' in Ohio. Fully support that. In fact, on my website as far back as April I laid out I supported 'Question 2.' ... I support it 110%.
I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.
If I'm President of the United States, when I'm President of the United States, we will stand with Israel.
I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there. — © Mitt Romney
I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.
I want to invest in research. Research is great. Providing funding to universities and think tanks is great. But investing in companies? Absolutely not.
I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country.
The greatest threat that the world faces, the greatest national security threat is a nuclear Iran.
There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials. That, obviously, is not something which is encouraging.
You look at that Democratic debate. I had to laugh at what I saw Barack Obama do. I mean, in one week, he went from saying he is going to sit down for tea with our enemies, but then he's going to bomb our allies. I mean, he's gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week.
When we have had in the past programs that have said that the people who come here illegally are going to get to stay illegally for the rest of their life, that's going to only encourage more people to come here illegally.
I try and make it to the word exactly what I said four years ago and what I said was that those who've come here illegally should not be given a special pathway, a favored pathway to become permanent residents merely by virtue of having come here illegally. That they should be in line with everybody - they should be given the opportunity to get in line with everybody else but they go to the back of the line.
I absolutely believe that those who come here illegally should not be given favoritism or a special route to becoming permanent residents or citizens that's not given to those people who have stayed in line legally. I just think we have to follow the law, I think that's the right course.
I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.
We don't know what's causing climate change on this planet. And the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try to reduce CO2 emissions is not the right course for us.
I have some friends who are NASCAR team owners. — © Mitt Romney
I have some friends who are NASCAR team owners.
I'm Wolf Blitzer and yes, that's my real name.
Frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president.
Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom.
Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts.
There's no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.
I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed ... I'm networking. I have my sight on a particular job.
Federal funding for cities who consider themselves sanctuary cities should be reduced.
I get speaker's fees from time to time, but not very much.
I'm running for office, for Pete's sake, I can't have illegals.
My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet. And the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try to reduce CO2 emissions is not the right course for us.
America can be a partner with China. We don't have to be an adversary in any way, shape or form. We can work with them, we can collaborate with them, if they're willing to be responsible.
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