Top 806 Quotes & Sayings by Mitt Romney - Page 5

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Mitt Romney.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I appreciate the few people who say nice things about me and say, 'Gee, you were right about this,' or, 'You were right about that.' But frankly, I spend my time looking ahead. I've got 23 grandkids, and I'm concerned about what their world is going to be like.
An earthquake strikes Haiti, and care packages from America are among the first to arrive - and not far behind are former Presidents Clinton and Bush.
I've met people of great faith. I sat in the home of Billy Graham and in the residence of Cardinal Dolan and prayed with these men of God. — © Mitt Romney
I've met people of great faith. I sat in the home of Billy Graham and in the residence of Cardinal Dolan and prayed with these men of God.
A president must serve only the common cause of the people of the United States.
The 21st century can and must be an American century. It began with terror, war, and economic calamity. It is our duty to steer it onto the path of freedom, peace, and prosperity.
I think we should have the majority of the party's voters decide who they want as their nominee.
What's at the heart of my faith is a belief that there's a creator. That we're all children of the same God. And that, fundamentally, the relationship you have with your spouse is important and eternal.
I have seen American determination in people like Debbi Sommers. She runs a furniture rental business for conventions in Las Vegas. When 9/11 hit, and again, when the recession tanked the conventions business, she didn't give up, close down, or lay off her people. She taught them not just to rent furniture, but also to manufacture it.
I wish everybody in the Republican Party had rejected Mr. Trump and chosen someone else.
The only way to win the White House, in my view, is to become a nominee of either the Republican or the Democrat Party, and simply running to be a spoiler would not give the American people, I think, the chance to express their own views about Mr. Trump or about Secretary Clinton.
I think I had a superb campaign team. And I know it's always expected that if you lose, people point to the campaign team and say, 'Gee, they didn't do their job well.' If you win, they're all brilliant. And the team, in my view, did a superb job.
It's fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about America, about conservative solutions, about the Republican Party. I utterly reject that pessimism.
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. — © Mitt Romney
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.
Think of Donald Trump's personal qualities, the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third-grade theatrics. We have long referred to him as 'The Donald.' He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn't because he had attributes we admired.
There are a lot of folks who endorsed me that I would not want to see as president.
I believe that if America does not lead, others will - others who do not share our interests and our values - and the world will grow darker, for our friends and for us.
Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation.
If Bill Weld were at the top of the ticket, it would be very easy for me to vote for Bill Weld for president.
My dad was phenomenal. Born in Mexico, lived poor, didn't graduate from college, and becomes head of a car company and then governor of a state. I can't imagine I would have ever thought about running for office had I not seen my dad do it.
We look to our pastors and priests and rabbis and counselors of all kinds to testify of the enduring principles upon which our society is built: honesty, charity, integrity and family.
A white male Mormon millionaire was not gonna beat Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts, but someone deserved to go out there and give him a real run for his money.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to see more American military involvement in order to keep ISIS from spreading even further.
Woody Allen said that 95% of history is explained as a man trying to impress a woman. And that's true in my life.
In the private sector, there is always innovation. There's always change. There's always improving productivity, and if you're not leading that, you'll be passed and ultimately go out of business. So there's an urgency to constantly update and renew and to rethink your enterprise.
I do recognize and I feel very comfortable with people taking a good look at how I've lived my life, and obviously my faith is a big part of that.
Primaries are the place where you see whose message is connecting with the largest number of people.
I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard.
When President Kennedy challenged Americans to go to the moon, the question wasn't whether we'd get there, it was only when we'd get there.
I was born in the middle of the century in the middle of the country, a classic Baby Boomer.
I think there's a character one has if you're a chief executive officer. Movies would suggest you're a bad person - if you're wealthy, if you've done well, oh, you must be bad. And frankly, winning the lottery doesn't change who you are; you're the same person inside. And I'm the same person I was as an 18-year-old who fell in love with Ann.
The torch America carries is one of decency and hope. It is not America's torch alone. But it is America's duty - and honor - to hold it high enough that all the world can see its light.
I've been on Letterman a couple of times. I've been on Leno more than a couple times, and now Letterman hates me because I've been on Leno more than him. They're very jealous of one another, as you know.
Trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.
Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone.
I can never predict what the markets will do. Sometimes it does the exact opposite of what I would have expected.
I love cars; I like the idea of manufacturing something, having a product, a hard product to sell and promote, but as time went on, I recognized that car companies are so bureaucratic and so ossified that it would take forever to work your way up. And so I went into consulting.
There's no question I'm going to do everything within the normal political bounds to make sure we don't nominate Donald Trump. I think he would be terribly unfit for office.
I will support the Republican nominee. I don't think that's going to be Donald Trump. My party has historically nominated someone who's a mainstream conservative. — © Mitt Romney
I will support the Republican nominee. I don't think that's going to be Donald Trump. My party has historically nominated someone who's a mainstream conservative.
There's no question I'm going to do everything within the normal political bounds to make sure we don't nominate Donald Trump.
I'm very much engaged in the political battles, but I'm doing it as a supporter of Republicans out of conservatism rather than an active candidate.
Donald Trump represents a threat both to the party and to the country. I believe he makes the world far more dangerous, I believe he puts America's economy in jeopardy. And his temperament is totally unsuited for the presidency.
I would love to be president. I just concluded I was not the best person to carry forward the Republican torch.
As a little boy, I wanted to be a policeman. And then as I got older, and I saw my dad in the car business, an automobile executive.
During the Reagan years, government shut down eight different times under a Democrat Congress. The president and Congress worked together and got things straightened out. Under the Carter years, again a Democrat Congress, the government shut down five times.
Consulting offered me an opportunity to see a lot of different businesses in different regions of the world, to see how textiles were being affected by foreign competition, how technology was changing.
I think Dodd-Frank has contributed to a concentration of banking assets in the hands of a small number of banks.
When I place my hand on the Bible and take the oath of office, that oath becomes my highest promise to God.
I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. — © Mitt Romney
I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following.
That makes no sense for someone to say if they were drafted by their country, that they'd say no.
We Americans have always felt a special kinship with the future.
Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to show an understanding how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.
We're going to have to rely on the world of Islam, major Islamic nations, to take the lead in helping promote a very different view of Islam - peace and understanding, as opposed to the radicalization going on. The Saudis and UAE and Qatar and others are going to have to take a leading role in changing hearts and minds in the world of Islam.
I believe in my Mormon faith, and I endeavor to live by it. My faith is the faith of my fathers - I will be true to them and to my beliefs.
In every stump speech I give, I speak about the fact that people who dream and achieve enormous success do not make us poorer - they make us better off.
Donald Trump just happens to be one of those who endorsed me I do not want to see as president of the United States.
I just think the most important aspect in being able to have a productive relationship between the teachers' unions and the districts and the states that they're dealing with is that the person sitting across the table from them should not have received the largest campaign contributions from the teachers' union itself.
If I were to offer advice to any president of the United States, it would be this: do whatever you can do to keep America the most prosperous and free and powerful nation on earth.
I must admit I found it astonishing to watch the candidates below Donald Trump beat up each other and never lay a glove on the front-runner. I mean, when I was running, everybody went after the front-runner and pointed out my weaknesses and foibles, and that's part of the normal primary process.
Free enterprise cannot only make us better off financially, it can make us better people.
The people who can save this party are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or John Kasich.
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