Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Mollie Hemingway

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Mollie Hemingway.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Mollie Hemingway

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is an American conservative author, columnist, and political commentator. She is the editor in chief of the online magazine The Federalist and a contributor for Fox News.

While pro-lifers and social conservatives form one of the most important blocks of support for the Republican Party, they are traditionally taken for granted. At conventions, their issues are downplayed, if not ignored.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky always does an excellent job of understanding media's false assumptions enough to immediately push back on them.
Tons of people struggle to pronounce words, remember information, and string sentences together, particularly as they age. Biden, already the oldest president in U.S. history, is no exception.
The final 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gave voters much to think about. That was the night Clinton admitted that she was willing to engage in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. For his part, Trump highlighted Clinton's radical support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, a charge she could not deny.
It's easy to complain about the obvious reality that our political media are completely corrupted and engage in propaganda, not journalism. But as they are the largest, most powerful, and least accountable political advocacy group in the country, Americans also need to do more than complain as the press harms the country.
Our corrupt, partisan media are embarrassing. — © Mollie Hemingway
Our corrupt, partisan media are embarrassing.
Unlike a Google lobbyist endorsing Biden, a black Democrat state rep endorsing Trump publicly takes courage.
Hawley is one of the Republican elected officials who takes highly funded and highly coordinated Democrat efforts against vote integrity seriously, and that's the main reason left-wing activists in and outside the media are opposed to him.
One of the undervalued contributors to Trump's stunning 2016 victory was the masterful performance Pence had in his debate against Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine, who was admittedly a bit of a disaster.
While it's true that the vice presidential slot isn't the most important thing on people's minds in a presidential election, these debates frequently matter.
Americans want a strong military but one that is extremely cautious about getting involved in war.
The media may wish that the coordinated effort to control the outcome of the 2020 election through censorship, deplatforming, and removing scrutiny for mail-in ballots be downplayed or ignored, but some people aren't allowing that to happen.
During Biden's nearly 50 years in politics, his off-the-cuff remarks have gotten him in more than a bit of trouble, but the obvious teleprompter use is posing problems of its own.
One shouldn't always assume polls are wrong, but if anyone learned anything from 2016 and 2018, it's that polls are not always right.
Many pundits have never understood how the traditional Republican voter could ever vote for Trump, much less be so unfailingly loyal to him. Pence is the embodiment of the answer to that question.
There are people who think that uniting with people who think that the country is irredeemably evil is not in our best interest. — © Mollie Hemingway
There are people who think that uniting with people who think that the country is irredeemably evil is not in our best interest.
The most contentious Supreme Court battles are when a Republican nominates someone to replace a liberal justice.
Yes, Trump has the support of many Christians, but it's not because they think he loves Benny Hinn or Creflo Dollar.
Throughout his administration, women have been many of President Trump's top advisors and communications leaders.
The problem with Donald Trump was that he had no filter. There may have not been a single thought he left unexpressed or failed to share with the American public during his first term - at least until Biden's buddies in Big Tech censored and deplatformed him and his supporters.
All elections are about choices, and good campaigns will make those choices clear.
The 'Russia collusion' narrative caused untold damage to the Trump administration and its policy goals. It sparked a years-long special counsel probe that pursued scores of Trump associates but found none who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
Like many Americans, our family is concerned about how Amazon has so negatively affected the country. The more we learn about how Amazon does business, the more it repulses us.
It is quite typical for Democrats and other political groups to incite or exploit racial hatred, prejudice, or tension for political gain around the time of elections.
American foreign policy in the George W. Bush era was made by a president closely affiliated with evangelical Christianity. The thrust of his agenda was that the United States should work to democratize the Middle East.
The Federalist was one of the only publications to consistently express skepticism toward the Resistance's conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was a traitor who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
One of the many misconceptions about Trump's victory in 2016 was that he won only because people disliked Hillary Clinton. While she was strongly disliked, so was he. The differences in policy should not be overlooked.
I have no doubt that Glenn Kessler is a nice guy, but the job of 'fact' 'checking' the Washington Post's ally Joe Biden will not rest with anyone so politically biased in his favor. It just won't.
If you think the country is at risk of imploding due to cancel culture, lack of border control, horrific foreign policy decisions going back decades, and bowing down to China - and many of us do - then absolutely a Trump speech is a breath of comforting and soothing fresh air.
The trumpeting of false claims that are beneficial to Biden and other Democrats while ignoring the achievements of Trump and Republicans is typical for many media corporations.
A lot of people say, 'I don't want to unite with a movement that says that we should defund the police nationwide.' To unite with that movement might even sound completely crazy. And yet, people say that... there should be unity on these things.
There is no need to respond to whatever your most powerful and unaccountable political opponent says you have to respond to, particularly on their own corrupt and partisan terms. Treat them as your primary political opposition, because they are.
Anti-Trump criticisms fail in part because his opponents don't understand what actually motivates his supporters.
Not only did corporate media not condemn leading Democrats' refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election, the media were also super spreaders of wild conspiracy theories about how Trump and Russia colluded to steal the election from Clinton.
If questioning the results of a presidential election were a crime, as many have asserted in the wake of the controversial 2020 election and its aftermath, nearly the entire Democratic Party and media establishment would have been incarcerated for their rhetoric following the 2016 election.
The Trump White House would be known for its high placement of females in key roles if the media were even remotely honest about the facts.
Political parties usually try to lay low or provide effective responses to the opposite party's convention.
Joe Biden is not the first person in his family to have gone to college. But he has a lengthy history of claiming otherwise, no matter how much the lie gets him in trouble.
In 2016, Trump won by winning battleground states that few expected him to win.
Biden's first failed run for the presidency was ended by his dishonesty over his academic record and his plagiarism, including the biography and speeches of British Labor politician Neil Kinnock.
Pundits talk as if polls are always right, but if they were, pundits wouldn't have jobs. — © Mollie Hemingway
Pundits talk as if polls are always right, but if they were, pundits wouldn't have jobs.
While it's lovely that political media are so encouraging and supportive of Biden operatives, the contrast with their posture toward Trump officials is difficult to ignore.
Trump's biggest success in his first term has been his foreign policy agenda.
One thing about virtual church is that you can attend easily from anywhere. I've dropped in on my childhood congregation in California and the congregations of various friends and family members.
Religious liberty is a natural right and a highly sensitive issue for Americans, many of whose forefathers frequently came to the country to practice it.
Social conservatives have been involved in the pro-life movement for decades.
From 2016 through 2020, the easiest way to achieve stardom on the political left was to loudly proclaim your belief that 2016 was an illegitimate election stolen by the Russians on behalf of a corrupt traitor.
If anti-Trump activists in journalism and politics want to put out stories that actually change Trump supporters' opinions, they will have to begin to understand what Trump supporters' opinions are.
Foreign leaders across the world have treated the coronavirus as an opportunity for unprecedented power grabs. China and South Korea track their citizens digitally. Israel suspended some courts. Hungary's executive seized emergency authorities. Elections were delayed.
With Biden, who knows if he even knows what he's saying. The last thing we need is for our adversaries to take advantage of how little control he has over his own faculties.
President Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to stop endless wars. The military-industrial complex had other ideas, including launching an invasion of Libya and using drone strikes even on American citizens abroad.
While teleprompter use is very common for politicians and others giving formal speeches, Biden is the first candidate to regularly use one outside of formal speeches, such as during press conferences.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., used the Kavanaugh nomination in 2018 as a springboard for her failed presidential campaign. — © Mollie Hemingway
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., used the Kavanaugh nomination in 2018 as a springboard for her failed presidential campaign.
After the 2000 election, which hinged on the results of a recount in Florida, Democrats smeared President George W. Bush as 'selected, not elected.'
Like Obama, President Trump has utilized military strikes, albeit in a limited fashion. Nevertheless, he has invaded no new countries and worked steadfastly to end the two-decade-long war in Afghanistan.
President George W. Bush campaigned on a promise to not nation-build. Instead, he launched a war against Iraq, notably mostly for its many years of nation-building that followed.
President George W. Bush was kind of a goofy tongue-tied dude. Mostly he just mangled the English language. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a smooth talker. The problem is that frequently what he said was just wrong or tendentious.
Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, instead of won it in a surprise, the media's coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure. They presented that race as unwinnable for Trump and as if his support was inexplicable.
Average Americans need to stop reading and watching the corrupt corporate media. They should immediately stop subscribing to them, stop advertising with them, and stop paying attention to them.
I saw someone on Twitter describe Pence as the yin to Trump's yang and there is a truth in that.
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