Top 255 Quotes & Sayings by Norman Mailer - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American novelist Norman Mailer.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I certainly do have this feeling of affection for the absolute sense of intellectual freedom that exists as a live nerve, a live wire, right through the center of American life.
Part of the oncoming demise (of New York during its terrible fiscal crisis) is that none of us can simply believe it. We were always the best and the strongest of cities, and our people were vital to the teeth. Knock them down eight times and they would get up with that look in the eye which suggests the fight has barely begun.
Psychoanalysis and Zen, in my private psychic geometry, are equal to nicotine. They are anti-existential. Nicotine quarantines one out of existence. — © Norman Mailer
Psychoanalysis and Zen, in my private psychic geometry, are equal to nicotine. They are anti-existential. Nicotine quarantines one out of existence.
Only another writer can know how much damage writing a novel can do to you. It's an unnatural activity to sit at a desk and squeeze words out of yourself.
I've always felt that my relationship to the United States is analogous to a marriage. I love this country. I hate it. I get angry at it. I feel close to it. I'm charmed by it. I'm repelled by it. And it's a marriage that's gone on for let's say at least 50 years of my writing life, and in the course of that, what's happened? It's gotten worse. It's not what it used to be.
Chicago was a town where nobody could forget how the money was made. It was picked up from floors still slippery with blood.
Armstrong, sitting in the commander's seat, spacesuit on, helmet on, plugged into electrical and environmental umbilical's, is a man who is not only a machine himself in the links of these networks, but is also a man sitting in (what Collins is later to call) a 'mini-cathedral.' a man somewhat more than a pilot, somewhat more than a superpilot, is in fact a veritable high priest of the forces of society and scientific history concentrated in that mini cathedral, a general of the church of the forces of technology.
America has an almost obscene infatuation with itself. Has there ever been a big, powerful country that is as patriotic as America? And patriotic in the tinniest way, with so much flag waving? You'd really think we were some poor little republic, and that if one person lost his religion for one hour, the whole thing would crumble. America is the real religion in this country.
Dying can't be all that difficult-up to now everyone has managed to do it.
Writing for a newspaper is like running a revolutionary war. You go to battle not when you are ready, but when action offers itself.
In such places as Greenwich Village, a menage-a-trois was completed- the bohemian and the juvenile delinquent came face-to-face with the Negro, and the hipster was a fact in American life.
Existentialism is the kind of philosophy that makes for legendary children.
It all comes down to who does the dishes. — © Norman Mailer
It all comes down to who does the dishes.
The women's movement is filled with tyrants, just as men's political movements are equally filled.
I can`t get excited about politics, but I love it as a game. Because what I love in politics - this is very selfish of me, but who cares - what I do love in politics is this ability it has to make you think in new ways.
Did a sense of shame ever reside in our Republican toadies? You can't stop people who are never embarrassed by themselves. Will's readiness to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse can be cited as world class sycophancy.
So the blind will lead the blind, and the deaf shout warnings to one another until their voices are lost.
Everything wrong with America led to the point where the country built that tower of Babel, which consequently had to be destroyed. And then came the next shock. We had to realize that the people that did this were brilliant. It showed that the ego we could hold up until September 10 was inadequate.
We have an absolute right in a democracy to argue about a war.
I'm a great believer in the hereafter, in karma, in reincarnation. It does make sense. I believe that God is not just a law-giver, but a creative artist. The greatest of all. And what characterises artists is that they want to redo their work. Maybe it didn't come off perfectly, so they want to see it done again, and improved. Reincarnation is a way for God to improve his earlier works.
When you know too much information and you acquire it too easily, you tend to either use it in disagreeable ways, out of vanity, or you tend to be indiscriminate about it. I mean, in the old days, it was tricky, you had to go to various encyclopedias, you had to go to the library, maybe spend a day there, whatever. But in the end, if you found something, it was really exciting. Now you hit a couple of buttons and you get some information. Which, by the way, is almost always presented in that same goddamn mediocre style that characterizes the Internet for me. It is slightly deadening.
There are four stages to marriage. First there's the affair, then there's the marriage, then children, and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce.
The fact that we've been a great democracy doesn't mean we will automatically keep being one if we keep waving the flag.
Boredom slays more of existence than war.
You can't be a serious writer of fiction unless you believe the story you are telling.
I was thinking that surgeons had to be the happiest people on earth. To cut people up and get paid for it-that's happiness, I told myself.
Writers don't have lifestyles. They just sit in little rooms and write.
There are days when I'll wake up and think, oh, I've really been something. You know, it won't be the same without me. And then there are days when I wake up and I say, 'Don't kid yourself. Your contribution was minimal. You changed very little. Everything you hated prospered'.
You're gambling with something vital. Most writers get smashed egos.
Movies are more likely than literature to reach deep feelings in people.
If you can change style, why stick to one style? Style is a vanity because it gives you product identification.
Nearly everything in the scheme of things works to dull a first-rate talent. But the worst probably is cowardice.
No physical activity is so vain as boxing. A man gets into the ring to attract admiration. In no sport, therefore, can you be more humiliated.
I was now at a university in New York, a professor of existential psychology with the not inconsiderable thesis that magic, dread, and the perception of death were the roots of motivation.
Horror films do not prepare us for the hours lost in searching after one clear thought.
The private terror of the liberal spirit is invariably suicide, not murder.
Writing can wreck your body. You sit there on the chair hour after hour and sweat your guts out to get a few words.
I guess all that's left is to love the fire. — © Norman Mailer
I guess all that's left is to love the fire.
The way you write affects what you say.
I take it for granted that there's a side of me that loves public action, and there's another side of me that really wants to be alone and work and write. And I've learned to alternate the two as matters develop.
Television is coitus interruptus brought into aesthetics.
Prevarication, like honesty, is reflexive, and soon becomes a sturdy habit, as reliable as truth.
There is probably no heterosexual alive who is not preoccupied with his latent homosexuality.
Fascism is more of a natural state than democracy. To assume blithely that we can export democracy into any country we choose can serve paradoxically to encourage more fascism at home and abroad. Democracy is a state of grace that is attained only by those countries who have a host of individuals not only ready to enjoy freedom but to undergo the heavy labor of maintaining it.
Along with all else, Sandman is a comic strip for intellectuals, and I say it's about time.
Mailer's Law: A thing either gets better or it costs more to run it the way it was.
People who live under fascism are not only miserable but they're full of shame. You just don't go in and inject democracy into them. They're half crazy with their own.
Short-term amnesia is not the worst affliction if you have an Irish flair for the sauce. — © Norman Mailer
Short-term amnesia is not the worst affliction if you have an Irish flair for the sauce.
So you come soon to power, but you have merely inherited the crisis and yours is the profit of cancer.
A democracy depends upon people getting brighter all the time. Democracies are delicate. They're not just ipso facto and just go on and on.
You can indulge your righteous rage but the things it comes out of are pretty cheap. The trick is to make yourself an instrument of your own policy. Whether you like it or not, that's the highest effectiveness man has achieved.
The ultimate tendency of liberalism is vegetarianism.
Somerset Maugham ... wrote somewhere that "Nobody is any better than he ought to be."... I carried it along with me as a working philosophy, but I suppose that finally I would have to take exception to the thought ... or else the universe is just an elaborate clock.
There's nothing glorious about being a professional. . . . Professionalism probably comes down to being able to work on a bad day.
While I'm working on a book, I rarely read anything more than The New York Times. Which may have the long-term effect of flattening my style.
The nightmare in every democracy, the very nightmare, is if it gets worse and worse and worse, we could end up totalitarian.
Part of living, part of becoming a wise man or a wise woman, is to get to that point where you can have a friend for whom you are genuinely happy when he or she has a success. That's tough. Very few people get to that point. With writers it's next to impossible. You can't really bless a writer who's as good as yourself.
One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that.
The world's not what I want it to be. But then no one ever said I had the right to design the world.
Chicago is the great American city, New York is one of the capitals of the world, and Los Angeles is a constellation of plastic; San Francisco is a lady
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