Top 84 Quotes & Sayings by Olga Kurylenko

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a French actress Olga Kurylenko.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Olga Kurylenko

Olga Kostyantynivna Kurylenko is a Ukrainian-French actress and model. She started her acting career in 2005, and first found success as an actress for her role as Nika Boronina in the film adaptation of the video game Hitman (2007). She is best known as Bond girl Camille Montes in the 22nd James Bond film, Quantum of Solace (2008), and as the supervillain Taskmaster in the Marvel Studios film, Black Widow (2021).

I bring spiritual books with me while travelling. I like books about thoughts and how you see the world.
I grew up in the Ukraine and then I went to Paris in 1996. I went there because there was a modeling agency that invited me there to work so I thought, 'Sure.'
Modeling isn't really a tough job. Acting is much harder: so much prep and changing your look and mannerisms. It's a more difficult lifestyle being a model. I traveled all the time. Although, now I wonder, because I travel all the time for acting, too. So they both have their difficulties.
My life is not that glamorous. I actually live a pretty simple life, really. I just work. I don't have time to do all these glamorous things. I just do my thing, just work.
I love it when a man cooks; it's one of those points that makes me adore a guy. I think it's so romantic and I feel cared for when a man cooks. — © Olga Kurylenko
I love it when a man cooks; it's one of those points that makes me adore a guy. I think it's so romantic and I feel cared for when a man cooks.
My mom Marina and I were poor and hungry. We could sometimes not afford to eat - seriously. We lived together in a small town, called Berdyansk, in Ukraine. I was an only child. I don't think we would have survived if there had been more kids.
I always listen to all kinds of different music from different years. I listen to the contemporary, but once in a while into eighties, you know just for fun, and sometimes classical too. So I have this big mix on my i-pod... Amy Winehouse, Gwen Stefani, OutKast, Jay-Z. I listen to trance, pop, everything. It really depends on my mood.
To be a Bond girl you need courage, charm, determination and feistiness.
I believe in miracles. At the age of 13, I was on holiday in Moscow with my mother. It was the only trip I took in my whole childhood. We stepped off a metro train and were approached by a talent scout who told me that she wanted to sign me to her modeling agency.
With modelling, you go somewhere for 24 hours and you don't even see the city, you don't talk to people or see the culture.
All I want to do is a rom-com, but you know, people see me as an action person because the first movie that was seen by a lot of the public would be 'Hitman.'
Every one of us, no matter how damaged or abnormal or shut down, we're all looking for love. Every person needs love in this world, but our views on what love is vary enormously.
Being single is only sad if you have a problem with your own company. I'm content with mine.
As an actor, you don't want to play a one-dimensional character.
If I hadn't been a model, I couldn't have become a movie actress. — © Olga Kurylenko
If I hadn't been a model, I couldn't have become a movie actress.
What I love about sci-fi is that every generation's films are based on what we know at that point in time. We make movies about the future, but it's always based on what we have. Then, as science grows and we discover new things, so do our ideas.
I think I'll be single my whole life. It's entirely possible I'm going to end up alone. Because I don't want to make any sacrifices for my own development and achieving what I want to achieve, and I don't want a family to get in the way of that.
I'm a bit of a romantic. In theory!
What I love about sci-fi is that every generation's films are based on what we know at that point in time. We make movies about the future but it's always based on what we have. Then as science grows and we discover new things, so do our ideas. You know?
You don't dream about things that are impossible; that are out of your range.
Why marry? If you're not married, you just leave each other and it's cool. Who needs the paper? To me it means nothing.
I wasn't, like, this top model; I was quietly doing my work, and when I became an actress, people started doing research, and everybody found out. People dug out photos, and suddenly people became interested - but no one was interested in my photos when I was a model.
I just love France, I love French people, I love the French language, I love French food. I love their mentality. I just feel like it's me. I'm very French.
In Paris, everybody is in black! But you know, in Ukraine everyone wears bright colours.
I don't see divorce as a failure. I see it as the end to a story. In a story, everything has an end and a beginning.
I love badminton. That's my sport!
When I earnt my first money, I went to a shop and bought jeans and a top. But then I wore them both for such a long time that finally my model agency said, 'You should buy something else!' I was saving the money because it was the first time I'd ever had any.
I maybe missed money in my childhood, but I didn't miss love, that's for sure. My dad wasn't there, but I can tell you not even once did I think I was missing something.
You know it's harder to be a girl in this world because we're the weaker sex.
To tell you the truth, I don't really follow what men wear. Men's fashion is much simpler than women's. It doesn't change as much.
I've loved men that wear un-ironed clothes, it doesn't make me fall out of love. When you love someone, you should see beyond their image. It just makes me want to iron their shirt. But once you love a person, they could wear a garbage bag!
I looked for acting classes in Paris just to do something different than modeling. And then one day I just thought, 'Okay, that's enough, I have to start doing something.' I went to the acting agency and I just told them I wanted to act and asked them if they would give me a chance, and they did.
Having people I love around me - friends and family - is great, but I don't necessarily need a relationship.
Every actor has to move in a Terrence Malick film - that's the requirement. If you stop, he'll tell you, 'No, no, keep moving.' You can't be static. It's a choreography.
I like men who paint or write or do something creative.
Eventually there are going to be chips in brains. Imagine if you could just buy knowledge and download it into your head instead of having to learn it. Like in 'The Matrix.' Imagine all the years saved!
We were born and we die. In between, I think we try to live as best we can.
I've always had a way with a gun. As a kid, I loved to fire them at the shooting range in amusement parks. I'd always return home with a handful of prizes.
I'd love to work with David Lynch. I'm such a big fan. He's a genius.
I love fire. As a child I loved setting light to things. I'd always be in the forest putting matches to pieces of wood. I've always regarded fire as my friend. — © Olga Kurylenko
I love fire. As a child I loved setting light to things. I'd always be in the forest putting matches to pieces of wood. I've always regarded fire as my friend.
Hollywood always represents this big dream and fairy tale in people's minds, but to me, it's just hard work. Of course, we play fairy tale on the red carpet. It's all Cinderella. But when the clock strikes midnight, I turn into a gray mouse and I go home, and I take my dress off and it's over. That's Hollywood.
When you love someone, you should see beyond their image.
I love boats. I can be on a boat for days.
A Bond girl must be a strong and independent woman, but at the same time charming and sensual. Those opposite qualities combined together make her interesting. She must be strong but at the same time feminine.
I hate jealousy, I hate possessiveness. I'm nobody's possession.
When you live in a small town in the Ukraine, you definitely want to go to Paris.
On a Terrence Malick set, your thoughts are his voice. You think you're thinking, but actually he's thinking for you. He speaks to you, and he's the voice in your mind.
I did not have a father. It was my mom who chose to be alone. She felt that she would be better off by herself with me after I was born.
A lot of movies are made to make us dream.
People say, 'Where do you live?' and I say that theoretically, I live in London, but basically that's just where I go to change my suitcase. Otherwise, I'm always flying somewhere.
When I was a kid, we never had a videogame in my house. But my cousin did, and each time I went to her house I was able to play 'Tetris' and 'Mario.' Those were the only two games I played as a child.
If a man can make me laugh and stimulate me intellectually, then I wouldn't mind if he was 4 ft. 8 in. with a huge belly. The only thing that would put me off is bad breath - but even that can be fixed. A bad personality isn't so easy to fix.
I just went to an acting agency one day and just said, 'I would like to act. Would you take me?' And they took me. — © Olga Kurylenko
I just went to an acting agency one day and just said, 'I would like to act. Would you take me?' And they took me.
I don't like the mentality that comes with rich Russian men. Because they have money, they think they can buy a woman - and they do.
When you're never home and traveling, you don't play videogames.
Music evokes so many feelings in us, memories, nostalgia, things that are connected to our past.
What's interesting is to be sexy but not know it. You'll be in a restaurant, and some girls will walk in and you can tell that they really want to be sexy. It's written on their faces because that's all they want to show. There's a fear that one might not look further.
I know how addictive videogames are - I have friends who can't get up off the couch because they're so hooked. They provide these different virtual worlds that you can live in.
I've seen guys sit the whole day doing nothing, and I hate it when people are unproductive. I don't like a guy who sits on the couch all day.
With modelling, you provide an image that is fake; with acting you have to provide an image that's real.
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