Top 513 Quotes & Sayings by Orson Scott Card - Page 9

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American writer Orson Scott Card.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I'm right here. This is who I really am. I'm not pretending.
Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day.
You can't write a novel all at once, any more than you can swallow a whale in one gulp. You do have to break it up into smaller chunks. But those smaller chunks aren't good old familiar short stories. Novels aren't built out of short stories. They are built out of scenes.
No matter how sexually attracted a man might be toward other men, or a woman toward other women, and no matter how close the bonds of affection and friendship might be within same-sex couples, there is no act of court or Congress that can make these relationships the same as the coupling between a man and a woman.
Don't lie to me! Don't seem so normal when I know you have cut yourself off from me in your heart! If you can put on our affectionate closeness like a mask, then I'll never be able to take joy in it again.
. . . All these readers have placed themselves inside this story, not as spectators, but as participants, and so have looked at the world, not with my eyes only, but also with their own.
There was no name for the disease; his body had gone insane, forgotten the blueprint by which human beings were built. Even now the disease still lives on in his children. Not in our bodies, but in our souls. We exist where normal human children are expected to be; we're even shaped the same. But each of us in our own way has been replaced by an imitation child, shaped out of a twisted, fetid, lipidous goiter that grew out of Father's soul.
[It] was written and sold. I knew it was a strong story because I cared about it and believed in it. I had no idea that it would have the effect it had on the audience. While most people ignored it, of course, and continue to live full and happy lives without reading it or anything else by me, there was still a surprisingly large group who responded to the story with some fervency.
The only way to learn is by changing your mind. — © Orson Scott Card
The only way to learn is by changing your mind.
Well, how do I know that they don't know the answer unless I ask?
Others find humanity by looking in their own hearts. Only lost souls need to search for it outside themselves.
You accomplish exactly as much as the people who serve you decide you'll accomplish and nothing more.
I have too many secrets. For all these years I've been a speaker for the dead, uncovering secrets and helping people to live in the light of truth. Now I no longer tell anyone half of what I know, because if I told the whole truth there would be fear, hatred, brutality, murder, war.
You can’t answer what I said, so you’re going to talk about my saying it.
America is an empire that does not wish to be one ; we are easily discouraged from doing what must be done to maintain the global order that allows democracy and prosperity to flourish.
When I write fiction, I create characters whose views are not my own, and I allow them to be eloquent in defense of their, not my, views.
Isn't it possible, he wondered, for one person to love another without trying to own each other? Or is that buried so deep in our genes that we can never get it out? Territoriality. My wife. My friend. My lover. My outrageous and annoying computer personality who's about to be shut off at the behest of a half-crazy girl with OCD on a planet that I never heard of and how will I live without [her] when she's gone?
Home is where the people who live there need me to come home to them, and worry about me when I'm gone. There's no such place on this earth, no matter how far I drive.
Come in, Bean. Come in Julian Delphiki, longed-for child of good and loving parents. Come in, kidnapped child, hostage of fate. Come and talk to the Fates, who are playing such clever little games with your life.
I doubt that America will come to Europe again. You'll be on your own against militant Islam.
Like running the hurdles. Work so hard, jump over every one, fast, high enough but no higher, because you can't afford to hang in the air. And then, when the race is over, you're dripping with sweat, either they beat you or you beat them ... and then a couple of guys come out and move the hurdles out of the way. Turns out they were nothing. All that work to jump over them, but now they're gone.
You will learn to defeat the enemy.
When have you ever seen someone who had no doubts who was also correct about anything?
Ender Wiggin must believe that no matter what happens, no adult will ever, ever step in to help him in any way.
Ender stepped under the water and rinsed himself, took the sweat of combat and let it run down the drain. All gone, except they recycled it and we'll be drinking Bonzo's blood water in the morning. All the life gone out of it, but his blood just the same, his blood and my sweat, washed down in their stupidity or cruelty or whatever it was that made them let it happen.
One judge is coughing his life out into bloody handkerchiefs and the other is burying his wife, and you think this is how God answers your prayers?
Laws against homosexual behavior should remain on the books, not to be indiscriminately enforced against anyone who happens to be caught violating them, but to be used when necessary to send a clear message that those who flagrantly violate society's regulation of sexual behavior cannot be permitted to remain as acceptable, equal citizens within that society.
This emotion I'm feeling now, this is love, right?
Quim," she said, "don't ever try to teach me about good and evil. I've been there, and you've seen nothing but a map.
I always tell the truth about what I’m selling, and then nobody buys it.
Don’t win loyalty, just obedience, and only while the lash is in the room. — © Orson Scott Card
Don’t win loyalty, just obedience, and only while the lash is in the room.
In war, everyone has their chance to bleed.
The difference between science fiction and fantasy … is simply this: science fiction has rivets and fantasy has trees.
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