Top 107 Quotes & Sayings by Perez Hilton

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American journalist Perez Hilton.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Perez Hilton

Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., known professionally as Perez Hilton, is an American blogger, columnist, and media personality. His blog is known for posts covering gossip items about celebrities, and for posting tabloid photos over which he has added his own captions or "doodles". His blog has garnered controversy for its attitude, its former practice of outing alleged closeted celebrities, and its role in the increasing coverage of celebrities in all forms of media.

Hollywood is a lot like high school. Everyone was interested in what the head cheerleader was doing and what the captain of the football team was doing and if they were dating each other.
I think the reason I have been permanently banned without any warning is because I've been talking about a lot of creators on TikTok. But I haven't done any harassing or bullying and TikTok is claiming that I am.
Celebrities are losers; they don't want to date 'normal people.' They only want to date other celebrities. — © Perez Hilton
Celebrities are losers; they don't want to date 'normal people.' They only want to date other celebrities.
I had brainwashed myself into saying things like, 'If people don't like what I'm writing then they shouldn't read it.'
There are certain people you feel like you've known for a long time from the moment you meet them, and that's exactly how it was with Gaga.
Scandal is like McDonald's. It's cheap and it's easily accessible to the masses, and when you're going to McDonald's, you know that you can get a salad, but do you want a salad? No. You want a Big Mac and French fries with an apple pie and a sundae.
I reached a point in my private life where I started having these thoughts about changing. But I was paralyzed by fear, that I would lose everything that I had worked very hard to achieve up until that point.
I become a hermit when I am in Los Angeles and I don't leave my apartment at all from Monday through Thursday unless I have to and I don't get much sleep.
I'm lucky because my likeability is not crucial to my bankability.
Given my own experience, I would still prefer it if my son were not gay. I would love him and accept him unconditionally, of course. But I know that even in this day and age, life is still harder for gay people.
I didn't even have a computer until I was twenty years old.
I now see that I never needed to be so mean or cruel.
I mean, Kim used to be a leper in the fashion community, and now they embrace her and she's on the cover of Vogue, and that's all thanks to Kanye. And her being associated with him was good not just for her, but for her entire family.
I always knew I wanted to have children and that I'd be a great parent because I feel that's one of the reasons I was born, almost. — © Perez Hilton
I always knew I wanted to have children and that I'd be a great parent because I feel that's one of the reasons I was born, almost.
People don't know how to reach record labels, and a lot of time labels don't listen to stuff that's sent in randomly.
I would never ever knowingly break the law.
I have a staff, but I still work insanely hard.
The most shocking and scandalous story will always get people's attention.
My story is the American dream that my parents fled Cuba for.
I'm actually a really nice guy with a really big heart.
My son's my number-one priority.
I can make fun of someone and still be a fan.
50 Cent should stick to what he does best, rapping, and leave the funny business to comedians.
My favorite celebrity is definitely Miley Cyrus.
I think being fascinated by others is just who we are; we're curious creatures.
I think about life and death a lot. For the longest time I thought this was it, but then I thought maybe reincarnation does exist and we will all come back. My new thought is either of these could be true, but realistically what is going to happen is when you are dead you are not going to know you are dead, so it's not the end of the world.
I'm not an evil person. Nobody's really evil.
My dream scenario would be to partner with a huge media conglomerate, an NBC Universal or a Fox, and help give me a platform on television and help get me a TV show.
I am not motivated by money.
The 'Perez' in me was the outsider, the Latino guy, the homosexual, the person who stuck out, and the 'Hilton' referred to Hollywood, the mainstream.
In reality, I was drowning in negativity. I was stuck playing a part, too afraid to change, too afraid of losing my readers if I suddenly stopped being so mean.
No matter what happens, I'm still Perez Hilton. I'm bigger than any one app or any one thing.
Bosses are the ones calling the shots, as they should in any organization. And if you think you're above your boss, that's not reality.
I don't really know jokes. I'm just in on the joke.
I've had a love-hate 'relationship with food for most of my life.
I don't really care if people don't like me. The only thing I care about is if they are reading my website.
I don't consider myself a cartoonist, because to me a cartoonist has a lot of technical ability to draw and such. However, I do consider myself to have a bit of a cartoonist character. I definitely am analyzing and satirizing pop culture and politics and whatever strikes my fancy.
TV is just another opportunity for me to entertain people. Although it's definitely a lot slower than the Internet, that's for sure. — © Perez Hilton
TV is just another opportunity for me to entertain people. Although it's definitely a lot slower than the Internet, that's for sure.
Even though you may think someone is a douche, you shouldn't mock a victim of violence because that victimizes them again.
Black is slimming. And so are layers and nice, long vertical stripes. They're obvious tips, but they work!
Anyone that chooses to be an actor or politician is making a choice to lead their life in the public eye.
I knew Paris was using me, but I also didn't care; I was using her, too. I mean, I was a blogger who was hanging out with Paris Hilton.
No, as much of an insider as I become, I will still always be an outsider. It's just the essence of me being who I am and doing what I do.
I'd never put much thought into writing an autobiography before, because while I have this public persona of being extremely confident, I also am extremely filled with self-doubt, worry and insecurity. This book came about because I was trying to sell another book, unsuccessfully, about health and wellness.
My approach to parenting is the same as my approach to life: it's all about putting in the hours and working hard.
The website is me. It's a reflection of my personality and my interests. It's the perfect marriage of my skills and experiences.
I bought my mom a car for Christmas. I don't even own my own car.
In England, gossiping is not as commonplace or even celebrated as much as it is in Latino culture. But it is not as frowned upon as it is in the United States by U.S. Americans.
I became a big boy without ever meaning to, or planning to and I had to play by the big-boy rules. — © Perez Hilton
I became a big boy without ever meaning to, or planning to and I had to play by the big-boy rules.
Being on the worst dressed list is better than not being on any list at all!
Joking about violence is not funny.
I actually am a Kardashian fan. But I found myself at a point where I started to become sick of it.
I don't share photos of people grieving leaving a funeral or outside of a hospital when a loved one is sick... You can do your job and have an opinion and have it be strong, but not be hurtful or cruel.
I have the Cuban gene of speaking very loudly.
People really care about Kim Kardashian: they know her, they watch her, they follow her on social media, they know about her whole family. It's more than just being a fan.
Sometimes people will sue me to make an example of me but I don't sit home worrying about it; I'm too busy working.
The boring, safe choices never stand out. Take risks!
I'm not perfect, I'm not trying to be, but it's a constant journey and a process.
One of the many things I regret is that I hurt so many people by giving them nasty nicknames, and above all that I was unkind to the children of celebrities.
I am not stupid. I don't think I have to prove that to anyone.
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