Top 103 Quotes & Sayings by Peter Sunde

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Swedish businessman Peter Sunde.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Peter Sunde

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi, alias brokep, is a Swedish entrepreneur and politician. Sunde is of Norwegian and Finnish ancestry. He is best known for being a co-founder and ex-spokesperson of The Pirate Bay, a BitTorrent search engine. He is an equality advocate and has expressed concerns over issues of centralization of power to the European Union in his blog. Sunde also participates in the Pirate Party of Finland and describes himself as a socialist. As of April 2017, Sunde has been working on a new venture called Njalla, a privacy oriented domain name registrar.

I want to show the absurdity on the process of putting a value to a copy.
Things like Digg, Twitter, etc., are really interesting because they remove the idea of the all-mighty producer and puts tools into the hands of everybody.
If you have a more oppressed Internet, you have a more oppressed society. — © Peter Sunde
If you have a more oppressed Internet, you have a more oppressed society.
I don't believe in the American dream anyway, becoming a billionaire and buying expensive cars.
You actually need to go somewhere and vote and make sure you don't have corrupt police. But there's a faith in technology as the savior, as the new Messiah, and that's definitely not the case.
We all know how evolution works, except one industry that refuses to evolve: the entertainment industry. Instead of looking at evolution as something inevitable, the industry has made it their business to refuse and/or sue change, by any necessary means.
If we say Facebook doesn't agree with our rules in our country we are going to stop Facebook in our country. We censor a lot of things, why not censor Facebook?
Finland actually made Internet access a human right a while back. That was a clever thing of Finland. But that's like the only positive thing I have seen in any country anywhere in the world regarding the Internet.
You should never tell people where they can't go or what they can't do.
The U.S. government is losing popularity every day in Europe, and people don't want to see us give in to them.
We're just a general-purpose search engine and torrent-tracking system. You can put whatever you want on the Pirate Bay. We don't participate in how the people communicate with each other. We only participate in bringing the possibility to communicate and share files.
Facebook brings the Internet to Africa and poor countries, but they're only giving limited access to their own services and make money off of poor people. And getting government grants to do that, because they do PR well.
In all honesty, the reason we did The Pirate Bay was to bring freedom and take back control from a centralized system. — © Peter Sunde
In all honesty, the reason we did The Pirate Bay was to bring freedom and take back control from a centralized system.
I actually hate being called an entrepreneur.
I've been a member of the Swedish Green Party at the same time as the Swedish Socialist Party. Both are very progressive parties, though they're not always in sync with their other European counterparts.
A lot of people are giving up on politics and thinking they can solve issues with technology. These kind of arrogant behaviors towards the rest of the society are a bit disgusting.
In the beginning, it was technology, and it was fun, and then it turned to politics, and it's been changing so many people's lives. We didn't realize that to begin with.
In Sweden I am considered the Finnish-Norwegian, in Norway Finnish-Swedish, and in Finland Swedish-Norwegian. I've never really belonged anywhere.
I think if someone sues Google, it will be very, very interesting.
The feedback we get from users is very positive, but the businesses are very hateful towards us.
Mark Zuckerberg is a rich white dude from a really privileged background.
Illegal downloading will exist forever - it can't be stopped, people don't want it to stop.
I've signed a few autographs.
Of course I would have preferred to win in the Supreme Court as personal vindication and to vacate my sentence.
People ask if I would have done anything different if I could. The answer is no.
I started off copying disks on my computer when I was eight or nine.
The reason for the real name policy is Mark Zuckerberg wants to make another dollar.
I don't care if the record labels survive. The music will survive anyhow.
For private use, filesharing and copying should be legal.
We are quite sure the Pirate Bay is legal in Sweden.
The distrust of the political system is unhealthy.
The old saying 'If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it - Does it still make a sound?' can be adapted to: 'If someone does something interesting on the Internet and nobody is around to talk about it - Did it still make an impact?'
The solution for piracy is to redefine piracy. Make things possible for everyone, without being labelled it as a crime.
In a way, owing a hundred million is easier than a hundred thousand, because you stop imagining that you will ever be able to pay the money back.
I think that we need to take care of the Internet itself right now, in order to permit it to be an important part of everyday life in the future as well.
The Internet is a decentralized network with unlimited sources of creativity.
The Pirate Bay is not in Sweden. It's a distributed system. We don't know where the servers are. We gave them to people we trust and they don't know it's The Pirate Bay.
If we were making millions, we wouldn't have day jobs. — © Peter Sunde
If we were making millions, we wouldn't have day jobs.
Most people think that people hate me, but I haven't really met a lot of people that dislike me at all.
Facebook is the biggest nation in the world and we have a dictator, if you look at it from a democracy standpoint. Mark Zuckerberg is a dictator.
Most entrepreneurs, when they become successful, they turn into idiots... It's the same thing with rockstars and entrepreneurs: big money and big egos.
Everything in my life has come from an urge to share. Everything I've learned is from friends, family and copying.
So I think we should stop celebrating entrepreneurs and just celebrate innovation instead.
I mostly eat lettuce.
The entertainment lobby has bullied Sweden around.
I've been distilled to this computer nerd.
Traveling has turned into a sort of lifestyle, I suppose.
With the neutrality of the network being infringed with more and more laws against individual liberties and access to culture, we are taking away more benefits from people than what they are contributing.
I'm still waiting for the revolution against globalization in the rest of the world. The corruption that's eating away our systems; the false belief that democracy exists; and this idea of democracy actually being 'the solution' at all.
Filesharing in Sweden can't get you into prison, so there's nothing criminal about helping people to fileshare. — © Peter Sunde
Filesharing in Sweden can't get you into prison, so there's nothing criminal about helping people to fileshare.
We're not saying that everything should be free, it should be free and so on, we don't say that it doesn't have to be for free, it just has to be free in terms of freedom.
The most ironic thing is that The Pirate Bay's enemies include not just the U.S. government but also many European and the Russian one.
I'm not on Facebook but there are a lot of drawbacks in my offline world. No party invitations, no updates from my friends, people stop talking to you, because you're not on Facebook. So it has real life implications.
If you're not the right kind of person, society won't give you the help you need.
When I was 9 years old I got my first computer, an Amiga 500.
We need a revolution instead of a technology evolution.
I'm a socialist. I know Marx and communism did not work before, but I think in the future you have the possibility of having total communism and equal access to everything for everybody.
Spread and participate in culture. Remix, reuse, use, abuse. Make sure no one controls your mind.
I would say that I admire people that come up with ideas we never thought of before.
I haven't asked for any contributions, and I try to do things without using money - it feels more real and honest.
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