Top 86 Quotes & Sayings by Rachel Hollis

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Rachel Hollis.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis is an American author, motivational speaker, and blogger. She is the author of three self-help books, including Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing. She faced backlash in 2021 after posting a controversial TikTok video; The New York Times subsequently ran a story about her entitled "Girl, Wash Your Timeline."

We love pasta at the Hollis home! It's super easy, and there's so many different recipes we can make that the boys never get tired of having it.
Being a boss takes guts and tenacity. Being a boss takes hustle and strength. Getting to the level of boss takes hard work - often times, harder than our male counterpoint because in many industries, we're fighting our way into a boys' club.
Every single day I'm alive or you're alive, we're choosing this life and this persona. We choose to be the stay-at-home mom who loves baking and Pilates. We choose to be a hipster who loves coffee shops and artisan goods. We choose to be a lawyer who runs marathons and only eats organic.
I never thought I would be cool enough to pull off a leather jacket. But then I found the perfect one, and it's so versatile! — © Rachel Hollis
I never thought I would be cool enough to pull off a leather jacket. But then I found the perfect one, and it's so versatile!
My husband is a high-level executive at one of the largest media companies on the planet. He leads a worldwide team of more people than I can keep track of. He worked his way up from an assistant with drive and determination.
Cooking with a cast iron skillet is great because it can also be used for presentation! Simply prepare a delicious meal within it and display it on the table for all to enjoy.
Let's be honest: you can't celebrate fall without it's leading role - pumpkin! You can incorporate this flavor of the season in so many ways, from candles to lattes, pies to decorations.
I have been known to, on more than one occasion, look down my nose at items I deem to be tacky wedding fare... carnations, tulle, DIY invitations. And yet, the wedding I'm most embarrassed of having planned, the one I'd never put into my portfolio, is my own.
Every successful business professional I know is constantly learning, reading, growing in their field.
An awesome thing about starting your own business? There's no one there to tell you what to do! But that, you might quickly discover, is a double-edged sword. If you're not careful, you won't shower for four days straight, and you'll spend half your time researching 'girly, stylish office' on Pinterest instead of getting any real work done.
I love slow cooker recipes - especially during the fall.
Be honest with yourself about what you're blowing off. A little cancellation here or a bow-out there can add up... but only if you refuse to acknowledge your actions.
I am one of the most organized people I have ever met, and even with all my planning, I still feel like I'm constantly forgetting things.
Planning and reminiscing can be a good thing... in moderation. — © Rachel Hollis
Planning and reminiscing can be a good thing... in moderation.
The second you get set in your ways is the second a newer, fresher, more innovative company is going to come in and take your market share.
Every single part of our persona, no matter how long we've rocked it, is a choice we make every day.
Some of the best dishes I can remember are from my childhood. Sometimes, whenever I want to feel like a kid again, I just whip them up for the family.
I wake up each morning and make my schedule, and when I do, I plan the work around when I'll be able to handle it best.
I have immense respect for anyone with a physical deformity and the courage and confidence it takes just to go out in the world.
Gratitude practice is really, really important to me. I think it's an incredible way to start your day.
I have been a working mom as long as I've been a mom.
I grew up in a small town, and mental illness wasn't something anyone talked about.
Some of the best presents I get from my children for Mother's Day are homemade. It makes me so happy to see the time and effort they put into each gift.
Two weeks in Hawaii with four kids is one of the dumber ideas I've ever had.
I can think of many reasonable excuses for needing a cocktail, but Cinco De Mayo is always a no-brainer.
Running a marathon was important to me, so I found time to train for it. Writing books is also important to me, so you know what? I carve out the time.
I've tried digital planners and fancy planners and date books galore, but my tried and true is actually just a large spiral-bound notebook.
There's no better way to treat your Valentine then with a delicious meal.
We all know you can't have a Fourth of July barbecue without the fixings that go with it.
The truth is, if we abuse ourselves with too much work and too little play, our body is eventually going to fight back, and the results can be terrible.
Was there ever a better invention in the cookie world than the Oreo?
I can't even count the number of times I've obliterated my diet with a binge session. One second, I'm floating along just fine, four days into a successful low-carb lifestyle. The next? I'm standing alone in a dark kitchen, eating a sleeve of Ritz crackers and cream cheese with a spoon.
Dips are the perfect appetizer for any outdoor party! They are super easy to make and equally delicious!
You have to attach some sort of emotional reason to any big goal you're after, or you will give up.
Falling down doesn't matter, even if you do it a hundred times. All that matters is that you get up again.
Like most women, I work too hard, spend too many hours hunched over a computer, and not enough time taking care of myself.
Ever since I was little, I loved soup! Whether I was sick or had a bad day, my momma would always make me soup!
Whenever I am feeling happy or sad, I always find comfort in food.
As moms, we have so much on our plates. We're busy, and our family depends on us for a lot of things. — © Rachel Hollis
As moms, we have so much on our plates. We're busy, and our family depends on us for a lot of things.
'The Power of Habit' is the exact kind of non-fiction I love. It's smart and interesting, and it changes your perception how you do what you do or why you are who you are.
If you're living strictly for the future or living in the past, it can make your partner feel neglected. Make yourself focus on the moment you're in.
In retrospect, I never thought of myself as conceited - I never even wore makeup or styled my hair until I was an adult - but having Bell's Palsy made me hyper-aware of the way I looked. I became completely depressed, never wanting to get out of bed or even answer the phone.
If you don't find yourself attractive, how do you expect your partner to?
To qualify the term 'boss' by adding 'girl' or 'babe' or 'honey' or 'pink' or whatever other ridiculous, antiquated-gender role assignment the media thinks is cute this month, is, at the least, disrespectful and at the worst, damaging to the way young women view themselves and our fight for equality in the business world.
For years, I've admired wrist tattoos, but I was always afraid that they would hurt - I'm kind of a weenie about pain. In fact, it's why I wear so many bracelets on my left wrist. The bracelets represented the words or phrases I'd want to get tattooed but didn't have the courage to.
There's nothing better on Christmas morning than waking up to the smell of breakfast!
I pretty much live in my denim jacket. The best thing about this piece is that I can wear it for every season.
Avocados are not just for guacamole! You can just about add it to anything for a little more flavor!
It may seem counterintuitive to some people to take an entire morning or afternoon to prepare food for the week, but believe me, it's not. You'll even find that you eat much healthier when you've planned your meals ahead.
Summer at the Hollis household is all about us getting together and enjoying the pool, and Fourth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays to do just that. — © Rachel Hollis
Summer at the Hollis household is all about us getting together and enjoying the pool, and Fourth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays to do just that.
For me, using a notebook every day keeps me on track! Some people use planners; those are great, too.
Having kids in school feels stressful for me.
I love breakfast! Not only is it the most important meal of the day, but I loved waking up to - the smell of bacon in the morning was my favorite thing as a kid!
When it comes to business, diets, working out, writing, or any other dream, success isn't about how high you fly. Success is about how high you bounce.
I cannot emphasize this enough: you must have a morning routine! The way you begin your day is crucial to the rest of your day. So if you begin it by pressing snooze 15 times, chances are you're going to be running behind all day long.
The best way to celebrate the holidays is with some delicious food.
Choosing elements for your wedding day should be fun, but these choices won't make any difference in the stuff that matters. For better or worse, you'll end that day married to your partner, and that's the truly exciting part.
Women often live according to rules they get from magazines or media. For example, if I don't have kids by the age of 30, there must be something wrong with me. Goals are great to have, but having too many expectations won't work, and worse, it will alienate your partner.
Being a boss has been one of the greatest privileges and challenges of my life.
Bacon, bacon, oh I love me some bacon! It's the secret ingredient to all my favorite recipes. I also could have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
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