Top 99 Quotes & Sayings by Richard Grenell - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American diplomat Richard Grenell.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Most Republicans in California are tired of fighting the one-party rule from the Left and have given up on state politics.
While supporting human rights in another country is important, fighting for our own safety is crucial.
Consistent conservatives believe people should keep more of the money they work so hard to earn - not because the vulnerable don't deserve assistance, but because individuals can and will make better and more effective financial and charitable choices with their money than government bureaucrats.
The Obama doctrine of ignoring international issues and claiming it's none of the U.S.' business is a philosophy that has allowed Russia, Iran, and China to step up and take the lead.
When foreigners struggle for their freedoms, they've long expected the U.S. government to be the first to stand with them. — © Richard Grenell
When foreigners struggle for their freedoms, they've long expected the U.S. government to be the first to stand with them.
From the moments Obama took office, he has downplayed the threats from radical Islamists.
Activists create nonprofits for the sole purpose of suing their enemies, collecting a settlement check, and paying lawyers to find the next frivolous lawsuit.
Obama has created a new world where countries ignore the U.S. without consequence. It's so bad that Saudi Arabia doesn't even want to serve on the Security Council with the U.S. because it might ruin their reputation.
Fellow conservatives, particularly within the Republican Party, typically do a good job arguing against totalitarian, one-size-fits-all approaches to policy. What works for a family in New York City might not work in Jenison, Michigan, or Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Consistent conservatives should frame their views in accordance with the fundamental belief that individuals, not governments, have the right to determine the course of their own lives.
California is a great place to live.
Politically motivated lawsuits and prosecutions cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars every year.
When it comes to Iran, we must not accept Obama's inconsistencies and weakness.
As political primaries approach, national media attention focuses on Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
The Left sees no place for differing opinions.
While other countries may espouse the liberal utopian dream of a global community, it's usually only to get the richer countries to pay more money for the world's problems.
While migration is inevitable, the fact remains that most people leave their homes to escape violence and the certain persecution that comes from it.
While the Obama White House is completely incompetent and weak, they know how to spin everyday Americans.
Too many members of the U.N. benefit from the status quo and won't make decisions for purely altruistic reasons.
Guilt by association is part of campaigning.
The Washington media crowd, including conservative media, preaches to the choir of news junkies.
The Obama Doctrine is the first presidential strategy in history that is exclusively about communicating - not implementing - policy. The Obama Doctrine seems to be 'tweet with overwhelming force.'
California Democrats are out to kill the American dream by ridiculing the commitment to hard work.
The Obama Doctrine is to ignore an international crisis or go to war. There is no in between.
For decades, the liberal media eviscerated the Religious Right and other conservatives for their own attacks against liberal social causes. Over time, the media labeled anyone who didn't agree with the Left's world view as intolerant.
While some entertainment executives understand the power of having someone else speak for you, most Hollywood publicists don't.
Attorneys general, district attorneys, and federal prosecutors have a responsibility to separate their politics from their law enforcement powers.
Millions of people walk into the voting booth and vote for someone they like.
Diplomacy and coalition-building are hard work and not easy for any president.
In order to get re-elected, Obama told us Al Qaeda was on the run and all but defeated. — © Richard Grenell
In order to get re-elected, Obama told us Al Qaeda was on the run and all but defeated.
Overstating America's issues doesn't make us relatable; it makes others' issues easily dismissable.
The money from wealthy nations to confront some very real global poverty and economic issues is largely given out of guilt.
Parents, not governments, should decide what is best for their family.
Many developing nations have such severe debt and budget problems that the money given by developed nations will never be spent the way it is intended.
No one really disagrees that all of humanity has a responsibility to protect fellow citizens in a time of need.
Many people vote a straight party line from the president down to city council. Hollywood publicists need to think long and hard about who they are putting forward to lead their awards season campaigns.
The deplorable Syrian refugee crisis was created because Syrian President Bashar al-Assad started a war on his people, and the international community refused to confront him.
The U.N. and other international bodies, along with wealthier nations, could manage the unavoidable migration from poorer countries if there were greater focus on stopping the larger chaos created by leaders who finance and support terrorism in the name of Islam.
I think President Obama is weak, bored with the office, and an incompetent leader.
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