Top 46 Quotes & Sayings by Richard Shelby

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Richard Shelby.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Richard Shelby

Richard Craig Shelby is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States senator from Alabama. First elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 as a Democrat who later switched to the Republican Party in 1994, he chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee from 2018 to 2021. He previously chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Senate Banking Committee, and the Senate Rules Committee. He is the longest-serving U.S. senator from Alabama, surpassing John Sparkman's record in March 2019.

People who are going to do us harm are never going to register guns. Terrorists, you believe they're going to register guns? Why, no. Goodness, alive, are you crazy?
We need to eradicate these terrorist groups, wherever they are. If we failed to do it, we are just waiting for the next.
We have got to be a hell of a lot more aggressive. — © Richard Shelby
We have got to be a hell of a lot more aggressive.
I don't believe $25 billion or $50 billion or $100 billion is going to change the way Detroit does business.
I don't want Congress setting monetary policy.
The American people fear there is some gouging going on.
Dodd-Frank greatly expanded the regulatory reach of the Federal Reserve. It did not, however, examine whether it was correctly structured to account for these new and expansive powers. Therefore, the Committee will be examining the appropriateness of the Fed's current structure in a post Dodd-Frank world.
A number of former Wells Fargo employees have described their work environment characterized by intense pressure to meet aggressive and unrealistic sales goals. In a 2010 letter to shareholders, Mr. Stumpf wrote that Wells Fargo's goal was eight products per customer because eight rhymed with great.
I believe that we have to have a new regulatory regime for our financial system.
I think you have to be concerned about any presidential executive order because it has the power of law until it's knocked down by an act of Congress or a court.
I support the president 100 percent - when he's right.
If things go right, maybe I'll chair the Appropriations Committee.
Are we going to change the Constitution? I hope never. We would have to amend it. Let's uphold the Second Amendment. — © Richard Shelby
Are we going to change the Constitution? I hope never. We would have to amend it. Let's uphold the Second Amendment.
I have been advocating for a long time that the Export Import Bank shouldn't be for one or two companies, and that's what it's for, basically.
We've got a second amendment right. I think some people forget that.
I want the market to work if it can, and most of the time it will, but not without some pain.
I've been a stalwart for national security.
Saddam Hussein has been tenacious in his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and, unless he is removed from power, he will eventually harm our nation and our allies. Every moment we delay allows him to grow stronger.
I think the GOP, the Grand Old Party, the Republicans, they will regroup.
We cannot cut and run. If we are to ensure freedom and democracy, it is essential that we follow through on our obligation to bring about stability in Iraq.
John McCain has not been president of the United States. He ran. He ran a spirited campaign. We lost. I hated to see us lose, but there were a lot of things working against us.
I feel good. I've got a lot of energy. I've got a lot of purpose, too.
If there's not any endgame, we're in quicksand. We take one more step, and we're still there, and there's no way out.
All of us want to see the details of any legislative plan if there's going to be a legislative response, but Congress, I believe, is in the mood to do whatever it takes to win this war against terrorism.
We have a unique relationship with the U.K., Great Britain. Tony Blair has been a steadfast spokesman for Britain, and also for the joint interests that we share.
A lot of people believe, and I do at times, that some of our trade agreements are lopsided, and we've got to look at them. But that doesn't mean that we're going to put a tariff on everything.
A lot of people don't believe that Kirk-Heitkamp is a real reform bill.
I'm going to put the interests of the nation first.
What we should do is promote trade in the world, not try to stifle it.
Federal Reserve officials have stressed the importance of the Fed's independence. But such independence does not mean that it is immune from Congressional oversight.
Even some of my Republican friends say I have a populist, progressive streak. I am not a doctrinaire, anti-government person. — © Richard Shelby
Even some of my Republican friends say I have a populist, progressive streak. I am not a doctrinaire, anti-government person.
I want people to have the right to bear arms.
A lot of my friends tried to talk me out of running.
You can't go to Washington as a congressman and a senator and expect to make a difference all at once. You have to earn your way.
I do not like government-sponsored enterprises.
I do believe that we should keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, would-be terrorists, and a lot of other people.
I believe that reforming our intelligence community is one of the most important things that we can do in order to ensure that our country is in fact safer, stronger and wiser.
Wells Fargo's internal review only covers unauthorized accounts dating back to 2011. News reports and court documents suggest these problems might have existed long before then. The 2013 'Los Angeles Times' articles led to the L.A. city attorney's office investigation into Wells Fargo's sales practices.
I believe Europe is burning financially. Europe's problems are not going to go away. They are so structural. Yet, our problems are right behind them. We cannot just look at Europe.
I never apologize for my efforts to support worthy projects that Alabama.
I believe that when you are attacked like we were attacked in America by these terrorist groups, that we not only have to respond in kind, we've got to go farther. We've got to destroy these groups because just sure as we don't - if we didn't respond, we will be hit again and again and again, and we will live in fear.
I share the Presidents commitment to fighting and winning the war on terrorism. — © Richard Shelby
I share the Presidents commitment to fighting and winning the war on terrorism.
I support the president 100 percent - when hes right.
The Treasury's plan has little for those outside of the financial industry. It is aimed at rescuing the same financial institutions that created this crisis with the sloppy underwriting and reckless disregard for the risk they were creating, taking or passing on to others.
Unions don't create jobs. People create jobs.
It has become increasingly clear to me that the White House is not interested in good-faith negotiations.
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