Top 11 Quotes & Sayings by Ridgely Torrence

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American poet Ridgely Torrence.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Ridgely Torrence

Frederic Ridgely Torrence was an American poet, and editor. He received the Shelley Memorial Award in 1942 and the Academy of American Poets' Fellowship in 1947.

Whatever Juice this sky will pour this gaping parched old throat will drain; What time the Harper harps I'll dance: 'tis He, not I, who shall complain. Meal may be scarce and cakes be burnt, yet I weep not nor even scold: The sun is food enough for me, 't is large, and has not yet grown cold.
Though man or angel judge my life and read it like an open scroll, And weigh my heart, I have judge more just than any—my own soul.
A strong, brave man is born each month,   each year God gives a sage to men, A poet each ten years, perhaps,   but an unselfish person,—when? — © Ridgely Torrence
A strong, brave man is born each month, each year God gives a sage to men, A poet each ten years, perhaps, but an unselfish person,—when?
Tell Youth to play with Wine and Love and never bear away the scars! I may as well tilt up the sky and yet try not to spill the stars.
Whether my days are cooled with calm or filled with fever's ardent taint, I have the same blue sky as God, I have the same God as the saint.
But work a year and sleep an hour, and sleep a night and sing a day, And take a little wine and love, and when you feel religious—pray.
Girl, when he gives you kisses twain, use one, and let the other stay; And hoard it, for moons die, red fades, and you may need a kiss—some day.
At first, she loved nought else but flowers, And then-she only loved the rose; And then-herself alone; and then- She knew not what, but now-she knows.
I saw them kissing in the shade and knew the sum of all my lore: God gave them Youth, God gave them Love, and even God can give no more.
The Song of Love, the Song of Hate, the Songs of Praise and of Thanksgiving; I've learned them all, but there remains one called the Melody of Living.
Sometimes I think that all mankind exist but to be bought and sold: The rich man's paramour is gold, the poor man's goddess, gold, gold, gold.
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