Top 8 Quotes & Sayings by Robert Henryson

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a poet Robert Henryson.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Robert Henryson

Robert Henryson was a poet who flourished in Scotland in the period c. 1460–1500. Counted among the Scots makars, he lived in the royal burgh of Dunfermline and is a distinctive voice in the Northern Renaissance at a time when the culture was on a cusp between medieval and renaissance sensibilities. Little is known of his life, but evidence suggests that he was a teacher who had training in law and the humanities, that he had a connection with Dunfermline Abbey and that he may also have been associated for a period with Glasgow University. His poetry was composed in Middle Scots at a time when this was the state language. His writing consists mainly of narrative works. His surviving body of work amounts to almost 5000 lines.

Poet | 1425 - 1500
In breif Sermone ane pregnant sentence wryte.
The nuttes schell, thocht it be hard and teuch,Haldis the kirnill, and is delectabill.Sa lyis thair ane doctrine wyse aneuch,And full of fruit, under ane fenyeit Fabill.
Ane bow that is ay bent Worthis ay unsmart and dullis on the string; Sa dois the mynd that is ay diligent In ernistfull thochtis and in studying. — © Robert Henryson
Ane bow that is ay bent Worthis ay unsmart and dullis on the string; Sa dois the mynd that is ay diligent In ernistfull thochtis and in studying.
Best thing in eird,I say for me, Is merry hart with small possessioun.
Nocht is your fairnes bot ane faiding flour, Nocht is your famous laud and hie honour Bot wind inflat in uther mennis eiris.
Louers be war and tak gude heid about Quhome that ye lufe, for quhome ye suffer paine. I lat yow wit, thair is richt few thairout Quhome ye may traist to haue trew lufe agane.
For to be yong I wald not, for my wis, Off all this warld to mak me lord and king: The more of age, the nerar hevynnis blis.
The man that will nocht quhen he may Sall haif nocht quhen he wald.
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