Top 334 Quotes & Sayings by Robert Pattinson - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English actor Robert Pattinson.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I kind of wish people didn’t know who I am, that I could just lie, say I’m a speechwriter for Obama. This is what I said before Twilight. And then Obama came along and picked up all these young writers. I found out this guy, Jon Favreau — who’s not the actor Jon Favreau — is writing for him. And I was like, Wow, I wonder if the people who thought I was bullshitting at the time are like, ‘Oh my god. That guy! That kid who was drunk in some bar actually wrote the health care bill!’
All of my favourite actors are American and I grew up watching American movies. It's weird, but I used to do a New Jersey accent in every audition in the States just because I liked to do it, really. It's completely bizarre. Everybody would ask: 'Where are you from?' And I would say, 'Oh, I'm from London.'
Sometimes I think, 'To hell with acting' and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop. Acting is much cooler. — © Robert Pattinson
Sometimes I think, 'To hell with acting' and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop. Acting is much cooler.
I haven't really decided to be an actor yet! I started doing plays when I was about 15 or 16. I only did it because my dad saw a bunch of pretty girls in a restaurant and he asked them where they came from and they said drama group. He said, 'Son, that is where you need to go.
I was at a small private school in London. I wasn't very academic. My dad said to me, 'OK, you might as well leave, since you're not working very hard'. When I told I him wanted to stay on for my A-levels, he said I'd have to pay my own fees, then he'd pay me back if I got good grades.
Everyone used to chuck snails at each other at school, and I used to try and save them. And not only did I get in trouble for it, I got suspended for doing it. For saving the snails I kept about four or five hundred of them at the back of the class -- in Snail Land. We were like six or seven or something, people didn't even realise what they were doing. I had a strange compassion for snails. And the teacher just chucked them all in the trash in the end.
What worries me the most is that I don't know when my patience will run out, when I'll finally do something really stupid. Wait and see.
I don't think anyone can understand what's happening. Something like this is so rare. It's a mix of chance and coincidence. You wake up one day and you're suddenly a star.. Really weird. All of a sudden everyone knows who you are while you haven't changed one bit
I will keep that a secret as it was so indecent I doubt she was in her normal state of mind when she made it.
It’s funny now, trying to socialise with people. There’s this cautiousness about people which I just find really weird.
I remember when I was a teenager thinking my girlfriend was cheating on me, and going around riling myself up. Pretending to cry. It was totally illegitimate-I actually didn't feel anything. I went to some pub and then went crying all the way home. And I got into my dog's bed. I was crying and holding on to the dog. I woke up in the morning, and the dog was looking at me like, 'You're a fake.'
I was quite intimidated by Ralph Fiennes. I didn't really talk to him while I was doing Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and the only thing I did with him was when he stepped on my head. Then I went to this play and he was there. And this girl said, “you've worked with Ralph Fiennes haven't you, Robert?” and I was like, “well, no...” and Ralph said, “yes, I stepped on your head.” And that was the extent of our conversation.
Xavier would be such a great burger. He's all covered in spread. — © Robert Pattinson
Xavier would be such a great burger. He's all covered in spread.
I can't see any advantage to fame. I'm happy with the life I have now. I've got the same two friends I've had since I was 12, and I can't see that changing.
I can’t remem­ber who said it, but a soul and a heaven must exist because good peo­ple aren’t rewarded enough on Earth. I always liked that idea, if that makes sense.
If I were a place, the area of South Bank, in London. Between the Hayward Gallery, National Theatre and all other activities, I'm never bored. I would also say New York for the breathtaking skyline formed by the buildings and the fast pace of the city, whatever the time of day.
I hate people who cry around me. I'm not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time. It's like, 'Shut up.'
I have to look over my shoulder all the time, be really vigilant because at any moment, someone could be filming me or recording what I'm saying.
I just saw Twilight on TV, for the first time, a few days ago, and, when my song came on, I was just thinking that is so bazaar that I actually had a song in the movie.
I aspire to be Jack Nicholson. I love his every single mannerism. I used to try and be him in virtually everything I did, I don't know why. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest when I was about 13, and I dressed like him. I tried to do his accent. I did everything like him. I think it kind of stuck with me.
People just project their idea of my character on to me and they just seem to assume that I'm the same, when in reality I'm not.
I think pretty much all people who love each other had some kind of thing at first sight. I mean, there has to be some kind of moment where you, like, feel a different energy around someone.
I've never met anyone who's left a comment on anything. It's just demons who live in basements.
I want to be with my wife. Sitting on a deckchair, sipping some tea, and reading books in a retirement home, in a beautiful and warm place. I'm a romantic guy.
It's been amazing to play the same character through so many adventures. And it's so strange because my life has changed so much over these years, but 'Twilight' and Edward Cullen will always be a part of me. It's been my whole life. My whole 20s. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
People were asking me how I'd feel when it all ends, on the first movie [of The Twilight Saga], and I don't think I've ever felt more completely bewildered knowing that I only have a month of Twilight stuff left to do.
When I was 17 until, I don't know, 20, I had this massive, baseless confidence. This very clear idea of myself and how I would achieve success, which involved making decisions. I saw myself picking up the phone and saying 'Absolutely not' or 'Definitely yes.' Having control. Except you have to figure out whether the way you think at 19 or 20 has any value. And eventually I understood, with all that control, which was probably illusory, I wasn't progressing. So now I'm relinquishing a bit. I'll be a tiny bit naked.
I'd love to have a family -- sometime in the future.
In 15 years or something - I like the idea of just one paparazzo coming out and trying to get a picture, and I just beat the shit out of him. I mean - out of nowhere - when my picture's not even worth...and I've spent all my money, so you can't sue me!
I actually quite like working with kids and I like working with animals, which is what everybody says you shouldn't do, because it makes you feel like you're not acting.
If you're happy all of the time, it's difficult to acknowledge when you actually are happy.
It's awkward doing it with anybody, but it's like Twister.
I was really unfit last year, so I worked out for a long time, then spent time by myself in Oregon. For about two months the only person I saw was my trainer. Every day I did a lot of running and I just didn’t want to talk to anyone for two months. So when I started talking again, it was like you would communicate wrongly, like you wouldn’t really remember how to speak. That was one of the key things as well as just reading the book, reading the script a million times, just figuring things out.
I think 26 is the turning point. I’ve got to make up for 10 years of living like a degenerate. I’ve suddenly become conscious of being unhealthy. You’ve spent every bit of free time since [the age of ] 15 in a pub. And suddenly you’re like, ‘Oh God, I don’t want to be this grey ghost sitting there with a pot belly. I’ve got to get it together.
I remember when I was younger I used to write in my diary: I want my luck to be spread. “Never give me anything too lucky all at once. I'll take a little luck now and then, but spread it for seventy years. “Now that all of this is happening, I'm sure the rest of my life will be ruined.
The script changed so much over seven months and just had loads and loads of re-writes. I tried to tailor things to what I was interested in, like the relationship with the dad changed quite a lot because I thought one of the things when you're a young guy one of your biggest fears is this irrational fear of walking in your dad's footsteps and living the same life as him. I thought, even if your dad's a good guy, you just want to assert your independence on everything and it causes these irrational sort of rages.
I was obsessed with Eminem when I was younger. When he first came out I was about 12 and fanatical about his 'Slim Shady' CD. I think he's a genius.
It's fun to deal with the terror and the huge highs and lows of things. We're still getting massive surprises, anytime there's any Twilight-related event or anything. — © Robert Pattinson
It's fun to deal with the terror and the huge highs and lows of things. We're still getting massive surprises, anytime there's any Twilight-related event or anything.
I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, 'How did that happen?' I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume.
It's nice that I've grown up with the same friends since I was 12, I have a very close knit set of them... I grew up with a lot of people who a lot of other people regarded as heroes, and no one ever came to me for advice, no one ever came to me for protection, and so I don't ever really think I've been looked at as a hero.
Money by Martin Amis. I read it when I was 15, I read it hundreds of times since then and it always makes me laugh. Amis has managed to create a world that is both funny and abrasive. I'd love to play John Self, the depraved hero, who's without illusions, he created.
I never really considered myself attractive, really. I was always kind of gangly in school.
Umm thanks for the phone. I think I already broke it.
I liked a lot of Tyler's character, the rebelliousness and audaciousness of it, it's like a fantasy of myself, like yeah, I'm the kind of guy who just randomly gets in fights. Yeah, I do it all the time. But, not really.
I think that ‘New Moon’ was my favorite book as well mainly because I like the juxtaposition of all sudden people being…it’s such a hyped character, Edward, and there are so many people looking at him like a romantic hero. In ‘New Moon’, the way that I read it anyway, he’s just so humbled. It’s a character who’s looking at Bella and thinking that he loves something too much but he can’t be around. He deliberately starts breaking up their relationship which I think is a very relatable thing and I think is very kind of painful.
You're trying to play someone [Edward Cullen] who's seen by a lot of people as being this perfect thing, but what is that? That doesn't really mean anything. You're trying to play an archetype on one hand and then a character on the other, so I felt insanely frustrated right up until the last shot, and then it ended.
Obviously, the best dressed awards is very relevant, I'm best dressed at all times.(smiles)
A 17-year-old girl in Australia hacked into my e-mail while I was on it, Then a 15-year-old girl in England did the same thing. — © Robert Pattinson
A 17-year-old girl in Australia hacked into my e-mail while I was on it, Then a 15-year-old girl in England did the same thing.
People would be in hysterics if they saw that. It's like, wow, he's a superhuman moron.... So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well. Oh, he's so sexy.
I read some gossip thing saying, because I looked really uncomfortable in a paparazzi photo or something, they're like, 'He should get used to it. That's the price to pay if you're getting $12m a movie'. If I'm getting paid $12m a movie I'd walk around naked. That's all nonsense. I don't know who makes that stuff up. Even the price for the first one was nonsense.
I have been playing the piano for my entire life - since I was three.
My dad said to me the other day, I really am an artistic person. I was shocked as I never saw him as a creative. I think me and my sisters are living out that side of him as my sister is another creative person, she's a songwriter.
The only thing that you can do is do jobs and see if people respond to that. I'm always holding onto the fact that I don't really know who I am. Hopefully I won't compartmentalize myself because of that, because I'm completely ignorant of the whole.
If you're a fan of it, there's a lot of things that plays into what the fans of the series want. If you've never seen them before, a lot of people who have seen it tell me that it's the most accessible of the three. It's a solid story, by itself, and it's more of a sort of action film. When I was watching Twilight the other day, I realized that you do need to read the book to get it.
This thing with everyone knowing you it’s weird, because people have this one-sided relationship where they look at your picture and feel they know you more than someone they actually know. I don’t really know myself that well.
When you really love some one and you go to bed with them, you always want to give more than just sex.
When you love someone, you want that person to know that she's is your everything.
I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I`m terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me.
Outside of my family, I don't really know. They're great people and my parents are great parents, and they brought me up very well, I think. I don't know, I think that's about all the heroes I've had.
Contact lenses make me miserable, as soon as I put them in. That's what creates the pouting and brooding character.
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