Top 116 Quotes & Sayings by Roddy Piper

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Canadian athlete Roddy Piper.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Roddy Piper

Roderick George Toombs, better known as "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, was a Canadian professional wrestler, amateur wrestler, and actor.

I put my heart into my career, and the people knew that I did that; and I went from being the most hated man to one of the best loved.
I lived on the street myself.
When I would go into Madison Square Garden, I wasn't the most popular guy. Madison Square Garden, there's 16,000 Puerto Ricans with knives and great radios and stuff. — © Roddy Piper
When I would go into Madison Square Garden, I wasn't the most popular guy. Madison Square Garden, there's 16,000 Puerto Ricans with knives and great radios and stuff.
You walk into an arena with 10,000 people and no security and everybody hating you, it takes some gumption.
For anyone who's not familiar with 'Piper's Pit,' they need to know one thing - there's absolutely no rules.
The very first individual that breaks out in my mind as a top villain is Gorgeous George, and it's hard to beat the first guy.
For years and hundreds of thousands of miles, I drove with one knee, with the eight-track and the light dome on in the car, and a yellow pad, just writing down random ideas. I had notebooks and notebooks. The next morning, I'd go, 'Whoa, what was I thinking?' But there'd be one or two ideas that weren't that bad.
It's very humbling to know that the industry has cast me as the greatest heel in the history of the business.
Vince McMahon got really angry at me for leaving the WWE-F-G, whatever it is now.
I was raised by the last of the Gorgeous George era. You don't let somebody come from some other business, walk in your business, make a fool of ya and go back into his business and laugh at ya. So if you watch Wrestlemania the very first one, I was the general and here was the rule: don't let Mr. T throw a punch; keep it strictly amateur with him.
Bagpipes is a woodwind instrument, so you have to warm it up. But in a wrestling dressing room? You've got to be kidding me.
If you've got some to say to Ric Flair, you come say it to me, and I'll make the translation.
The fact that a wrestling program called 'Raw' could be the longest running television show in the history of television, bar nobody - nobody can now say we're not on the map.
Wrestling moves are made for arenas, not the screen. — © Roddy Piper
Wrestling moves are made for arenas, not the screen.
Back in the early days of WWE, I remember doing 20 interviews every Tuesday, one right after the other on different topics.
They say that wrestlers are actors, and they couldn't be more wrong. The truth is wrestling and acting could not be more opposite. Wrestling is explosion, and acting is implosion.
I've had Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy as a tag-team partner.
Bret Hart is my cousin, I'm told. Didn't know that until I was, I don't know, 28, 25.
It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life.
I remember I did a character in 'Robocop' years ago - Commander Cash. I wore this really ridiculous outfit, and my face was covered. You couldn't recognize me in the suit; you could only hear my voice.
I was the youngest in the world in history when I started, 15. That's illegal now.
I like choir music. I sincerely do!
The bottom line is, don't be a lifer. Get in, get a business, get five years of what you can, and get out. What happens is they start listening to the promoters, 'You'll get the next main event.' And then, all of a sudden, you become a lifer. That's the kiss of death there. Get in shape, go in, get the money, get out, and have a wonderful life.
If you are the heel, and if you are doing your job right, you are most hated.
Real wrestling fans always knew Hogan couldn't wrestle. And he's not exactly an intellectual, either... The path he chose is very simple. He wears spandex in the airport. That's his identification as a man.
I'm a villain at heart. I'm a born villain.
I did three television shows in Poughkeepsie in one day, with Adrian Adonis and The Iron Sheik. They gave us no food.
I was born in Saskatoon.
You've got to realize, I've been stabbed three times; I'm not too used to this kind of love from people. It has been unbelievable the amount of support I've gotten. I'm getting letters, packages, e-mails, and phone calls from so many people. It's just overwhelming.
'Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies' is a comedy. It was fun. You just don't take it serious. You just go there, get your popcorn, and sit down.
Without putting words in anybody's mouth, I think that Roddy has a reputation for being a rebel. I don't think that's a big secret.
I only had an A game... no matter where I was.
I've got a lot on my shoulders, but I've got the most beautiful family in the world.
There was a lot of work that people don't know about that I did to establish my villain persona. There were a lot of miles on the road that went into it, thousands upon thousands of hours of writing on yellow pads while driving in my car with the dome light on.
Wrestling has a tremendous entrance plan. You come in, and it's, 'Boy, here you are. It's rock and roll; it's wonderful.' It's got no exit plan.
I've been around the world seven times, been stabbed three times, been down in an airplane, and once dated the Bearded Lady.
Ask me for my shirt off my back, I'll give it to you. Tell me? Not a chance.
Guys like Ole Anderson, Gene Anderson, Mad Dog Vachon, Johnny Valentine. I love them to death. I'll love them forever. — © Roddy Piper
Guys like Ole Anderson, Gene Anderson, Mad Dog Vachon, Johnny Valentine. I love them to death. I'll love them forever.
It's one thing to talk the talk; it's another thing to walk after getting whacked with a coconut.
Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy... I have so much respect for them.
I hate a bully, and I hate racists.
I was the first wrestler ever in the history of wrestling to star in a major motion studio picture that became #1 box office of the weekend, and that gave the itch to I don't know how many wrestlers.
I've been in 30 car crashes, none of 'em my fault, I swear on a stack of midgets... OK, they were probably all my fault.
With Hulk, I don't agree with all his choices, but you know what, I don't hear people saying all the great things he does. When he was on the Wheaties box, all those kids that said their prayers and took their vitamins, I don't hear them saying that.
I am really good with Lego!
I was going nine times a week. You get to a point where you don't really know who you are. You're running on high octane, and you'll take all comers in every arena because there was no police. Every arena, you'd take on everybody that would come in the ring.
One time, I fought 90 fights in 90 days in 90 different places around the world. I didn't even know who I was: about 45 or 50 in, they just kept pushing me, and that's when I really get into a lot of trouble.
In the morning, I'm juicing two apples, two carrots, two celery, two beets, two ginger. I'm drinking that every morning to try to keep the cancer away.
I'm a very lucky person. — © Roddy Piper
I'm a very lucky person.
Burt Reynolds, the first time I met him, he introduced me at Madison Square Garden at Wrestlemania X.
The heel runs the match.
'Piper's Pit' was totally unscripted - everything just happened - thus, innovation was a challenging must to accomplish.
WWE and I have a long history, and I remember some very fun days back in the day.
I was trained by, at the time, the toughest man in the world. Not according to him, either. His name is 'Judo' Gene Lebell, and he trained Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris. He's the godfather of MMA.
Many hotels, I just sat there and - I call it the silent scream - I don't know why, you just sit there, and tears will just come down, and you'll just sit there for hours, man. There's no place to turn, and when you do turn, who cares? You're just a dumb professional wrestler.
I'm not gonna make 65. Let's just face facts, guys.
CM Punk is a very talented man, and I'm a big fan of his.
I was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and we moved when I was 4.
Only people who can't draw money need belts.
Getting into the voice-over booth, there are no cameras and no inhibitions.
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