Top 123 Quotes & Sayings by Roger Stone

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Roger Stone.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Roger Stone

Roger Jason Stone is an American conservative political consultant and lobbyist. Since the 1970s, Stone has worked on the campaigns of Republican politicians, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. In addition to frequently serving as a campaign adviser, Stone was a political lobbyist. In 1980, he co-founded a Washington, D.C.–based lobbying firm with Paul Manafort and Charles R. Black Jr. The firm recruited Peter G. Kelly and was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly in 1984. During the 1980s, BMSK became a top lobbying firm by leveraging its White House connections to attract high-paying clients, including U.S. corporations and trade associations, as well as foreign governments. By 1990, it was one of the leading lobbyists for American companies and foreign organizations.

In most matters regarding apparel, I am a big fan of natural fibers - wool, cotton, and so on. Not when it comes to socks. An elastic fiber of some type is necessary.
I never owned a pair of blue jeans until I met my second wife.
The straps that suspend a man's trousers from his shoulders - known in the U.S. as 'suspenders' and in Britain as 'braces' - are always correct with a summer suit made of seersucker, linen, or silk.
Anthony Weiner is a crafty and worthy adversary - an unrepentant lefty who is usually a savvy media player. — © Roger Stone
Anthony Weiner is a crafty and worthy adversary - an unrepentant lefty who is usually a savvy media player.
There is nothing - nothing - worse than seeing ankle or a hairy calf when a man in a suit or trousers sits down.
Every well-dressed gentleman must have an all-cotton oxford cloth button-down shirt from Brooks Brothers.
A 527 doesn't have a wife. It doesn't have a brother-in-law who knows a lot about politics, or a union president who calls and doesn't like the color of the suit, or bimbo eruptions. It's the perfect candidate, because it has no personal characteristics.
Never wear a button-down collared shirt with a double-breasted suit. The more formal double-breasted suit looks best with the more formal spread or long-point collar.
Money is speech. It's incongruous to say a multimillionaire can spend as much on his own campaign as he wants, but you can only give $2,300. His free speech rights are different from yours, thus violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. It's absurd.
You can't be the candidate and the campaign manager.
I am a Reagan Republican.
I oppose the spending of trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, I strongly oppose Islamic extremism but don't believe that sending troops to die in two unwinnable wars makes sense.
Big brother listening in on your phone calls - I got a problem with that.
There are more dog owners in America than there are conservatives. — © Roger Stone
There are more dog owners in America than there are conservatives.
If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary.
A seersucker suit is one of the most iconic styles dating from the 1920s and is still a gentleman's best bet when it's hot and sticky.
Of course a lot of the journalists hated Nixon, but they were always blown away by how smart he was.
I do a lot of referendums. They can't talk back. They don't have wives. They don't have friends who tell you how to run the campaign. They are supported by special interests, so there's a lot of money in them.
Laureate is a highly leveraged failing investment whose principal beneficiaries are Wall Street fat cats and billionaires - and William Jefferson Clinton.
In the rough and tumble world of business, media, or politics, the black knitted tie is indeed indispensable.
How can you be conservative and justify wiretapping people without a warrant? We're supposed to be the party of personal freedom and civil liberties.
John McCain has taken tens of millions of dollars from special interests and lobbyists in his senate and presidential campaigns. Now, we have to wonder if he will be able to remain objective on national security matters, as millions pour into his 'charity' from oppressive foreign governments.
In burgundy, a well-cut and properly tailored velvet blazer looks dashing with gray flannels and a cashmere sweater or a sleek, solid velvet tie.
A word about blue jeans, which, when I was growing up, were called dungarees, one of the more unfortunate marketing ideas of our time: Starting as a work garment for miners, the ubiquitous blue jeans became a staple of the counterculture starting when Brando wore them in 'On the Waterfront' and remained so through the anti-war protests of the '70s.
A black or royal blue velvet blazer will look great with a pair of jeans and a black or navy turtleneck sweater - though it's a more casual look.
Cold weather probably played a bigger role in bringing back the hat, but sadly, the hat common to New Jersey guidos, South Carolina rednecks, Idaho potato farmers and Los Angeles gang bangers is the ubiquitous 'tractor hat,' which is derived from the cheap baseball style cap with the adjustable plastic tab.
I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays. It was my first political trick.
Above all, avoid the Indiana Jones fedora. It's very yesterday, and if you wear a black one, you might be mistaken for an Orthodox Jew.
In 2000, Trump could have won the Reform Party nomination. I chaired his presidential exploratory committee.
Trump is the toughest guy I've ever met, and I've known some killers. His movement is bigger than the Republican Party, and he knows it.
The Establishment on both the Left and the Right, who want to disenfranchise the millions of Republican voters who support Donald Trump, have blamed the staged riots near Trump rallies on Trump or on Bernie Sanders. That's like blaming the Russians for the Reichstag Fire.
There are a few things a true gentleman cannot live without. The black silk knitted square-bottom tie is just such an indispensable item. No true gentlemen would be without one.
The reason I'm a Nixonite is because of his indestructibility and resilience. He never quit.
Unless you can fake sincerity, you'll get nowhere in this business.
The general election is not an organizational exercise - it's a mass media exercise.
Hillary Clinton is excoriating Donald Trump over Trump University? The Clinton scandal at Laureate Education, a for-profit education chain of schools and colleges operating world-wide, including the United States, is much worse.
Timberlake was once a boy-band idol with mismatched baggy attire and the curly, frosted locks of a Cabbage Patch Kid doll. His early fashion missteps included a full denim costume complete with rhinestones and a cowboy hat, and for a time, his hair was twisted in cornrows.
Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush.
Obviously a candidate has to be held responsible for the words that come out of his mouth, regardless of where they came from. — © Roger Stone
Obviously a candidate has to be held responsible for the words that come out of his mouth, regardless of where they came from.
I get blamed for things I have nothing to do with.
What sets seersucker apart from other materials? It's the 'coolest' material to wear in hot and humid weather. 'Coolest,' as in temperature, and 'coolest' as in hip, baby! There is nothing like it.
As someone who cares about human rights, I am deeply dismayed to learn that Mr. McCain's charity has accepted money from Saudi Arabia. Their track record of oppressing women, gays, Christians, and political opponents is notoriously horrific.
The biggest attraction with wearing seersucker has to be its rumpled look. This is because seersucker has a lack of inherent structure.
There is something urbane, stylish, and worldly about owning a cocktail shaker.
The pocket square, properly contrived, finishes a man's look. With good tailoring and well chosen neckwear, the look connotes power, taste, refinement, manners. The naked pocket connotes the opposite: working class, tasteless, base, crude, ignorant.
Never wear a seersucker suit straight off the rack. It's going to look shapeless and droopy. If you're going to sport seersucker, whether a jacket, trousers or a full suit, have it fitted. A nice, custom, tailored fit makes all the difference in the world.
American soldiers wore khaki uniforms during World War II. Men's khaki trousers became fashionable after the war, as homecoming GI's decided to continue wearing the soft, comfortable pants in their civilian capacities.
I'm a total Republican, but I've never claimed to be a Christian-right conservative. They're a large but dwindling part of the Party.
You can't wake up one day and say 'I'm for gay marriage,' and wake up the next day and say 'I'm against it.' Wake up one day and say, 'I'm pro-choice,' and the next day wake up and say, 'I'm pro-life.' There's no credibility there.
Plush velvet conjures up kings and opulence. — © Roger Stone
Plush velvet conjures up kings and opulence.
Those who are outraged will vote.
In this business, if you don't pay your debts you're finished.
Donald Trump would make a great president.
Politics with me isn't theater. It's performance art. Sometimes, for its own sake.
Young Republicans are a very, very important constituency. Along with little old ladies, they provide the foot soldiers for the Republican Party.
Nobody ever built a statue to a committee.
I believe the GOP should pitch its big-top tent around fiscal conservatism and a muscular foreign policy rather than carnival bark outside the sideshow tents of gay marriage and reproductive choice.
Traditionally, Young Republicans have been a leading indicator of the direction of the party.
If you have to drag somebody to register, they're not highly motivated.
I am a Libertarian Republican in the Goldwater style.
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