Top 183 Quotes & Sayings by Ronda Rousey - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American athlete Ronda Rousey.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I thought that I was mutant somehow. I eventually realized that I have a very natural look, and that's what God gave me, and I'm proud of it. It was kind of a way for me to get past that as well.
If you're fighting with emotion instead of structure... it's always going to be a mistake.
I'm the most dangerous unarmed women in the world, I've prepared my entire life to be that way. — © Ronda Rousey
I'm the most dangerous unarmed women in the world, I've prepared my entire life to be that way.
Sports are a metaphor for life.
That I happened to fall into a career that no other girls wanted isn't surprising to me. I wanted something that didn't exist, so I had to create it.
The thing that gets me up in the morning is that I’m really not ready to see someone that I know I can beat holding my belt.
Strong and healthy is the new sexy.
My father would say, 'Ronnie, you're going to be someone special. Whatever it is that you want to do, you're going to be the best in the world at it.'
I've coached doing judo, but I've never coached MMA. I'll have my own coach with me to help me along the way and I can't really fail with him by my side, but I'm a little nervous.
I knew that I liked what I was doing, that it was what I wanted to do for a living, and that the profession didn't really exist so much. So I had to create it.?
For girls it raises your testosterone, so I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight.
My one fear is failure and that's one fear I have to face all the time. Yes, it's uncomfortable to be scared but I'm finally comfortable being uncomfortable.
Do I ever get tired of being the first female everything? Not really, I just happened to be in a position where the job that I wanted was not really there for me. I had to create an opportunity instead of waiting for an opportunity.
I am vulnerable; that's why I fight. — © Ronda Rousey
I am vulnerable; that's why I fight.
Complimenting yourself is the funnest form of manifestation.
Judo taught me that I am capable of anything... I can mentally push past anything and be victorious.
I think that Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer that's ever lived; like actual technical boxer.
I'm living such a lucky and blessed life and I'm trying my best to deserve it.
If you work hard the fight's easy. If you don't work hard then the fight's hard.
I did what sports were supposed to be like, and I was living in my car. So you know what, fine. I'm gonna talk a bunch of sh*t. I'm gonna pose in a couple of pictures. And I'm gonna break a couple of girl's arms, and I'm not gonna feel the least bit sorry about it because you know what? At least I can feed my dog.
I'm going to retire undefeated. I'll take everybody out one-by-one then go on my merry way
Easy lives make boring people and things have definitely not been easy.
A loss leads to victory, being fired leads to a dream job..I find comfort in believing that good things can grow out of tragedy.
I don't shy away from any questions. I'm not scared of any question. I'll give you an answer. A lot of people are scared of having actual opinions out there. People are so scared of criticism I'm not scared of people disliking me.
A belt does nothing but hold your gi together. A belt has assigned significance, a belt is someone else saying you're good, you don't need other people saying that you're good in order to be good.
There have always been people who have written me off. They're not going away. I use that to motivate me. I'm driven to show them just how wrong they are.
The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue really sets the social standard for what people expect the perfect woman's body to look like, and a lot of those bodies usually look the same.
I never aspired to be 2nd. I was taught... you can do whatever you want in this world, so why not be the best in the world?
Fear of failure is always a driver but the thirst for more is a good one too... So I think you need a little bit of both.
I've never had anything cold and wet touching my butthole before. That was quite the experience!
To be a fighter, you have to be passionate. I have so much passion, it's hard to hold it all in. That passion escapes as tears from my eyes, sweat from my pores, blood from my veins.
The way that I like to fight is I like to paint myself into a corner and so the only way is for me to win.
Whenever people call me the first female this or that, it doesn't make it more special because no one in front of me wanted the same job. I've always wanted weird stuff and enjoyed things differently than other girls.
I kind of like to think of myself as the bad girl Olympian that would get kicked out of the Miss America pageant.
That's why I love fighting, because I get to have a big battle every couple months to make up for the little battles I have to forfeit every day
I don't want little girls to have the same ambitions as me. But I want them to know that it's okay to be ambitious.
There was a long time I had no job security, no options and no education.
Even before I was a fighter, I was a daddy's girl. — © Ronda Rousey
Even before I was a fighter, I was a daddy's girl.
Everyone wants to win. But to truly succeed - whether it is at a sport or at your job or in life - you have to be willing to do the hard work, overcome the challenges, and make the sacrifices it takes to be the best at what you do.
I get asked that a lot and I always go back to my mom's, 'No one has the right to beat you.' I take that to every venue that I'm in. She would say, 'Someone has to be the best in the world, why not you?' I always try to keep that in mind.
No one has the right to beat you.
It was a very bold step for Sports Illustrated, and a lot of people are taking notice. I want it to be so normal that people don't even notice anymore.
We were in the middle of a sandbar in the middle of the ocean with no one around, and still someone was following me from New York, and was hiding in some bushes like a mile away with a long lens, so he still got pictures. It was really an eye opener to how you really have to be careful about being followed everywhere. I was trying to go to the most remote place in the world, I was out on a sandbar in the middle of the ocean, and they still found me. It was definitely a very new experience.
Skinny girls look good in clothes, but fit chicks look good naked
The Olympics is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I was lucky enough to go twice, but most people only get one chance. And in judo you can train your whole life and it’ll come down to a split second: You can lose everything or win anything.
After I did the swimsuit issu?, I knew that I wanted to do it again.
I'm a courageous person because I'm a scared person.
Sports Illustrated is very serious about their covers. They'll never say, like, 'Oh you got it.'
Even though I was painted, even though I had on seven layers of paint - to the point that I got a tan, it was as thick as a fabric - I think I felt the most naked because I couldn't cover myself at all. I didn't have to, so I had to be much more open and relaxed.
There have been times in my adolescence where I gave up. I was like, 'I'm just never going to be pretty. I'm never going to be like one of those people on the front of magazines.' It always seemed really strange to me that the projection of how people are in advertisements looked nothing like the people who were actually buying them. You know what I mean? I never understood that mismatch, and now I really start to see that the people you see in the media are a lot more like people actually are.
I grew up with a lot of body image issues - not just about my weight, but I would always see these perfect orb, domed boobs on television, and think, "Mine don't look like that." I thought there was something wrong with me.
I'm not a full model like those other girls. Mostly I was surprised that I could hang. — © Ronda Rousey
I'm not a full model like those other girls. Mostly I was surprised that I could hang.
As an athlete you're taught to be selfish. When I'm training, it's usually all about me.
I really think that 'Sports Illustrated' is a big step in the "healthy is the new skinny" movement.
For girls it raises your testosterone, so I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight actually. Not with like everybody, I don't put out like a Craigslist ad or anything, but if I got a steady I'm going to be like 'yo, fight time's coming up.
When you're doing something like body paint or a nude shoot, you're making yourself very vulnerable, and you're really trusting people to really take care of you and make sure everything is very professional.
I'm going to beat Alexis Davis then take a nap
I got a lot of body paint on me in a short period of time. I would definitely do it again because Joann Gair is so brilliant, but I would definitely need, like, a good long break for it.
When you shoot nude, you always find a way to, like, cover yourself up in a way. So you really don't feel like you're truly naked because you're still covering yourself.
The reaction has been amazing because there is no woman that could look at these covers and not be like, 'That's what I could look like,' or, 'I pretty much already look like one of these chicks.' It really makes beauty seem so much more attainable to people.
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