Top 92 Quotes & Sayings by Ruby Dee

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Ruby Dee.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Ruby Dee

Ruby Dee was an American actress, poet, playwright, screenwriter, journalist, and civil rights activist. She originated the role of "Ruth Younger" in the stage and film versions of A Raisin in the Sun (1961). Her other notable film roles include The Jackie Robinson Story (1950) and Do the Right Thing (1989).

Marriage is really an exciting adventure.
A nation's youths shouldn't be sent off to die.
We women have a great function to perform. The world needs us. — © Ruby Dee
We women have a great function to perform. The world needs us.
Oh, I'm impressed with Lorraine Hansberry. She was a genius at whose feet I could sit.
I don't think the arts would have been as meaningful to me if I hadn't grown up in Harlem.
The greatest gift is not being afraid to question.
I never thought about myself as an activist when we were coming along. I love the people I love. I didn't care whether they could be a Democrat, Republican, communist... anything but a racist.
When I was young, I dreamt of being a starlet in Hollywood. But there comes a point in every African American's life when you realize the limitations, that you could only play maids or some little supporting role. Even Lena Horne couldn't get good parts.
Well, I didn't grow up with that word 'retirement' as part of my consciousness. I didn't grow up with professionals that retired. I thought retiring was when you are tired and go to bed.
I really don't believe in retiring as long as you can breathe.
Gangsters lived in the neighborhood. They weren't apart from it. Their relationships with people were both benevolent and scary.
You can't be all you are meant to be if you think you are better than others, and you can't be all you are meant to be if you think you are less than others, either.
I didn't have the kind of talent or personality that kept me dreaming about Hollywood. They don't hire little colored girls to do this or that. After I got that in my head, I took another direction.
I remember street corners and pickets and parades. That's what I got teethed on. — © Ruby Dee
I remember street corners and pickets and parades. That's what I got teethed on.
My whole life is not defined by what Hollywood does.
Life can't die. It's a contradiction.
We don't realize how much racism has tainted our self-image as human beings.
I think you mustn't tell your body, you mustn't tell your soul, 'I'm going to retire.' You may be changing your life emphasis, but there's still things that you have in mind to do that now seems the right time to do.
I pray with my whole soul that the divide-and-conquerers among us will not triumph over us. We need each other in this world so desperately.
Black filmmakers - I'm grateful for them.
I'd come from a background in New York of picketing and protesting.
You have to learn how to be married. You have to learn to love somebody.
I'm proud of doing 'Long Day's Journey into Night,' for which I won an ACE award.
I respect the fact that a director has studied the text and the road map of work before us, the subtleties, interconnections, underpinnings... His job is to paint the entire picture and knows all the colors that have to be in it.
We are all a tiger with feelings. An elephant who never forgets. We are tiger, panther, monkey - we are all of these things, all of the life rhythms.
God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.
My stepmother wanted to be an actress.
I think all human beings have a godlike, divine power, only most of us don't tap into it.
Just staying together is not a real virtue, if you're not happy. Or you're being denied. Or one person is being squashed. Or you really don't love each other; you're just there out of habit. That doesn't work, no matter how many years you stay together.
Racism is a very insidious thing. It's dangerous to the psyche, to mind and body. It erodes the self-confidence. And I don't know how we get through it.
Marriage, like love, is an aspiration. It's a process.
OK, boss, I don't mind shuffling, but I won't scratch my head.
I shined shoes; I did windows.
My constant battle is putting aside time wasters, and I have to watch out for procrastination. Staying on the path of something you're trying to create has much to do with having confidence in yourself and in your capacity to realize the things you want out of life.
I have this deep love for authors. I think that we don't do enough to encourage love of words and love of books.
One reason I didn't trust my writing for so long was that I always considered myself a serious dramatic actor. But people would always laugh when I shared my writing with them. It took my husband to help me see that I really am part humorist.
It is so calming, marriage.
I'm an actor who appreciates direction. — © Ruby Dee
I'm an actor who appreciates direction.
I never remember, like, saying, 'Well, I'm going to belong - join the civil rights movement.'
I think I have something unique that I'd like to share.
I learned that having great sensitivity is important. But being strong is just as important.
God has use for all the old people.
I didn't realize it until I was grown how necessary it is for good people to be tough.
I have always been against the gangster as hero.
You can only appreciate freedom when you find yourself in a position to fight for someone else's freedom and not worry about your own.
Black History Month is fine, but we need more months of the year to celebrate all the people on this earth. After all, we're all creatures of the same God.
Black women have to know the historical and everyday struggles of black men, and our men have to know the struggles of black women in America.
There is a place for people 65 and older that no other age group can fit. We have nothing to lose. Some of us have a couple pennies. We can go out now and really be revolutionaries.
My experience for myself as a performer is not one of high expectations. — © Ruby Dee
My experience for myself as a performer is not one of high expectations.
The nature of racism is that it grinds down the soul of the man more finely than it does the soul of the woman. When you want to conquer a people or subject it, you destroy the male component.
You should always be prepared to win. But as much as I tell myself that, I've accepted another kind of role. Racism undercuts expectation, something like that. I'm not saying that to excuse myself from anything, but I've lived all this time, and things don't happen.
Is it safe and sane to only have one political and economic system by which everyone in the world can live? Or can we explore and share? God never made one of anything.
I don't know who I would be if I weren't this child from Harlem, this woman from Harlem. It's in me so deep.
The Divine Impulse - it's always safe to follow it. We've got to trust it and go wherever it takes us. Especially women.
I do remember the numbers runners, I do remember the poverty and bread lines. Harlem stays with you forever.
The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity.
I'm very much interested in getting prisons off the stock market. I'm very much interested in upgrading the public school system... and taking a second look at capital punishment.
You're not supposed to go into business with the sole purpose of putting your neighbor out of business. This is not the United States of Corporate America.
African-Americans have a lot to teach the world.
An Oscar nomination? That would be a very satisfying thing, I'm sure. I would appreciate the thought. It would be like taking your hat off as an actor to all the people who walk through you.
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