Top 65 Quotes & Sayings by Rufus Sewell

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English actor Rufus Sewell.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Rufus Sewell

Rufus Frederik Sewell is a British film and stage actor. In film, he has appeared in Carrington (1995), Hamlet (1996), Dangerous Beauty (1998), Dark City (1998), A Knight's Tale (2001), The Legend of Zorro (2005), The Illusionist (2006), Amazing Grace (2006), The Holiday (2006), Paris, je t'aime (2006), Judy (2019), The Father (2020), and Old (2021).

My feelings about my mortality are less selfish than they used to be. I used to affect a cavalier attitude to death; now I see it from my son's perspective.
People talk about me in 'Arcadia' and I think I was okay in it but I've given better performances in other productions that didn't have the same impact. But I knew 'Arcadia' was going to be an event and I wanted to be part of it.
Of course, I want to look good, as that helped me get jobs. But it didn't get me the jobs I wanted and it held me back. — © Rufus Sewell
Of course, I want to look good, as that helped me get jobs. But it didn't get me the jobs I wanted and it held me back.
Yes, years of compromise and disappointment have added depth to my acting.
'The Taming Of The Shrew' is probably the first time I've worked in this country for about ten years, apart from theatre, and it's not for want of trying. It was so fantastic to work in London - it felt really glamorous.
I think the only thing I've got going for me as an actor specifically is the fact that I can change.
I've always liked the idea of regularly doing a play but I was offered things which I felt were too 'celebie' and West Endy.
I was the lead in 'Interview With The Vampire', until Tom Cruise decided he was interested. I was in 'The Wings Of The Dove' with Uma Thurman, until that got cancelled. I was in 'Shakespeare In Love' with Julia Roberts, until that fell apart.
It's important to me to be in a relationship when I'm in one, but I'm not someone who needs to be in a relationship.
I think if a character appeals to you, there are certain parts of yourself will come to the fore and other parts that will play down.
People talk about opportunity knocking, but the gate was always swinging in the breeze before I got to the door.
A large part of my adolescence was spent doing my very best to draw attention to myself.
When I left drama school, my fear was that I'd get pigeon holed into comic acting and I did so much to counter it that I got stuck in the opposite.
I do as much comedy as I possibly can, but I'm basically limited by the imagination of the secretaries who make the decisions. — © Rufus Sewell
I do as much comedy as I possibly can, but I'm basically limited by the imagination of the secretaries who make the decisions.
I don't think the roles that I'm necessarily known for in this country are my best work, or even anywhere near it. I didn't think I was great in 'Arcadia.' I think it's a great part and a great play and had a lot of attention.
As a person I'm perfectly vain, I'm just vainer as an actor about my ability. My acting vanity trumps my human vanity.
I'd like an omelet named after me.
I'm very, very happy with my recognition/lack of recognition in England in terms of my life. In terms of household name-age. The public's memory is very short, luckily.
I've always believed very, very strongly that the way you treat people is more important than anything, professionally or otherwise.
I'm hoping that a lifetime of compromise and disappointment will read as extra depth and layers in my work.
For me, if I were to be at home in any kind of style, it is more comedy than anything else.
I was a very undisciplined person but acting was something that actually motivated me to get up in the morning. I hadn't experienced that before, but it was something that really excited me. I think I could be quite self-conscious and it gave me a release.
I'm in a position where I'm being continually knocked back for the kind of independent films I want to be in because people don't know who I am.
I'm only based in L.A. because I couldn't get any work in England.
My career has suddenly started to be the one that I'd always wanted, not in terms of level of success, but in terms of - and this is what I've been banging on about - playing different parts in different media.
I don't know why the universe is so determined to keep my feet on the ground.
I think I was a bit frightened of having to be a grownup and tried to put that off for as long as I could.
Hollywood is my domestic idyll.
For a long time, I've had to hustle. If a film role is obviously great, then it's been difficult for me to get a look-in.
I wasn't a model schoolboy. Of course, I was forced to sit through Shakespeare and I really got into some of it, though it depended on who was reading it out.
I've discovered that I've never had much respect for money, and that has meant that money has ended up ruling me a little bit more than it should have. So I'm trying to learn - at this late stage in life! - to actually control that.
At times, I think of my career as a map. The closer you get to the map, the more you know where you are, but the closer I get to my career, the less happy I feel. At the same time, I have carved out the career for myself which I wanted.
I don't have any shame about the way I conducted my professional life.
Billy is a funny, cheeky, lovely boy and I love being with him. Parenthood is terrifying though. I can barely walk past a building without panicking that it's going to collapse on his head.
Given the choice between someone saying I was handsome in a role or ugly but good, I know which I'd choose.
Lazy journalists, they'll read stuff and get a quote then ask the same question again hoping I'll say a similar thing; it's very tiresome.
I've gone through long periods without being with someone and got a bit lonely, but not for a while.
I was very frustrated, in a physical sense, by people seeing me in a way that I wasn't. And I was beginning to find myself boxed into a corner. Hopefully things have loosed up a bit, and I've gotten better and become more relaxed as an actor.
For a long time, I didn't give anything my all. I was so afraid that I'd be crap, so I held myself back. — © Rufus Sewell
For a long time, I didn't give anything my all. I was so afraid that I'd be crap, so I held myself back.
I don't know if the money I've earned is going to need to last me for the next few weeks or the rest of my life.
I no longer have a style to maintain. I rent a little flat in Los Angeles, I don't take holidays, I don't dine out and I take cheap flights.
If my British film career was a girl, then I'd been hanging around outside her apartment a little bit too long.
I want to be able to do anything. I know it's probably not reasonable to expect, but that's what I'd like to do.
Well, thing is, after they cancelled 'Zen', I didn't work for eight months. And in that case, it was not my choice. After I've done something that I'm really proud of and I think changes the way I'm perceived, the immediate reaction is: nothing.
I recognize myself to a lesser or greater extent in everything I read, good and bad, and that's part of being a human being if you're honest enough. And obviously the darker parts are the things you don't let control you.
It's nice when women fancy me, but I think I will only disappoint them so I prefer it if they don't know who I am.
The reason I am unemployed for six months out of every year is because I have to turn down most of the films I'm offered. If I didn't, I'd only ever play a dark, satanic count on a horse.
Quality is subjective. There are quality blockbusters; there are quality versions of every genre and it doesn't necessarily mean money.
Ive gone through long periods without being with someone and got a bit lonely, but not for a while. — © Rufus Sewell
Ive gone through long periods without being with someone and got a bit lonely, but not for a while.
It's good to remind yourself that you're lucky to be working at all. It's very easy to get into the mindset of ingratitude and I battle with it all the time.
Im hoping that a lifetime of compromise and disappointment will read as extra depth and layers in my work.
If I was to say "I'll only do movies," then I'd struggle to find a varied career. My priority is an interesting career, that's why I keep a low rent, I don't go on big holidays, and I keep it very simple.
Id like an omelet named after me.
Don't die with a bottle of champagne in your fridge.
Ive always believed very, very strongly that the way you treat people is more important than anything, professionally or otherwise.
My idea of quality is my own idea of quality. What I do and what I want to do next is my business. The next thing I fall in love with might be what you think is rubbish.
My favourite things are just wandering from place to place, going to cafés, taking photographs. My favourite day is a happy accident.
I'm not fussy about the medium I work in. I'll do television radio, you know. I have to, because that's the only way I can do continually good roles.
People talk about me in Arcadia and I think I was okay in it but Ive given better performances in other productions that didnt have the same impact. But I knew Arcadia was going to be an event and I wanted to be part of it.
The reason I live in America is because I mean literally every six or seven years I've done something in England. The last lead I had in an English film I did was 1998. So that's why I live here. It's because I get more work. I'll travel back for radio, you know what I mean. I've just got to consider myself to be living in the middle of the ocean, and that way I have a really nice career, if I'm prepared to do television, radio, theater, and film.
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