Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Ryan Zinke

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Ryan Zinke.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Ryan Zinke

Ryan Keith Zinke is an American politician and businessman who served as United States Secretary of the Interior in the Trump Administration from 2017 until his resignation in 2019. He served as the U.S. representative for Montana's at-large congressional district from 2015 to 2017. From 2009 to 2013, he served as a member of the Montana Senate, representing the 2nd district.

The status quo is not working, and I believe that Donald Trump is going to be a phenomenal president.
As a former Commander, I gave an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. As a state senator, I gave that same oath. As a Congressman, I gave an oath to defend the Constitution. There are some things that are not negotiable: Faith, my family, and the Constitution are dead center. It is nonnegotiable to me.
There's no assigned seats in the House. I spent the first couple months just getting to know my Congress. So I kind of wander around. — © Ryan Zinke
There's no assigned seats in the House. I spent the first couple months just getting to know my Congress. So I kind of wander around.
In my experience, given how large the border is and given how many people are coming across the border, I mean, look, if a child can come across the border, and we know there's hundreds of thousands of children that have, then what makes you think that ISIS and terrorists can't?
I think the troops deserve the best equipment on the battlefield, the best training, and American armor if they get in trouble.
I love Teddy Roosevelt... As a country, we need to think big again.
I'm an advocate for a full spectrum of energy policy, but we're never going to get there with solar cells that are going to power this country.
I just want to be a really good congressman. You should look at what you are today and be the very best you can.
Nicknamed 'Mad-Dog Mattis' by his men, he was a command warrior in the old George Patton mode. He wasn't an armchair general by any definition of that much-maligned term. If a Marine re-upped at a location where he was present, he would personally go to that Marine and thank him or her for rejoining.
If you find a node that you can penetrate, that you can eliminate, and draw more information for future operations, I think it's prudent to do.
We have more natural resources - coal, oil, wind - across the board not only to be energy independent but to be a leading exporter.
The climate is changing; I don't think you can deny that. But climate has always changed.
One of our pillars has to be national security - our nation's security both domestically and abroad.
The northern border is a different problem set than our southern border. We're not going to put a fence between America and Canada, across Glacier Park. I grew up there. We can use some technological controls. We work with the Canadians more, and there's a lot of property we share, along with tribal lands.
I could literally go on for pages upon pages about Mattis and how influential this man was to me and many others who fought alongside him. — © Ryan Zinke
I could literally go on for pages upon pages about Mattis and how influential this man was to me and many others who fought alongside him.
America is smarter than the politicians. America is demanding a change and not more of the same cronyism, not more of the same deception, corruption, and business. Washington, D.C., needs to be shaken up.
On the House side, when Donald Trump came, he received multiple standing ovations.
Whether you're a man or a woman, you should get the same degree of healthcare from our VA.
The federal government needs to do a much better job of managing our resources, but the sale or transfer of our land is an extreme proposal, and I won't tolerate it.
I think it's a reasonable request to ask: if you're going to write a piece of regulation that affects Montana, I think you should know the difference between Butte and Bozeman.
In American history, it's about hard work and self-reliance. It's not about collecting giveaways or being on unemployment forever. That the economy moves ahead for people who are going to work to realize the American dream, own a home, send your kids to college. I think it's the founding cornerstone of America.
I was making Molotov cocktails long before I knew the name for them.
To me, there is no doubt: inaction abroad emboldens actions on the home front. They are related.
A lot of what a military officer does is not just leading troops in combat. It's also doing budgets. It's solving complex problems. If you can sit down with warlords, you can certainly sit down with different parties and folks with different interests and come out with an amenable solution.
As a Navy SEAL, our motto is obviously 'Never Quit,' and our only easy day was yesterday. Send in the Navy SEALS - I think it's time to send the Navy SEALS to Washington!
I believe in the value of life. I believe we must prepare our children for tomorrow with the family values of my grandparents.
I strongly endorse Donald Trump because we need a president that will put our veterans in front of the line rather than watch them die while in line.
As a president, we need a businessman who understands that business is not usual - someone who's not going to put up with business as usual in Washington, D.C. Having a businessman who's not going to put up with business as usual in Washington, D.C., is exactly what we need.
I want to be a part of the team that's 'making America great again' in whatever capacity I can serve.
I will work tirelessly to ensure our public lands are managed and preserved in a way that benefits everyone for generations to come.
I support a robust economy where agriculture and businesses are able to compete in a fair and open global market.
At the end of the day, I think you're on high moral ground when you respect Montana and you respect the Constitution and you do your duty as a Senator. We need to put Americans' and Montanans' interests in the front seat and politics in the back.
We've walked away from our treaty obligations in Ukraine, putting NATO at risk.
We need to secure our southern border. Clearly, the southern border is now a nexus between immigration and national security. It's a sieve.
Clean air and clean water are absolute top priorities when we talk about responsible energy development; however, the final rule issued by the Obama administration does nothing to further protect our resources.
We use our land for hunting, fishing, hiking, and to create jobs. Our outdoor economy is a billion dollar economic engine for the state that creates jobs.
If you get the government off our back, there's no economy in the world that can create more jobs in the long-term for everybody.
As someone who grew up in a logging and rail town and hiking in Glacier National Park, I am honored and humbled to be asked to serve Montana and America as secretary of interior.
When I joined the SEALs, no one knew what a SEAL was. What intrigued me was the level of commitment, the love of country and desire to be the best in the world at your vocation. Watching American exceptionalism in action.
I have always been a strong supporter of public lands and have voted against the transfer or sale of public lands. My position is known and well-established. — © Ryan Zinke
I have always been a strong supporter of public lands and have voted against the transfer or sale of public lands. My position is known and well-established.
Canada has as much or more control of the border than we do. Getting into Mexico is a lot easier than getting into Canada.
Senator Tester is wise enough to make sure his voice is heard in a positive manner to get things done.
In the exodus out of Iraq, we're seeing the effects of just leaving. We left before there was control of chemical weapons stockpiles, without a status-of-forces agreement. We left before the Sunni and Kurds we fought with and fought alongside with were stable, or without empowering them. We left on a political rhetoric.
When you have a script where we say we are just going to do air operations alone within the territory of Iraq, what happens is the forces then that we want to target will move their forces, colocate with hospitals, schools, embed themselves to be very, very difficult to conduct air operations against.
The right rules of engagement means giving our forward commanders the authority and flexibility to take the initiative and win. Trust our forward deployed warriors to do their job. Political appointees running the war from Washington is just wrong.
When you're asked by the president to serve, it's awfully hard to say no, and I'm loyal.
I think the soft underbelly of Russia is - what's driving their ability to be aggressive is their energy. If you take the energy out of their economy, Russia is not so strong.
We have more women serving in the military than any time in our nation's history, and yet the VA has not done a pivot to look at women's healthcare issues.
My heart is heavy for the people of Paris, Beirut, and other nations affected by ISIS terrorists.
The Democrats are besides themselves because they don't understand Trump. They don't understand: you don't get between the American people - because Americans are upset.
The United States should have stepped up and destroyed ISIS at its origins rather than wait until ISIS grew their capabilities and influence. — © Ryan Zinke
The United States should have stepped up and destroyed ISIS at its origins rather than wait until ISIS grew their capabilities and influence.
My wife, she was an early-adopter to Trump and a supporter of Trump - earlier than me, by far.
I think America is strong enough to fix the problems, grace and honor to D.C. I think energy independence and control spending. We have to go to a balanced budget. Quite frankly, as far as our debt goes, I don't think you can tax your way out of it. I think people are taxed enough.
Our foreign policy and our military policy is make sure that we fight on foreign shores and not shores here.
In the case of the Syrian refugees, most of them are male. Most of them are of military age, and yes, it is a significant security issue in that a background check is only as good as the authorities have information on them.
I believe in the value of life. I have fought for that value. I am the only candidate to carry a right to life bill, protecting unborn victims and ensuring that all life should be protected.
As a kid who grew up in Montana, I resent regulation being formulated and forced in Washington from bureaucrats that have never been to Montana.
We need to make sure these Islamic terrorist organizations don't become mainstream. We're fighting an ideology as much as a group of radical terrorists.
The Sunnis no longer recognize the centralized government as a legitimate power. The Shia militia that is moving around is calling out war crimes that are anti-Sunni. So, the Sunnis are in a tough spot. Do they move to an ISIS, which is a radical Islamic terrorist organization? Or do they defend themselves? Or do they give up?
Gen. Mattis is a warrior. What I appreciate about Gen. Mattis is he understands the principle that if you go to war, you go to war to win.
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