Top 667 Quotes & Sayings by Salman Rushdie

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Indian novelist Salman Rushdie.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Salman Rushdie

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is an Indian-born British-American novelist and essayist. His work, combining magical realism with historical fiction, is primarily concerned with the many connections, disruptions, and migrations between Eastern and Western civilizations, with much of his fiction being set on the Indian subcontinent.

I do think of Bombay as my hometown. Those are the streets I walked when I was learning to walk. And it's the place that my imagination has returned to more than anywhere else.
We are the storytelling animal.
I grew up reading 'The Jungle Books' and loving them. — © Salman Rushdie
I grew up reading 'The Jungle Books' and loving them.
Sometimes great, banned works defy the censor's description and impose themselves on the world - 'Ulysses,' 'Lolita,' the 'Arabian Nights.'
In an ideal world, you could reunite the Pakistan-occupied part of Kashmir with the Indian-occupied part and restore the old borders. You could have both India and Pakistan agreeing to guarantee those borders, demilitarise the area, and to invest in it economically. In a sane world that would happen, but we don't live in a sane world.
Most of what matters in your life takes place in your absence.
A purpose of our lives is to broaden what we can understand and say and therefore be.
There is nothing intrinsic linking any religion with any act of violence. The crusades don't prove that Christianity was violent. The Inquisition doesn't prove that Christianity tortures people. But that Christianity did torture people.
The Christian Coalition is still about Christianity, even if it's an idea of Christianity that many Christians might not go along with.
If my child had prejudice in his head, I'd be ashamed. I would see it as my failure as a parent.
Rohinton Mistry's celebrated novel 'Such a Long Journey' was pulled off the syllabus of Mumbai University because local extremists objected to its content.
British society has never been cleansed of the filth of imperialism.
You don't fight radical conservatism with not-quite-so radical conservatism.
The Koran was revealed at a time of great change in the Arab world, the seventh-century shift from a matriarchal nomadic culture to an urban patriarchal system.
The Republicans were not always insane. They might've had politics I didn't agree with, but they weren't always actually certifiable. — © Salman Rushdie
The Republicans were not always insane. They might've had politics I didn't agree with, but they weren't always actually certifiable.
I'm not a prophet, but I always thought it was natural for dictatorships to fall. I remember in 1989, two months before the fall of the Berlin Wall, had you said it was going to happen no one would have believed you. The system seemed powerful and unbreakable. Suddenly overnight it blew away like dust.
Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself.
As a writer, one of the things we all learned from the movies was a kind of compression that didn't exist before people were used to watching films. For instance, if you wanted to write a flashback in a novel, you once had to really contextualize it a lot, to set it up. Now, readers know exactly what you're doing. Close-ups, too.
The miniatures of the Mughal period are really the pinnacle of Indian artistic achievement. And not a single one of those paintings is done by an individual artist.
Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts.
If you're offended, it's your problem.
I think if we wish to live in any kind of a moral universe, we must hold the perpetrators of violence responsible for the violence they perpetrate. It's very simple. The criminal is responsible for the crime.
You can take the boy out of Bombay; you can't take Bombay out of the boy, you know.
In the '50s, listening to Elvis and others on the radio in Bombay - it didn't feel alien. Noises made by a truck driver from Tupelo, Mississippi, seemed relevant to a middle-class kid growing up on the other side of the world. That has always fascinated me.
A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep.
I've never seen anywhere in the world as beautiful as Kashmir. It has something to do with the fact that the valley is very small and the mountains are very big, so you have this miniature countryside surrounded by the Himalayas, and it's just spectacular. And it's true, the people are very beautiful too.
I don't think people cry reading 'Midnight's Children,' but a lot of people seem to cry watching the movie.
American literature has always been immigrant.
A mature society understands that at the heart of democracy is argument.
The whole story of migration and what that has done in interconnecting the planet is obviously something I've written about a lot.
Two things form the bedrock of any open society - freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don't have those things, you don't have a free country.
All art began as sacred art, you know? I mean, all painting began as religious painting. All writing began as religious writing.
The suicide bomber's imagination leads him to believe in a brilliant act of heroism, when in fact he is simply blowing himself up pointlessly and taking other people's lives.
It's Kennedy's war, Vietnam. Lyndon Johnson got all the flak, but it's Kennedy's war.
One of the problems with defending free speech is you often have to defend people that you find to be outrageous and unpleasant and disgusting.
If Woody Allen were a Muslim, he'd be dead by now.
Self-censorship is a lie to yourself; if you are going to be trying to seriously create art, to create literary art, and you decide to hold back, to censor yourself, then you are a fool to yourself and it would be better that you kept your mouth shut and did not speak.
If you look at Indian movies, every time they wanted an exotic locale, they would have a dance number in Kashmir. Kashmir was India's fairyland. Indians went there because in a hot country you go to a cold place. People would be entranced by the sight of snow.
The gamble of literature is that I make the best work I can; the most truthful, the most representative of how I see things. I try and do that, and then I put it out there and say to you, 'What do you think?' I hope that you think well of it, obviously.
Hyperrealism can create an atmosphere of surrealism because nobody sees the world in such detail. — © Salman Rushdie
Hyperrealism can create an atmosphere of surrealism because nobody sees the world in such detail.
I used to say, 'There is a God-shaped hole in me.' For a long time I stressed the absence, the hole. Now I find it is the shape which has become more important.
I have to say that after some initial resistance, I'm now a complete 'Game of Thrones' addict.
The Chinese are good at repression and can be pretty ruthless about it.
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.
An attack upon our ability to tell stories is not just censorship - it is a crime against our nature as human beings.
Vertigo is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall.
One of the strange things about violent and authoritarian regimes is they don't like the glare of negative publicity.
The field of the novel is very rich. If you're a composer, you're well aware of the history of composition, and you are trying to make your music part of that history. You're not ahistorical. In the same way, I think, if you write now, you are writing in the historical context of what the novel has been and what possibilities it has revealed.
One of the reasons my name is Rushdie is that my father was an admirer of Ibn Rush'd, the 12th century Arab philosopher known as Averroes in the West. In his time, he was making the non-literalist case for interpreting the Koran.
In any authoritarian society, the possessor of power dictates, and if you try and step outside, he will come after you. This is equally true of Sovietism, of China and of Iran, and in our time it has happened a lot in Islam. The point is that it's worse when the authoritarianism is supported by something supernatural.
What I've always tried to find in my books are points at which the private lives of the characters, and also my own, intersect with the public life of the culture. — © Salman Rushdie
What I've always tried to find in my books are points at which the private lives of the characters, and also my own, intersect with the public life of the culture.
Dissensions between Muslim nations run at least as deep, if not deeper, than those nations' resentment of the West.
I think, in a written novel, the way in which you play with the readers' emotion or the way in which you engage the readers' emotions can be very indirect. You could come at it through irony or comedy, etcetera, and you could capture people's sympathies and feelings kind of by stealth if you like.
The difference between memoir and autobiography, as far as I see it, is that a memoir is there primarily to tell one particular story, whereas an autobiography tries to be a full account of a life.
I've met the Dalai Lama briefly, but I would probably say my grandfather was the wisest person I ever met. He was my mother's father, an Indian, a family doctor, and very unlike me in that he was deeply religious.
There is no such thing as perfect security, only varying levels of insecurity.
Friendships are the family we make - not the one we inherit. I've always been someone to whom friendship, elective affinities, is as important as family.
It is literature which for me opened the mysterious and decisive doors of imagination and understanding. To see the way others see. To think the way others think. And above all, to feel.
War used to be something you could stand on the nearby hill and watch. Now we have total war; everybody's in it. We have total economics as well. Everything affects everybody. The Malaysian currency shakes, and people around the world are seriously affected.
The publishing of a book is a worldwide event. The attempt to suppress a book is a worldwide event.
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