Top 95 Quotes & Sayings by Sam Graves

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Sam Graves.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Sam Graves

Samuel Bruce Graves Jr. is an American politician serving as the United States representative for Missouri's 6th congressional district, serving since 2001. He is a member of the Republican Party. The district stretches across most of the northern third of the state, from the Kansas border to the Illinois border. The bulk of its population lives in the northern part of the Kansas City area, including the northern fourth of Kansas City. Graves is the dean of Missouri's House delegation.

The trend in entrepreneurship is up, but an entrepreneur's ability to hire is down.
The significance and volume of repairs that are needed across the country demand that we give state and local governments the long-term certainty they need to effectively execute these projects.
I'm not in favor of any amnesty whatsoever. — © Sam Graves
I'm not in favor of any amnesty whatsoever.
We owe it to American taxpayers to make sure that contracts intended for small businesses go to small businesses.
I worry about whether SBA programs are still doing what they are meant to do - support lenders who fund good business startups and good expansion plans.
A long-lasting and sustained recovery will never be achieved through massive government spending programs.
Walt Disney grew up in Marceline, but almost every child has grown up with his beloved characters.
As threats emerge - from ISIS to Russia to the Iranian nuclear program - we need a president with the resolve to defend our country and not back down.
There is no doubt that the majority of Kansas Citians are happy with their three-terminal airport. I will advocate in Washington for our city to keep its unique airport as long as we want it.
I do not like toll roads. Taxpayers are already paying for those roads through their gas taxes, and then to turn around and tell them they need to pay more to drive on the roads, I don't like it.
The best thing we can do to help small-business owners succeed is cut spending.
The integrity of the federal procurement system needs to be protected so that the public has confidence in government contracts, and small businesses have every opportunity to compete.
Improving small business opportunities through federal contracts creates jobs and saves taxpayer money.
Administrator McCarthy and the EPA will soon find out that Washington bureaucrats are becoming far too aggressive in attacking our way of life. Administrator McCarthy should be apologizing to Missourians. EPA aggression has reached an all-time high, and now it must be stopped.
There are a lot of folks out there that love the convenience of the Kansas City airport. That's one of the biggest things it's got going for it. — © Sam Graves
There are a lot of folks out there that love the convenience of the Kansas City airport. That's one of the biggest things it's got going for it.
Government does not create jobs, but it can help set the table for economic growth with the right policies.
It's important for Republicans to nominate someone who not only has a vision of how to create jobs, but who has done it. That's why I am endorsing Texas Governor Rick Perry for President.
The majority of ground in the U.S. is owned by the federal government, and right now, very little of it is accessible to anybody that is trying to produce oil and gas, and we need to be opening that up.
Economic recovery begins with our small businesses.
There is nothing out there that I have a grudge against or I have a problem with.
Kansas City is one of the most convenient airports in the nation.
Claiming to 'fight for small business' is often used as a political tool in Washington D.C., but it is actually the policies behind that battle cry that small firms care about.
We must secure our borders and restore the rule of law, and more than anyone running, Ted Cruz has fought to make this nation secure while protecting our constitutional rights.
If we don't enforce visa laws, we basically have open borders.
I have personally seen Ted Cruz stand up and fight on the issues that matter the most to conservatives, even when it wasn't popular in Congress.
I understand that the nature of politics sometimes involves fending off frivolous, anonymous allegations.
The recession's high unemployment rates may have encouraged people to start sole proprietorships, but there are many obstacles in the way of growing a company to create jobs.
It's mystifying to me why the House leadership will not allow a straight up-or-down vote on a pay raise. I vote against every pay raise because taxpayers deserve better.
This is the people's money, and we need to use it on their priorities. Increasing the pay of members of Congress is not their priority.
We must get government out of the way and help foster an environment where small businesses are free to grow and create jobs.
I have no preconceived notions of what SBA programs work or not.
Although 95 percent of the world's market for products exists outside the U.S., many small firms do not have the resources and personnel to take advantage of these opportunities.
Gov. Perry has led the way in Texas on creating an environment for job growth.
The sky isn't falling. We're not going to have more meteors hit because of sequestration.
The fact that two-thirds of Americans who work at small businesses will see premium increases because of the health law is devastating news. This is one more in a long line of broken promises from President Obama and Washington Democrats.
Small business owners are experiencing great uncertainty because of the possibility of tax increases, the inconsistent flow of credit, an outrageous national debt, high energy costs, and overreaching federal regulations.
When I pick my subcommittee chairmen, I look for people that understand what it's like to run successful businesses, who know what it's like to sign the front of the check instead of the back of the check: somebody that gets it.
When we stop running up huge budget deficits and start acting responsibly in Washington, we will provide small-business owners with the certainty they need to put Americans back to work.
It is key that Kansas Citians make the call as to what kind of airport they want. — © Sam Graves
It is key that Kansas Citians make the call as to what kind of airport they want.
There are over 20 federal agencies that provide some, or all, of the steps in the export process. This can paint a very confusing and intimidating picture for small companies who often don't have designated export officials or trade representatives on staff to navigate the process for their businesses.
When the EPA says that property owners, farmers, and livestock producers must stomach higher costs, longer delays, and bigger headaches, it's up to Congress to put up a roadblock.
Trade agreements are important because they open up new marketplaces to small businesses, which ultimately translates into more jobs and greater economic growth.
I want to thank the many Missourians who have reached out to me and asked me to consider running for the United States Senate.
Part of any solution to get our economy going should include steps to free up our small businesses by peeling back unnecessarily burdensome regulations, ending the continual threats of tax hikes, and addressing the cloud of federal debt that hangs over our economy.
To keep something around just because it is already on the books, I think, is wrong.
Despite overwhelming support for the United States to adopt English as its official language, we have still not taken that important step.
Legitimate small businesses are put at a huge competitive disadvantage when bad actors lie about their small business status and don't play by the rules.
Our priorities are out of whack. We spend too much to protect birds and fish at the expense of people.
I want people to be able to give their voice.
There are programs that don't work. — © Sam Graves
There are programs that don't work.
There are 12 million illegal immigrants in this country - drawing welfare benefits, sending their children to public schools, and pushing down wages for American workers - but the problem extends well beyond amnesty and open borders.
The sweeping, unfocused cuts of sequestration are certain to have unintended negative consequences, including for America's small businesses.
The VA does a lot of good things, but determining if a firm is a small business is not one of them.
Small business is America's engine of job creation.
By necessity, budgets require hard choices.
Millions of people gave their lives fighting fascism and imperialism, but Pearl Harbor was the event that forever changed the course of human history.
America is a collection of people from different races, religions, and backgrounds - that is part of what makes us great. But a common language is what brings all of those people together to form a community.
The mismanagement of the Small Business Health Options program is very frustrating.
I want to take a close look at the SBA to see what works, what doesn't, what is duplicative, and what isn't even being utilized. We'll focus on what they do well and strengthen those areas.
The federal government has invested billions in Metro, yet the system is not safe and is not reliable.
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