Top 302 Quotes & Sayings by Sandra Bullock - Page 3

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actress Sandra Bullock.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I believe that every human being has mental challenges.
I need to know how the clock is made after you tell me what time it is. I want to know all the details so I can understand how it works.
Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, women - we're all trying to find our place in this world of cinema and television and theater. And the great thing with comedy is that most of the time, you could be orange. It doesn't matter, as long you're funny.
I hope they invent a machine in which you type in the age you want to be, and it lifts and separates everything nonsurgically. — © Sandra Bullock
I hope they invent a machine in which you type in the age you want to be, and it lifts and separates everything nonsurgically.
Anyone who has been given the gift of being opposite an actor who gives and gives, it just makes you better.
There is a difference between executive producing and producing. Producing, you have no life for two years. You take everything personally, you want to kill everyone, you're depressed and angry, and then in the end you feel excited when it actually works. But executive producing, you can go home at the end of the day.
Y'know, every relationship is different. There are good marriages, bad marriages, connected partners, unconnected partners.
To me, the good thing about living in L.A. is diversity in lifestyle choices, color, and religion.
If a studio sees that a female can bring in audiences, then they're going to make movies with that person.
I don't understand why there needs to be a love interest to make women go see a film. I think society sort of makes us feel that way - that if you don't have a guy, you're worthless.
I don't want an opportunity to go missing because of my lack of organization.
Composing means you have a beginning, middle and end and a fluidity to what you're doing.
Half of my family has a deep-rooted connection to the South and Louisiana, and for me, New Orleans is one of our most precious, historic communities: visually, emotionally, artistically.
There weren't roles for females in comedies for a really long time. — © Sandra Bullock
There weren't roles for females in comedies for a really long time.
The universe, it balances. It makes sure you don't get a head that's too big. I love it.
Sure, I've done movies in which I was embarrassed by my performance, or might not have cared for a co-star. Then I'd have to tell lies, like, 'Oh, we love each other; everything was perfect!'
It's sad when you say a $30 million film is an inexpensive film, but it is.
I haven't always acted or reacted in a way that made me proud, but I didn't make that same mistake twice, and I think that's what I love about adversity is that it always reminds me of what's really valuable in life.
I don't want to be seen as the kind of person who does things and then expects publicity in return.
I find that with some girls, the words 'work' and 'education' have gotten a bad rap.
Failing is what we do, or stumbling is what we do on a daily basis.
Once a waitress, always a waitress.
I will make myself sick on films, just because you want everything to be right. I can't sleep if something hasn't been done or is out of place.
I don't think we are the only planet that has life.
I've never been a blind romantic.
If you can't categorize a film for a studio, it's really difficult for them to wrap their heads around it and give you the money.
You can't really dance properly to James Brown. If you dance to James Brown, you look like an idiot. There's a lot of jerking.
I hated my whole childhood, hated it, hated it, hated it. There was no place for me.
Every single second of every single day... I don't know if I feel like a bad mom, but at the end of the day I'm always plagued with, 'Did I do enough? Should I go in a different direction?'
Every movie is a love story.
In our film business, they say it's recession-proof, but there's no such thing. I think what it's done is there's been an increase in demand for high-quality product. If you understand the business side of it, there's a way to balance it.
It's just too much if you make your career everything. It is everything when you're doing it. But you have to find things you love just as much.
I would say if you are going to party, show up on time to work.
I was always longing to do, emotionally and physically, what my male counterparts always got to do. I just felt envious, every time I saw a movie that I was in awe of, and it was usually a male lead. And those kinds of roles weren't available. They just weren't being written.
I love the written word; I love when someone takes the time or leaves you a note or sends a letter.
Savor what you are and not what everyone else wants you to be.
We don't have to pretend to be something that we're not.
When people are like, 'Life is good,' I go, 'No, life is a series of disastrous moments, painful moments, unexpected moments, and things that will break your heart. And in between those moments, that's when you savor, savor, savor.'
Don't be someone else's slogan because you are poetry. — © Sandra Bullock
Don't be someone else's slogan because you are poetry.
I've been trying to find the word that says what I need to be in life. 'Brave' is the only word. It's the only thing that I ask myself to be.
People care about people who care about themselves.
Magic exists if you allow it. If you open yourself up to it.
Stop being scared of the unknown, because anything I worried about didn't happen. Other stuff happened. The unknown, we can't do anything about.
I've learned that success comes in a very prickly package. Whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you. It's what you choose to do with it, the people you choose to surround yourself with. Always choose people that are better than you. Always choose people that challenge you and are smarter than you. Always be the student. Once you find yourself to be the teacher, you've lost it.
The most beautiful woman in the world is the one who protects and supports other women
The rule is you have to dance a little bit in the morning before you leave the house because it changes the way you walk out in the world.
She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most.
My goal now is to remember every place I've been, only do things I love, and not say yes when I don't mean it.
I like normal, simple, good people. — © Sandra Bullock
I like normal, simple, good people.
I realised that conforming didn't accomplish anything. Do your own thing. As long as you learn that, you're cool.
I am exactly where I want to be now. You can't go backward. I'm not going backward. I'm grateful that I'm here, blessed to have what I have. Nobody can be prepared for anything. If you end up in a place where you can look back and go, 'It happened, but I'm so lucky to be sitting where I am sitting...'
Every day is amazing, even when it's awful, because everything is for a reason. I know that this horrible thing that's happening today is going to bring something so amazing.
Go find your joy. It's what you're going to remember in the end.
Your imperfections are what make you beautiful.
We all grow into the beautiful person that we’re supposed to be, some earlier, some later.
Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome.
How often in life are you going to find your mate and that mate happens to be your same exact age and happens to have had the same life experiences to match where you are in our life so you guys can meet perfectly and give society what it wants? It just doesn't happen that way. Some people evolve at 24, some people are 60 and are still evolving. So why are we stopping these great connections based on age, or race or colour or whatever, gender, whatever? You meet who you meet and you connect because of your life experience.
There's no race, no religion, no class system, no color - nothing - no sexual orientation, that makes us better than anyone else. We're all deserving of love.
Chocolate is the greatest gift to women ever created, next to the likes of Paul Newman and Gene Kelly. It's something that should be had on a daily basis.
To me, true beauty isn't something that will wash off in the shower at the end of the day. It's something that's still there, before you go to bed and wake up in the morning. And, you know, they always say that's inner beauty, but it is.
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