Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Sarah Cooper

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Jamaican comedian Sarah Cooper.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Sarah Cooper

Sarah Anne Cooper is an American author and comedian based in New York City. She worked in design for Yahoo! and in user experience for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides while also performing stand-up comedy. Cooper left Google to focus full-time on writing and comedy. Her first two books, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings and Draw What Success Looks Like were published in 2016. Her third book, How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men's Feelings, was published in 2018.

I love how much people are drawn to my 'impersonations' of Trump because they aren't really impersonations at all. I'm not trying to be Trump so much as I'm trying to make Trump me. In doing them, I simply ask myself, 'How would I, Sarah Cooper, say these words?'
Finding your voice as a stand up comedian means deeply knowing who you are as an artist and a human being.
Getting up and drawing a Venn diagram is a great way to appear smart. It doesn't matter if your Venn diagram is wildly inaccurate, in fact, the more inaccurate the better.
As soon as you explain a joke, it immediately becomes unfunny. — © Sarah Cooper
As soon as you explain a joke, it immediately becomes unfunny.
I used to think Medium was a pretty pure place and then the MAGA hats started showing up here too.
Wearing a giant, over-sized scarf will make you look deeply intelligent in almost any situation, but especially a book club.
If we want little girls and young women and people of color to see they have a place in the tech world, it's up to us to make that place for them.
Like everyone, appearing smart during meetings is my top priority. Sometimes this can be difficult if you start daydreaming about your next vacation, your next nap, or bacon.
I was still working at Google when I wrote the blog post '10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings.' I was scared to share it at first because I didn't want my coworkers to think that I was making fun of them - which I totally was. But then afterward I had people coming up to me like, 'I have a meeting trick! Put my meeting trick in your next post!'
If you're a sociopath, you don't get emotional cues.
Trump is an amazing comedy writer without realizing it.
Sarah Cooper sounds like a character on 'The O.C.,' who was written out in season two, and it's like she moved into my body and gentrified my whole personality.
My advice for finding a literary agent would be first, put your work out there as much as possible and hopefully someone will find you, because I still have literary agents writing to me after they find my site. You want someone who understands your work and is going to be your cheerleader from day one.
I didn't set out to be a Trump impressionist at all. It wasn't that I wanted to be Trump. It's that I was asking, 'What if Trump was me?' — © Sarah Cooper
I didn't set out to be a Trump impressionist at all. It wasn't that I wanted to be Trump. It's that I was asking, 'What if Trump was me?'
Laughter is so important.
Facebook has created a rash of mental zombies in a meme-feeding frenzy.
Selling an idea to a publisher is not as valuable as selling your audience to a publisher.
That's why Trump is so funny, because he thinks he sounds brilliant.
When I was little, I always got so excited about learning - until I got to the actual learning part of learning.
There are many ways to deal with annoying coworkers, but obviously the most effective way is to picture them as rappers. Picturing your coworkers as rappers makes you laugh and provides a helpful nickname that can be used when talking about them behind their backs.
You absolutely cannot be big time tech guy without attending Burning Man.
Engineers aren't professional grammarticians, but they love correcting people. Even more, they love making you feel stupid.
I was born in Jamaica, my whole family's Jamaican, and they always give me a hard time for being the least Jamaican member of the family. But I think it's their fault for naming me Sarah.
If you're ever struggling for something to say, just take a noun and verbalize it. Using simple words in new and interesting ways will creativize your presence.
Open mics are a great way to rework your material to see what punchlines land best.
I can't tell you how excited I was when I joined my first book club, but I can tell you how much I immediately regretted it.
Black women usually don't get the luxury of faking their way through life and still succeeding, but when a white guy does it, he may even get to be the president of the United States.
Who's more annoying to work with, boomers or millennials? Depends on how you feel about emojis.
I love book clubs. I just hate reading and talking to people.
I've always felt unsure of exactly what I wanted to do with my life, but I have these rare moments of total clarity where everything is perfectly clear.
Twitter is a cesspool but I find I can ignore most of the cess most of the time.
Slide decks are only as great as their giant, useless appendixes, so make sure yours has a ton of useless, not even remotely relevant slides in it. You'll look like you really did your research.
Live comedy in a club, with an audience - it's hard to recreate that experience in a digital world. With Zoom, your face is there the whole time, and you feel like you have to always be on. You feel like you always have to be paying attention, and it can be exhausting.
20 or 30 exclamation points can go a long way to making the tone of your email excited and cheerful.
You can tell a lot about a woman by her email signature. Actually you can't but for some reason people do anyway.
I don't want to spend my energy on people who don't like me.
Laughing is important. It's healing.
One of the reasons I moved to San Francisco was the weather. And then I realized that I really don't like being outside.
You know, as a comedian, that's what you do. You speak truth to power by making people laugh. — © Sarah Cooper
You know, as a comedian, that's what you do. You speak truth to power by making people laugh.
I had been writing and performing stand-up comedy pretty much the entire time I worked at Google.
People are like, 'How did you get so funny?' And I'm like, 'Wait, am I funny?'
There's no faster way to get on the good side of most engineers than making fun of product managers.
Women say things that are direct - they are told they are too abrasive. I got that feedback in the corporate world.
If you're trying to get ahead in the corporate world, appearing smart in meetings should be your top priority. This can be hard if you find yourself daydreaming about Mexico, margaritas or queso cheese dip.
When something really affects you, it's hard to find the humor in it sometimes. There's are a lot of reasons why there are so many white male comedians, but I think part of it is that they are able to joke about a lot of things because a lot of things don't affect them personally.
Nothing is more embarrassing than calling someone the wrong name, but nothing is harder than trying to pretend you know someone's name when you don't.
Creating a distraction is a skill we should all have. Never take for granted your ability to spot something interesting out of the corner of you eye and take attention away from your thoughtlessness.
I'm kind of an introvert, so I really do have to get over some anxiety to get on stage and connect with an audience. Once I do, it's amazing, but it is a bit of a struggle.
People really hate Trump - a lot. They hate his voice. They hate looking at him. They hate everything about him. — © Sarah Cooper
People really hate Trump - a lot. They hate his voice. They hate looking at him. They hate everything about him.
If you think having a tech job is the answer to all your problems, think again.
I've heard Donald Trump say some pretty unhinged things. I've heard them over and over and over again. But nothing is more dangerous to our democracy than his attacks on mail-in voting in the middle of a pandemic.
Leaving Google was really hard. It's such an incredible place to work and the people there are fantastic.
There's at least one person on every team that everyone likes to make fun of.
When women say no, they are immediately seen as selfish and not team players.
I was a user experience designer for Google Docs.
Satire makes people learn something more than being lectured.
People love self-deprecating humor.
Well, I started trying stand-up before I joined Google, actually. And then I went broke because that's what happens when you try stand-up comedy. You're actually paying to perform.
Stand up comedy can be a tough world to break into. It can take years of painful soul searching, disappointing performances, and pounding the pavement day in and day out with very little reward.
The path to achieving your goals, as an entrepreneur or as part of a company, is just as important as reaching them. That's something I hope men can see as well. If you're going to be stepping on people to get there, that's not good. It doesn't matter if you get there if you leave a path of destroyed people behind you.
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