Top 407 Quotes & Sayings by Sathya Sai Baba - Page 6

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Indian saint Sathya Sai Baba.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When human body itself is made of flesh, where is the need to consume the flesh of birds and animals? You should partake of only sacred food. Only then you will have sacred feelings.
God plays pranks and directs.
Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego and develop the spirit of surrender. You will then experience Bliss. — © Sathya Sai Baba
Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego and develop the spirit of surrender. You will then experience Bliss.
Truth is condemned as a trap; justice is jeered at; saints are harassed as social enemies. Hence this Incarnation has come to uphold the Truth and suppress the False.
I know everything that has happened to everybody in the past, everything that is happening now and everything that will happen in the future.
When you speak about these miracles, I laugh within Myself out of pity, that you allow yourself so easily to loose the precious awareness of My Reality.
Have a sense of pride in your motherland. Just as your mother has given birth to you, so too the land has given birth to you.
Unity is divinity, purity is enlightenment.
Everyday, the mail brings the thousands of letters, and you hand over to Me personally hundreds more. Yet, I do not take the help of anyone else, even to open the envelopes. For, you write to me intimate details of your personal problems, believing that I alone will read them and having implicit confidence in Me. You write, each one only a single letter, that makes for Me a huge bundle a day; and I have to go through all of them. You may ask how I manage it? Well I do not waste a single moment.
I will have to forego the car and even the aeroplane when I move from place to place, for the crowds pressing around them will be too huge; I will have to move across the sky; yes, that too will happen, believe Me.
However great an intellectual may be, however great one may be as a scholar or a man of learning, one has also to acquire humanness. Without humanness, scholarship and intellectual eminence are of no value.
Love is ev­erything. Love is God. Live in love.
Make the mind, the voice and the actions agree in harmony. That is the right way of life. — © Sathya Sai Baba
Make the mind, the voice and the actions agree in harmony. That is the right way of life.
'Who am I?' The answer is 'I am God'. The body comes and goes, but the Atma is permanent. The body has birth and death, but the spirit does not have any of these. You reach the stage where you say, 'I am God', but even there, there is duality, 'God and I'. That is not the full Truth. When we breathe, the breath makes the sound of 'So-Hum', 'He am I'. There is still the body consciousness, the 'I'. But in deep sleep, the declaration of 'He' and 'I' falls away and only '0' and 'M' remain, 'Om'; there is only the One.
God can do anything. He has all power in the palm of His Hand. My Body, like all other bodies, is a temporary habitation; but, My Power is eternal, all-pervasive, ever-dominant.
Some consider themselves great because they have vast territory, some because they have finance, some because they have arms, some because they have vast populations, but, the real wealth, real greatnesss is virtue which earns the Grace of God.
Everyone should prepare NOW for this change, for I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will survive.
Every child is born not only with a stomach that has to be catered to, it is also endowed with two hands which can work and produce the food for the stomach. The hands have to be given the strength and skill; they have to learn the lesson of self-reliance. They should never be lazy or slothful. Then, there can be no deficiency in food and no problem of underfeeding.
A wicked person, swayed by evil motives and evil actions, is described as a demon.
I insist on group singing of the names of the Lord.
So long as man is capable of Prema, Dharma will exist, do not doubt it. When that Prema is fixed on the Lord, your mental make-up will slowly and steadily undergo a revolutionary change; then, man will share in the sorrows and joys of his fellow-beings; thereafter he contacts the very source of the Bliss that is beyond the temporary gains and losses of this world.
The first step in realization is to always think of God. Then after some years you will realize that you are one with God.
Virtue is the fragrance of the flowers which the tree of life puts forth. Educated people must be identified in society by their strict adherence to virtue, not by more skilled methods of escaping the consequences of vice.
Human values should predominate in men's thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.
Death may call any moment. Every moment, everyone is nearing death.
In cultivating human values, emphasis should also be placed on avoiding wastage of money, food and time.
The development of the society, the state and the nation is proportionate to the development of the Human
Self-confidence is confidence in the Atma; it is an unwavering love for the Divinity within you. That is very important. What will help you to develop that confidence? Be equalminded, be satisfied with what you have. Be happy.
If the desires are cut off one by one, then there is peace. When the desires go one by one then there is die-mind. Then there is peace of mind.
Do some Sadhana. Realize the Atma! Always think like that . . . "I am the Atma. I am all."
The same Divine Compassion that blessed Dharma; saved Gajendra; restored Kuchela; and stood by Prahlada, has come to the Earth as the Refuge of the refugeless; as the Lord of Peace, Harmony and Righteousness; as the Lord of all the Worlds; as the Sath-Chith-Anandamurthi; and as the Puttaparthi Sathya Sai Sath-Chakravarthi - the King of Kings.
God is to be recognized in all that exists, all that is charming, suffering, blooming or drooping.
Duty without love is deplorable.
You must take care of the body. Body is like a boat. Life is like a river. On this side is the world; on the other side is God. And so, to reach the other side, that is to reach God, you must maintain this boat carefully. You can keep the boat for any length of time in the water; there is no danger. But if the water comes into the boat, then there is danger.
Heart is consciousness, I is Baba.
The enumeration of human values as five - Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence is not correct. They are all facets of the foundational humanness. They grow together; they are absence of Inner conflicts. How can one have peace when he revels in violence of speach and action?
Sathya, Dharma, Shanghai and prema are the hall-marks of a purified heart, a heart where God is enshrined and is manifest.
The fundamental human values all emanate from Dharma, based on Truth. If human behaviour has no such basis, it leads to disaster. — © Sathya Sai Baba
The fundamental human values all emanate from Dharma, based on Truth. If human behaviour has no such basis, it leads to disaster.
Women are concerned about the purity and welfare of the community. ? While the father's love was related to mundane desires, the mother's love was related to spiritual concerns.
You have not known even a fragment of My reality. The full nature of this reality can never be understood by anyone.
Sacrifice, so that you may be saved. You have to sacrifice, not a bleating sheep or a horse or a cow, but your animality, the bestial lust and greed, hate and malice. Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of unflinching peace.
In the Atma all are one. Remember that Unity. Live in that Unity. Make that your goal. All are one... be alike to everyone.
The greatest formula that can liberate, cleanse and elevate the mind is Rama-Name, the Name of Rama.
Human values are born with man. They are not got from outside. Man in his ignorance is not aware of these values. when man sheds his ignorance, he will experience his divine nature.
My construction will cover the entire Universe.
Be ashamed of your hatred. Give up hatred and be quiet.
Don't follow the mind. Don't follow the body. Follow the Conscience. That is the main principle of this text. So we should follow our Conscience.
The Avatar appears to be human and we are misled into thinking of him in these terms but the Avatar himself warns us against this error. — © Sathya Sai Baba
The Avatar appears to be human and we are misled into thinking of him in these terms but the Avatar himself warns us against this error.
Baba's words and actions have lit the lamp of love in the hearts of devotees and they will always remember him for the good things he has done.
Certain countries are dumping nuclear waste directly into the ocean, making fish flesh even more poisonous.
The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is to be raised.
See the Divine in everyone. Eschew hatred and ill will. After years of devotion, many still lack a broad outlook and an all-encompassing love.
The Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge, the saviour of all who have to be saved. He is the Embodiment of Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). He is now at Puttaparthi as the Effulgent Emperor over the region of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
Study the lives of our great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and sacrifice. I desire that you should take up the reins of leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives.
All religions teach one basic discipline - the removal from the mind of the blemish of egoism, of running after little joys.
If you strive to find your Self by using your mind, you will strive and strive in vain, because the mind cannot give you the Truth. You are that Self. All else is illusion of the mind's creation.
Evil habits, in which men indulge, are the chief cause of disease in the physical as well as the mental state.
Whoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.
Doctors should recognise the importance of the five human values; Truth, righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence. Love is the basis for all the other values. Doctors can infuse courage in patients by the love they show towards the patients. If doctors carry out their duties with love they will be crowned with success.
Too much of this book knowledge just leads to doubts and confusion. You get too many doubts asking 'what is this?' and 'what is that?', and you waste a lot of time in this conflict.
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