Top 104 Quotes & Sayings by Seth Moulton

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Seth Moulton.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Seth Moulton

Seth Wilbur Moulton is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Massachusetts's 6th congressional district since 2015. A former Marine Corps officer, he is a member of the Democratic Party.

Prior to the 2008 recession, many financial institutions were engaging in 'proprietary lending,' where a bank would invest funds for its own gain instead of earning revenue through commission by trading on behalf of clients.
The greatest honor of my life was to lead these men in my platoon, even though it was a war that I and they disagreed with.
Some of the issues with identity politics are critical moral issues. But we've got to show America that we don't have a plan just on these so-called identity politics issues, but that we have a plan for the economy, that we know how to provide for a strong national defense.
H.R. 5444 provides long-overdue structural reforms and service improvements to the IRS. The legislation codifies the IRS Office of Appeals to streamline the appeals process and to provide fair and impartial determinations for concerns raised by the taxpayer.
It is absolutely absurd that someone who is deemed unsafe to get on an airplane is allowed to buy a gun in America. It's truly absurd. — © Seth Moulton
It is absolutely absurd that someone who is deemed unsafe to get on an airplane is allowed to buy a gun in America. It's truly absurd.
We need a budget that will foster economic growth for all of our people, and we need to make taxes more simple and fair for working families - not give handouts to the rich.
Children and other Americans with limited or non-existent credit histories are particularly vulnerable to having the SSNs misused for synthetic identities.
Some of the most controversial things I've said about President Trump, I've heard from Republicans. But it's just that I've heard them in the locker room. That's what people actually talk about in the locker room - how terrible our president is.
I have and will continue to oppose any legislation that would undermine the important consumer protections provided under Dodd-Frank.
The EPA issued the MATS rule in 2012, and it is the first national standard created to address power plant emissions of toxic air pollutants. Under MATS, power plants are required to install equipment to reduce emissions of specific pollutants, such as mercury and sulfur dioxide.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, candidate Donald Trump pledged to eliminate our national debt 'over a period of eight years.' Now two years into his administration, our national debt has increased, surpassing $21 trillion for the first time in American history.
Self-preservation shouldn't be the first instinct in politics. It should be doing the right thing for the country.
One of my top priorities in Congress is making sure every American who wants to serve our country has the opportunity to do so.
I think people often think of me as very intense. I'm a congressman and all, but I'm actually very laid back.
It's unequivocal: everyplace I go, the one line I can use in a speech that I know will get applause is when I say it's time for a new generation of leadership in our party.
When we refuse to help the enemies of ISIS, we're empowering ISIS. We're aiding their recruitment. We're abetting their argument that America discriminates against people based on their religions, which is expressly prohibited in our Constitution.
In my short time in Congress, I've learned it's a lot easier to find a reason to vote against something than to vote it. — © Seth Moulton
In my short time in Congress, I've learned it's a lot easier to find a reason to vote against something than to vote it.
I voted against H.R. 1119, which would weaken emissions standards for coal refuse power plants.
Rather than play politics with funding our government, pitting one group against another, we should make strong investments in our future.
Veterans are especially appealing candidates in key swing districts. Veterans have credibility, not just with Democrats but with independents and Republicans as well. They're the kind of people respected for their leadership, not just their politics.
Even if a financial institution rejects an initial application by an individual using a synthetic identity, credit bureaus create a record from the transaction based on the fraudulent credentials. Consequently, the record can be used repeatedly by a fraudster to establish a fake identity used to commit financial and other types of fraud.
I voted against H.R. 4712, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which is nothing more than a shameless attempt to intimidate doctors, spread misinformation about abortion, and decrease women's access to healthcare.
I love milk. I always drink milk.
Good policy is grounded in a robust set of facts and data.
Greatness is accomplishing the unrequired - doing what is right beyond what is expected.
If the government can afford luxury travel for its cabinet officials, then surely we can find the resources to invest in quality education, jobs skills training, and properly fund the State Department and foreign aid programs.
Some of my colleagues are unwilling to vote for any Dodd-Frank reforms, partly out of the political fear that any reforms will be seen as reducing regulations on the financial sector.
Republicans are scared of the NRA. They're scared of the Tea Party.
We need to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republicans, but we also need to stand up against our own party establishment when it's on the wrong side of an issue.
Our national security is not a partisan issue.
Donald Trump obviously knows nothing about what it's like to put your life on the line for your country. He's never risked his life for anything.
When you have a party leadership that is out of touch with the rest of the country, then that's a real problem for the entire party.
Many of us have experienced the pain that comes with watching a loved one suffer with a serious illness. We also know that we would do absolutely anything it takes to help them beat it.
The Columbia River Basin, which spans seven states in the Pacific Northwest, is one of the largest freshwater networks in North America. For centuries, the Basin has been a catalyst for economic development through the abundance of natural resources it provides.
I think we need to show people that they have a place in the Democratic Party, whether they come from San Francisco or St. Louis.
While payday loans are often the only source of credit for low-income Americans, these lenders are notorious for predatory practices that cause borrowers to fall deeper into debt.
One of the greatest falsehoods of American politics over the past several decades is that the Republican party is the party of fiscal responsibility.
With control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, Republicans could have used their unified control of government to... balance the budget!
Democrats have consistently been the party that supports small businesses to drive the new economy forward. That's where innovation comes from.
I voted against H.R. 4293, the Stress Test Improvement Act of 2017, which would modify the regulatory oversight of certain financial institutions in a way that is likely to expose our economy to greater risk.
It's a little challenging as a congressman to keep a low profile, but I try very hard to keep a low profile. — © Seth Moulton
It's a little challenging as a congressman to keep a low profile, but I try very hard to keep a low profile.
As a member of the Armed Service Committee and a co-chair of the Democratic National Security Task Force, I will continue to work to keep Americans safe at home and abroad.
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from bank operational failures, such as rogue traders, fraudulent sales practices, and cyber risks. Operational risk capital is money or assets that banks have to hold to shield the economy from the consequences of these kinds of failures.
Our growing national debt is a threat to our national defense and to our domestic priorities, including research and development, education, health care, and investments in our economic growth.
My battalion motto in the Marines was, 'Whatever it takes,' and I'm going to do whatever it takes to help win back the House in 2018.
In the House gym - I go every day, in fact; I'm part of a bipartisan workout group. There's one that does this P90X that's kind of like dancing around and whatnot. And then there's one that does CrossFit. And I'll just say Paul Ryan and I are not in the same workout group.
I voted in support of H.R. 5445, the 21st Century IRS Act, which requires the IRS to place more taxpayer services online.
As congressional Republicans and the Trump administration continue to attack the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it came as no surprise that the House voted on two bills that would weaken emissions standards and, as a result, put our public health at risk.
Whether you're earning income because you have money sitting in the bank or a stock account somewhere, you should be taxed on that income fairly and the same.
The Democratic Party has had a real problem with recruitment because the party too often looks at just who's next in line in the party to run rather than in finding inspiring new leaders.
I'm not a believer in bringing back the draft. But I am a huge proponent of national service.
No matter what President Trump says, Russia is an adversary and a threat - look no further than their invasion of Crimea. — © Seth Moulton
No matter what President Trump says, Russia is an adversary and a threat - look no further than their invasion of Crimea.
I voted in support of H.R. 5192, which seeks to curb identity fraud by requiring the Social Security Administration (SSA) to develop a database that financial institutions can use to compare their consumer data against SSA records.
The Democratic Party has been a party of reaction - a party of opposition, complaining about Trump and the Republicans, rather than offering a lot of our own ideas and our own vision. And my view is that if Democrats want to start winning again, we have to start leading again.
When I joined the Marines, I went to Quantico for training. One of the first things I learned is that you can drop out of a run, a couple runs. You can fail the test or a couple tests in a row, and they'd give you a second try. But if you lied about anything, you were gone that afternoon. That's how important integrity is in the military.
I believe that as a part of good governance, all agencies should be reviewing regulations and cleaning up those that may be outdated, redundant, or unnecessary.
There will always be people who question your motives.
We can protect the Second Amendment, we can protect our constitutional rights, and we can still do something about this public health crisis that is gun violence in our communities.
There is a healthy disrespect among veterans who served on the front lines for people who walk around telling war stories.
The number of Pelosi allies who have come to me and told me to back off, that I'm not doing the right thing, is exactly zero. The number of members of the caucus who voted for her, who have checked to see who was listening and then patted me on the back and then said, 'Keep going Seth, you're doing the right thing,' is literally dozens.
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