Top 12 Quotes & Sayings by Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a Scottish philosopher Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet

Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet FRSE was a Scottish metaphysician. He is often referred to as William Stirling Hamilton of Preston, in reference to his mother, Elizabeth Stirling.

Truth like a torch, the more 'tis shock, it shines.
A judgment is the mental act by which one thing is affirmed or denied of another.
There are two sorts of ignorance: we philosophize to escape ignorance; we start from the one, we repose in the other; they are the goals from which and to which we tend; and the pursuit of knowledge is but a course between two ignorances, as human life is only a traveling from grave to grave.
In our natural body every part has a necessary sympathy with every other; and all together form, by their harmonious conspiration, a healthy whole. — © Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet
In our natural body every part has a necessary sympathy with every other; and all together form, by their harmonious conspiration, a healthy whole.
The pursuit of knowledge is but a course between two ignorances, as human life is itself only a wayfaring from grave to grave.
Be sober, and to doubt prepense, These are the sinews of good sense.
Metaphysics, in whatever latitude the term be taken, is a science, or complement of sciences, exclusively occupied with mind.
There is a distinction, but no opposition, between theory and practice. Each to a certain extent supposes the other. Theory is dependent on practice; practice must have preceded theory.
Logic is the science of the laws of thought, as thought,--that is of the necessary conditions to which thought considered in itself is a subject.
Consummated science is positively humble.
An instinct is an agent which performs blindly and ignorantly a work of intelligence and knowledge.
Read much, but not many works.
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