Top 89 Quotes & Sayings by Sonam Kapoor

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an Indian actress Sonam Kapoor.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Sonam Kapoor

Sonam Kapoor Ahuja is an Indian actress who works in Hindi films. She has won a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award, and from 2012 to 2016, she appeared in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list based on her income and popularity.

I like to save people, to take care of them... So, the pattern is that I date guys before they become big, and then they become successful and - whoops - there goes my project!
I'm honest. If someone asks about my weight loss, I tell them I have five people working on me, plus there's Photoshop. I tell them I can't eat everything and look good. I was unhealthy when I was fat, and now I'm a normal body type. I'm not special; I'm just an actress, and boys and girls are intelligent enough to recognise that.
Be it a trip to the dentist, getting an injection or even coming home with a good report card, my reward always had to be a book. I didn't care much for anything else. — © Sonam Kapoor
Be it a trip to the dentist, getting an injection or even coming home with a good report card, my reward always had to be a book. I didn't care much for anything else.
If you are dressing up, then dress to the hilt, else let it go easy. But no matter what, pay attention to the nails. Whether you keep it short, long, varnished or plain, it has to look good.
When I get into relationships, I'm an all-or-nothing person. I just completely give in to the person. It becomes my first priority in life; family, friends and career follow.
I think every single imperfection adds to your beauty. I'd rather be imperfect than perfect.
I am trying to be a girl who is real and has an opinion. Might say stupid things but not scared of men, and for me that's important.
Anytime I fall in love, I feel it's a first time. I have had no successful love story yet. I hope I will succeed next time when I fall in love.
I love dressing up. I have people helping me with it. I am not going to take credit for that. I have a stylist, make-up and hair stylist.
I may not be the number one movie star, or my films might not be doing too good. I am grateful for what life has offered me. I have got a great family, parents are together, have a great sister, I get to holiday. All these things make me grateful towards life, for everything. I always say - have an attitude of gratitude.
I'm a socially concerned citizen of India. I have strong views on issues of social and political relevance. But it's very difficult to voice it in an intelligent manner without it sounding contrived. Because people think you're saying or doing all this as a PR exercise, not from your heart.
I am very ambitious and have set goals for myself. I really don't keep a tab on what my contemporaries are doing. I want to push myself as an actress and don't want to get into the rat race. With every film, I want to grow as a person and an actress. The character I play needs to change me in real life.
No relationship works without making an effort. That goes without saying. But you should never overcompensate.
In my personal life, I have always been bold, from the clothes I wear to how I talk. For me, boldness does not necessarily mean stripping. I think people have wrong notion about boldness. For me, bold is being different.
Being in love is the best feeling on the planet. I really believe that love makes the world go round. — © Sonam Kapoor
Being in love is the best feeling on the planet. I really believe that love makes the world go round.
As actors, we want to choose somebody who has conflicts. I can't be always playing the girl next door. What's the challenge in that?
I know people who enjoy having 10 people running around and doing things for them. I don't. I feel awkward in such situations. It gives you a false sense of importance.
I'm a bad girl. I always fall for good guys.
I always do things that are not the flavour of the season. And that's why people like me.
It's not okay to be fat - not because of the way you look, but because it's unhealthy. I have experienced hormonal problems, bad skin, immense laziness, and back and knee pain. It's not fine to be too fat or too thin! Anything in extremes is wrong. I am afraid of putting on weight because I don't want to develop health problems.
I don't compete with actresses; I only compete with heroes.
I listen to a lot of what my sister Rhea says. I give her a lot of credit for my stuff. When people give me credit for my fashion choices, it's my sister who creates them. This whole fashionable avatar has been created by her. It's her brainchild. It's not me at all. Rhea really takes care of me, though I am older than her.
Style is an expression of your individuality. Who you are and what your mood is, is what you wear.
I am someone who actually jumps headlong into everything and anything. I am not one of those people who likes to be scared; instead I have a tendency to be very, very open to everything. I really live; I love life.
I love being called a fashion icon!
I feel I am lucky. I am grateful for this life that God has given me. I am happy, as I am getting to do work that I want to do and enjoy doing it.
I don't know what to expect out of my films. My first two films were with extremely talented directors, and they didn't work. And my next two films were with newcomers, and they worked well. So I've stopped expecting anything from my movies.
I love eating. Unfortunately, I have to be really determined and control my foodie temptations. That is the only thing I don't like about being an actress; the constant need to check my weight. Otherwise, I love my job!
I don't care about controversies. I am a young woman with an opinion about certain things. I can't be diplomatic. I am a feminist, and as long as I can be the voice of hundreds of girls out there, I will speak my mind. I don't care what other people think.
I have aspirations to conquer the world. Let's see what happens.
One needs to constantly read up, practice and work, irrespective of your profession. If I feel as an actor that I know everything, then how will I to grow? How will I improve? I'll be stuck in a rut, and eventually I'll grow complacent.
Many people make fun of me because I'm always so dressed up, but they don't understand that there's a little girl inside me who always wanted to be that dressed up but never got to do that because I was always a certain weight.
It makes me happy that people recognise me and want to click pictures with me. But sometimes, I want to be a common person. I want to go to a coffee shop and just chill. I miss driving my car with the windows rolled down.
Indian women love to dress up like princesses. In India, people still go to the market to buy fabrics, garments are made-to-order, and friends come with you to the fittings.
I've always acted; in fact, I can't remember a time when I was not. When I was little, cinema was a game, then my father's job and now mine.
Women of worth are those who want positive change for themselves, their families, community or society, which I think is important. For me, a woman of worth is someone who has self -espect, who believes that she can change things in society.
People take things too personally - I don't. If someone says something about me, I let it go. But unfortunately, everyone isn't like that. So I'm trying to be more diplomatic - but people always want a headline from me!
It's difficult for me to really temper my personality, but I am trying to be a little more sensible about it. If I really lose my temper, I go to my room and scream and shout, but I try not to lose it on people any more. I've never said something mean just like that. I've only said things in retaliation.
Art reflects society. Cinema doesn't dictate - you portray what the society demands. — © Sonam Kapoor
Art reflects society. Cinema doesn't dictate - you portray what the society demands.
Opposites generally create intense chemistry. There are more chances of fireworks when different people are together than similar personalities.
I want to get fitter. And yes, I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body. I don't believe one has to sport a size-zero figure to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body.
My parents find me hilarious. They don't pull me up for anything because I'm a good daughter. I stay at home, don't party too much, people don't talk about my affairs or that I am unprofessional. In fact, people tell my parents that I'm so well-brought up. Yes, I tend to shoot my mouth off, but they don't pull me up for that.
I like potential in people. If I find someone who has lot of potential and can do something with life, then I don't see bank balance, which family he comes from, or his religion.
I'm the worst liar in the world.
Indian junk food is my sin, even though I pretend to like Japanese.
I am naive when it comes to love, you know what I mean? I do believe in falling in love at first sight and things like that.
I love Italian fashion - the sense of style that Italians have as part of their DNA. Nobody is like them.
So many women are financially dependent on men. So why can't men be dependent on women? I'm totally okay with it.
It's not a responsibility to be a fashion diva. I enjoy it and also enjoy getting up in morning and putting on make-up, getting ready. I don't think there is any girl who doesn't like to look good and wear good clothes.
I am very romantic. Given a choice, I'd do only romantic films! — © Sonam Kapoor
I am very romantic. Given a choice, I'd do only romantic films!
I don't shoot two films at the same time. I finish one character and get into another character because I change my look for every film. It's difficult, but I enjoy doing that.
You marry out of free will. If I marry, it will be from a personal choice, not some social compulsion or norm.
It's unfortunate when people say you can't wear skirts or do item numbers, or a girl can't dress in a certain way. Are we going back to dark ages?
I always admired the beautiful stars of Hollywood and dreamt of becoming one of them.
I am Anil Kapoor's daughter, so I am always compared with legends. It is a part and parcel of my life.
I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.
Style is all about being comfortable. I don't believe in following a style because it is a trend. I need to be comfortable in my clothes.
I had lost my way for some time, so I need to do things that I am happy with. It's not about being the number one heroine or money. It's about doing roles that I enjoy. My biggest ambition is happiness.
I've battled my weight since I was 12. My parents took to us to New York once, for a holiday, and there I'd buy fruit loops from a 24x7 shop and sit down with my books. I never played; I wasn't that kind of kid - I just read. I ate chocolates like peanuts. I was 86kg till I was 19.
In a lot of ways, if I were ambitious about anything - besides my career - I'd be ambitious about love. Ambitious in the sense that I really hope to find true love.
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