Top 109 Quotes & Sayings by Steve Scalise

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Steve Scalise.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Steve Scalise

Stephen Joseph Scalise is an American politician who is the United States House of Representatives minority whip and representative for Louisiana's 1st congressional district. Scalise is in his eighth House term, having held his seat since 2008. The district includes most of New Orleans's suburbs, such as Metairie, Kenner, and Slidell, as well as a portion of New Orleans itself. He is a member of the Republican Party and was the chair of the conservative House Republican Study Committee.

I don't want doctors and patients to be having to - having to literally ration care, take away that relationship by having the government come in and interfere.
For all the banging from the Left that, you know, 'They don't care about people with pre-existing conditions' - There was never a day where our conference was willing to leave people out in the cold.
Next to the Bible, I think the Constitution is the most important document ever written. — © Steve Scalise
Next to the Bible, I think the Constitution is the most important document ever written.
Who makes decisions for families across America? Should it be a family with their doctor, or should it be some unelected bureaucrat in Washington?
At the end of the day, you are judged by your character. And look, I'm proud of my record of working to help people throughout my years of public service.
I think it's a shame that the day somebody hears about a shooting, the first thing they think about is, 'How can I go promote my gun control agenda?' as opposed to saying, 'How do I go pray and help the families that are suffering?'
It shouldn't just be Russia we're concerned about, because many countries that are not our friends have been hacking into American accounts across the board.
Especially in the whip operation, you're in constant contact with the members and their chiefs of staff, so having a chief who's approachable and reaches out to other chiefs so people know what's going - know what they're looking for in the policy that comes to the House floor - is incredibly important.
I think people all across the country want us to secure the border and make sure that terrorists are not coming into our country.
We ought to make sure that people coming here ought to be vetted and that we secure this federal border.
We shouldn't be bailing out insurance companies under ObamaCare.
We're strongest when we're united, and we're united when everyone has an opportunity to contribute their talents and ideas.
I think it's encouraging that President Trump is talking about strengthening our national defense, something he ran on again.
As both Republican Study Committee Chairman and Majority Whip, I've made it a top priority to bring openness and inclusiveness into the legislative process so we can bring our dynamic conference together as we advance our agenda.
When building a strong team, you need a strong leader. — © Steve Scalise
When building a strong team, you need a strong leader.
I've always been a conservative first.
We had eight years of Barack Obama depleting our military, ignoring a lot of the threats around the world.
Unelected bureaucrats in Washington should not have anything to do with the healthcare decisions made between a patient and their doctor.
We ought to prioritize national disasters... in a fiscally responsible way.
If you don't agree, present what you think is a better way.
A lot of individuals have had their personal information compromised, and then we've seen just about every corporation in this country hacked or attempted to be hacked by foreign countries.
Obviously, you cannot do full repeal of Obamacare without a 60-vote bill in the Senate, but you can surely gut the law and give people true healthcare freedom with 51 votes in the Senate.
Medicaid is one of the most failed forms of health care.
Barack Obama, he just sits out. He sits back; he criticizes everybody. He's got his professorial attitude, real condescending, as if he's got all the answers.
A national carbon tax would devastate an already struggling American economy, force the cost of gas at the pump to jump even higher, and kill millions more jobs here at home.
In the face of unspeakable evil, our whole nation must respond with countless acts of kindness, warmth and generosity.
We want to say nobody should lose their health care.
If Republicans are going in the wrong direction, I am still willing to stand up against them.
I like the House. The House is where you can effect the most change. It's such a fast-moving dynamic body compared to the Senate.
Over the years, CBO has been all over the board on healthcare. The only consistent point is they've missed the mark on different pieces. That's the nature of a scorekeeper.
There are going to be times when we disagree with our leadership, but ultimately, we've got to work hard to pull our leadership to the right and to move a conservative agenda forward and unite as conservatives if we're going to get things done.
Ultimately, what we want to do is see the president follow the laws.
How about we let the states be innovative on Medicaid and do much better and smarter things?
We need to pass conservative policy. And we can only advance our values when we are united.
We're going to try to solve problems for everyday people.
We want to build a wall.
I opposed the bailout of banks and car companies.
Many people who have insurance can't even use it because they have $10,000 or higher deductibles. This is something families are facing all across the nation. They've asked for relief; this was front and center on President Trump's agenda and our agenda in Congress, and we're moving forward on it.
I am strongly opposed to any form of amnesty, including, especially, executive amnesty. — © Steve Scalise
I am strongly opposed to any form of amnesty, including, especially, executive amnesty.
Mike Pence, of course, is a governor with executive experience and doing well in a Midwestern state, but also served in Congress. I served with Mike.
When you elected me to serve as your Whip, I committed to create an inclusive and open Whip operation - one that didn't just register your objections and move on, but instead actively sought you out and worked to build coalitions that enabled us to advance our agenda on some of the most controversial issues we have faced.
We're not going to let some unelected bureaucrats in Washington stop us from moving forward with our agenda, but at the end of the day, CBO is not the Holy Grail.
We want President Trump to have all the tools he needs to build the wall.
I'm very proud of the Italian heritage of my great-grandparents, who came here from Italy, and how they helped be a part of the American Dream, and that's something we want to continue to make available to everybody who wants to come here.
There are a lot of people in the Rust Belt who felt like, 'Nobody's concerned about me, and my shot at the American dream is going away.' We need to restore that.
I understand from experience that unity is easy to call for, but it takes the right kind of leadership to achieve.
While we always strive to reach 218 with Republican votes, sometimes that is not possible with divided government, and the story of a bill that passed with 150 Republican votes is much more positive and assertive than the story of a bill that passes with 79 Republican votes.
I have families all the time in my district in southeast Louisiana sharing with me stories of double digit premium increases every single year.
I don't have any records from back in 2002, but when people called and asked me to speak to groups, I went and spoke to groups.
My theory has always been, if you take care of your business today, take care of the job you have at hand, whatever else comes down the road will be there for you. — © Steve Scalise
My theory has always been, if you take care of your business today, take care of the job you have at hand, whatever else comes down the road will be there for you.
Paying for disasters and being fiscally responsible are not mutually exclusive.
You can't have one, two, three more picks on the Supreme Court go against our Second Amendment rights.
We are not giving up on repealing and replacing Obamacare.
House Republicans are the most powerful force for limited government, strong national defense, and economic opportunity that exists in America today. But it is not enough to just talk about conservative values.
People want the Keystone pipeline built all across the country.
Never give up on something you believe in.
No oyster in the world tastes as good as a Gulf oyster.
People want smart energy policy.
There's a general understanding amongst, I think, most people in this country that whether or not you have a preexisting condition, it's not your fault, and you shouldn't be discriminated against in healthcare policy.
Under President Obama, the IRS formed a committee to aggressively go after churches and other religious organizations using the Johnson Amendment of 1954 to limit their free speech.
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