Top 291 Quotes & Sayings by Suze Orman

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American author Suze Orman.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Suze Orman

Susan Lynn "Suze" Orman is an American financial advisor, author, and podcast host. In 1987, she founded the Suze Orman Financial Group. Her work as a financial advisor gained notability with The Suze Orman Show, which ran on CNBC from 2002 to 2015.

Not everything is about money.
If you're going to live in the house make it your goal to just pay off your mortgage.
When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life. — © Suze Orman
When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life.
Ignore the annual percentage rate when shopping for a mortgage.
Cash - in savings accounts, short-term CDs or money market deposits - is great for an emergency fund. But to fulfill a long-term investment goal like funding your retirement, consider buying stocks. The more distant your financial target, the longer inflation will gnaw at the purchasing power of your money.
True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.
Make this the year you tackle that credit card debt once and for all.
Estate planning is an important and everlasting gift you can give your family. And setting up a smooth inheritance isn't as hard as you might think.
In order to create lasting security you must learn to stand in your truth.
To enjoy a long, comfortable retirement, save more today.
Look everywhere you can to cut a little bit from your expenses. It will all add up to a meaningful sum.
The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem.
Courage is not always about action. It takes courage to do nothing rather than do something that you do not believe in or understand. — © Suze Orman
Courage is not always about action. It takes courage to do nothing rather than do something that you do not believe in or understand.
To make the most of your money, I recommend sticking with mutual funds that don't charge a commission when you buy or sell.
Like your home's closets, your financial clutter needs an overhaul every now and again, and the payoff will go far beyond the psychic satisfaction of neatening up.
The middle class has disappeared. We have a highway to poverty and no roads coming out.
Money is kind of just like air - if you don't have air, you can't breathe. If you don't have money, I don't think you'll want to breathe - you won't want to live.
Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation.
Remember what I always say: people first, then money, then things.
Happiness is not a luxury. It is a necessity. When we are happy, we are in the best possible place to be good to ourselves and those we love.
I'm a big advocate of a work-for-pay setup rather than an allowance that isn't attached to chores - it's a great way to impart the value of money to your children.
Take free money. No matter how in debt you are, if your employer offers a matching contribution on a 401(k) or other retirement vehicle, you must sign up and contribute enough to get the maximum company match each year. Think of it as a bonus.
If there is anyone dependent on your income - parents, children, relatives - you need life insurance.
A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.
The American dream is dead for the majority of America.
The key to making money is to stay invested.
Never cosign a loan. Once you have cosigned, you cannot get out of it - even on your deathbed.
If a child, a spouse, a life partner, or a parent depends on you and your income, you need life insurance.
When you lose something in your life, stop thinking it's a loss for you... it is a gift you have been given so you can get on the right path to where you are meant to go, not to where you think you should have gone.
If you're going down the street and you're going the wrong way, remember - God permits U-turns.
It's easy to underestimate the real cost of home ownership.
I always say, 'People first, then money, then things.'
Many people are in the dark when it comes to money, and I'm going to turn on the lights.
Money you know you need or want to spend in the next few years is savings. Money you keep handy for an emergency belongs in savings. Money you hope to use soon for a down payment on a house belongs in savings. And all savings belong in a low-risk bank savings account or money market account.
If you're financially responsible, your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.
I have always advocated doing everything possible to pay off credit card balances; it's good financial management and the ticket to a strong FICO credit score.
Anything that gets people to think harder about their financial security and take some responsibility is a good thing.
Time is key to building your financial security. — © Suze Orman
Time is key to building your financial security.
Once your kids are grown and you know that you're completely healthy, consider canceling your life insurance policy.
Thoughtful financial planning can easily take a backseat to daily life.
Prenups are so unromantic - a sign of distrust, not love. Time for a reality check, my friends. First, drawing up a prenuptial agreement together is a sign of incredible trust and financial openness - you're fooling yourself if you think you can achieve complete intimacy without it.
Success is not how many zeroes your bank account has. It's about making the most of the life you have.
Who would you want to be giving you advice? Somebody who doesn't have any money?
People first, then money, then things.
No one's ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that's abandoned by February.
Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should buy it.
A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it, she knows the meaning of true generosity, happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with a courage and grace.
Recast your current problems into proactive goals. — © Suze Orman
Recast your current problems into proactive goals.
The prenup needs to be drawn up months before the wedding, not days - it's not something you slap together and sign in the car on the way to the ceremony. A shotgun prenup might not hold up in court.
The advantage of online banking is that you can pay bills superfast, and your account is automatically credited or debited for each deposit and payment, making it easier to stay on track.
You must trust yourself more than you trust others. Pay attention to your inner voice - it will tell you if how and in what you are investing is right for you.
People have got to learn: if they don't have cookies in the cookie jar, they can't eat cookies.
Money is such an amazing teacher: What you choose to do with your money shows whether you are truly powerful or powerless.
There is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman.
So many financial dreams are thwarted by the failure to act upon good intentions.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth - both financial affluence and emotional security.
Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hits a rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won't grow any faster than the rate of inflation.
When you're happy you find pure joy in your life. There are no regrets in this state of happiness - and that's a goal worth striving for in all areas of your life.
Sometimes poverty is the greatest gift you can ever be given. Sometimes loss is the key that leads you to gain.
I do not think I am successful just because I have money. I'm successful because I love who I am and I have no regrets, and I'm successful because I have a great heart and I have compassion and I care and I would be happy with or without money.
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