Top 309 Quotes & Sayings by Sylvester Stallone - Page 2

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Sylvester Stallone.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
'Rocky' represents the optimistic side of life, and 'Rambo' represents purgatory.
When I tried to play characters that strayed from who I am it ended in disaster. People didn't expect me in comedies or musicals.
Suddenly I've got an overwhelming desire to surround myself with the aura of classical and Romantic art. — © Sylvester Stallone
Suddenly I've got an overwhelming desire to surround myself with the aura of classical and Romantic art.
I loved 'Rocky' and 'Rambo', and am very proud of them.
For every guy, there is an opportunity to be a lot better than he thought he could be. We can't all be the star of the team, but we can be a star in our life. That's where you set your goal.
I tend to think of action movies as exuberant morality plays in which good triumphs over evil.
A lot of actors, and artists in general, never feel secure in love. They always feel everything's going to be taken away from them, professionally and personally; they're extremely emotional and volatile.
I was very much into buying contemporary art, but I've just decided I want to get rid of it all. Not that it's not great art, but all of a sudden my mood has changed, and I want to go back to seventeenth- and eighteenth-century masters.
I'm perceived to be this solitary character, but nothing could be further from the truth.
I consider myself something of a raconteur. I have a rather audacious sense of humour.
I've never made a film that lost money.
What I'm trying to do now in my life - not just with the building, but with everything - is to construct things that will have enduring qualities, and won't just be ephemeral flashes in the pan.
When I was a kid, my mother used to feed me mashed-potato sandwiches, brussel sprout sandwiches; my brain cells were starving from lack of food. I'll eat anything. I'll eat dirt.
I'll always have this blue-collar connection. For every guy, there is an opportunity to be a lot better than he thought he could be. We can't all be the star of the team, but we can be a star in our life.
Certain characters, mostly heroes, have to be the straight silent type; that is part of the make-up. — © Sylvester Stallone
Certain characters, mostly heroes, have to be the straight silent type; that is part of the make-up.
I was on cruise control from '85 to '95, and it was my fault. There were a lot of self-inflicted wounds, when I was not doing any original material. I wasn't directing. I wasn't writing. That's not who I am.
The action movies changed radically when it became possible to Velcro your muscles on. It was the beginning of a new era. The visual took over. The special effects became more important than the single person. That was the beginning of the end.
When people meet me, they're often surprised - I talk a great deal.
Painting is as close as a person can get to actually capturing the heat of the moment.
I'm not right wing, I'm not left wing. I love my country.
I have tons of regrets, but I think that's one of the reasons that push people to create things. Out of their angst, their regret, comes the best from artists, painters and writers.
I try to combine in my paintings cinematic feeling, emotional feeling, and sometimes actually writing on the page to combine all the different elements of communication.
I think that's become passe, but if you can surround yourself with a kind of monument to yourself and your family - a statement - and you can afford it, then that's a noble project.
I have two lovely sons and some good memories, but I've had a rather tumultuous personal life. It hasn't been dull; I've been the Hiroshima of love.
If bad decorating was a hanging offense, there'd be bodies hanging from every tree!
I've kind of fashioned my life after a Slinky. Bend me in a million shapes, and eventually I'll spring back to what I originally was.
I was an insecure kid. Once I saw 'Hercules' with Steve Reeves, it completely changed my life. If I had never gone to that film, I wouldn't be here today.
From the time I got dressed in the back of a deflated, flat-tired, fish-smelling station wagon for Rocky. It's always been do it yourself, kind of like paper-clip it together.
You have to be really loyal to the people that supported you when you were coming up.
It took me a long time to be convinced that marriage was right for me because I've come from a long line of broken marriages. My parents divorced, and I had two broken marriages myself.
There's no one in the world close to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a phenomenon. He's brilliant. Just because his physique belies that, don't underestimate him.
I was an ambitious child and I tended to be scatterbrained. If I was at school and saw a bird outside the window I wanted to follow it. I was adventurous.
I wish I had thought of Velcro muscles myself. I didn't have to go to the gym for all those years, all the hours wedded to the iron game, as we call it.
If you don't have a mountain, build one and then climb it. And after you climb it, build another one; otherwise you start to flatline in your life.
When you're an actor, you're a slave to other people's visions.
Movies are the work of a collective conscious. It takes 500-800 people on a movie to complete a vision.
I could start a war in 30 seconds. But some countries spend 100 years trying to find peace. Just like good manners, peace has to be learned.
You know what I think happened? After 'Rocky,' I was almost set up in the eyes of the media to make a flop. — © Sylvester Stallone
You know what I think happened? After 'Rocky,' I was almost set up in the eyes of the media to make a flop.
I'm not just painting for painting's sake. I want to be truthful.
I want to turn my attention to movies about love relationships. Exploring the female psyche - there ought to be some interesting discoveries there. Love stories. If you do it right, people want to hear romantic dialog.
Quite often in acting, you have to play a certain part; you cannot speak as much as you want to speak.
I love art more than anything in the world except for my family.
Early on everyone should do, every time they do a big film, they should do a little film. It really does keep you grounded.
Most action is based on redemption and revenge, and that's a formula. Moby Dick was formula. It's how you get to the conclusion that makes it interesting.
I have a lack of fear, whereas in the past the fear of failure was a powerful motivator. Anyway, I have great expectations for the future, but I just don't know if I'm the monarch of all I survey.
I'm a patriot of the heart.
People think retiring is fun. Well, maybe, but if you have a certain kind of fire inside, there is no end in sight.
People asked if I could have played the Terminator. Are you kidding? Not a chance, I never could have played the Terminator.
The trouble with remakes is that people fall in love with the original. It's like peanut butter. If you try to change the taste of peanut butter, you're in trouble.
I'm not a genetically superior person. I built my body. — © Sylvester Stallone
I'm not a genetically superior person. I built my body.
You know you've been around when they start to remake your own movies when you're still alive.
When I'm on a location, I pick a restaurant that's close and private and eat all my meals there.
Action is always seen as the bottom rung of thespian endeavour, that's just the way it is.
I think audiences have hit the wall with CGI and special effects. They have seen so many over-the-top events that they can't suspend disbelief.
There'll never be a 'Rocky IV.' You gotta call a halt.
When I tried to branch out into comedy, I didn't do very well at it, so I went back to doing what I do naturally well, or what the audience expects from me - action pictures.
Rambo isn't violent. I see Rambo as a philanthropist.
Just because society says I'm old doesn't mean I am.
I'm pretty spiritual; I believe a lot in the spirit of man.
Whenever I don't get injured, the film is a dud. I didn't bleed on 'Rhinestone.' I didn't bleed on 'Stop! Or My Mom will Shoot.'
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