Top 87 Quotes & Sayings by Tan France

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English designer Tan France.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Tan France

Tanveer Wasim "Tan" France is a British-American fashion designer, television personality, and author. He is one of the first openly gay men of South Asian descent on a major show and one of the first out Muslim gay men on western television as the fashion expert for the Netflix series Queer Eye, host of the web series Dressing Funny and co-host of Next In Fashion. His memoir, Naturally Tan, was released in June 2019.

Sexuality can be difficult to articulate, and we have to be patient and compassionate.
If you're not taking care of your food, your body, you're not gonna look great.
When you're talking about people's clothes, you're also talking about their bodies. That opens up some kind of vulnerability. — © Tan France
When you're talking about people's clothes, you're also talking about their bodies. That opens up some kind of vulnerability.
I think that people assume when they meet me that I'm going to judge what they're wearing.
I hadn't seen any people like me on TV before, and I definitely didn't want to be the first one. I didn't want that responsibility on my head.
Being 'out and proud' can feel like a real luxury of Western culture, where people are often white and see existing white gay people in their culture. That's a kind of privilege people don't know they possess.
I grew up in a very cultural household, but part of our culture is that we don't really take photos.
My accent is very confused.
Just because the office is casual doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort.
I thought I wanted to be a machinist. I thought that was the most glamorous job in the world.
Gay men can sometimes feel ashamed or chastised when the messaging is 'Be out and proud!' or 'Just come out.' It's not that easy. It certainly wasn't for me.
I thought 'I, Tonya' was fantastic.
I live in Salt Lake City, and I don't have a lot of gay friends. — © Tan France
I live in Salt Lake City, and I don't have a lot of gay friends.
I'm so sick of straight men in boardshorts. It couldn't be more unattractive.
A lot of men and women don't like to prioritize fashion.
I live in Utah.
As a stylist, my goal is to help people be the best version of themselves.
When your clothes aren't organized, it's even harder. You don't know what your options are. Everything is in disarray. Organization makes it so much easier to put on an outfit.
I'm married to a man from Utah, and I talk about that very openly.
Each of us is living our own private journey, and the more we know about each other, the healthier and happier the world will be.
It's not called 'Queer Eye For the Straight Guy' now for a reason. We want to be able to help more and more people, and why wouldn't we help women, and why wouldn't we help a trans man? I want to help as many different groups as physically possible with this show.
A boot cut does not look great on most people.
I was always fascinated by clothes, and I think I've had clothing in my blood for as long as I can remember.
I just want to say this thing about Jonathan Van Ness: I love that boy more than life itself.
It doesn't matter if the item isn't your favorite thing as long it fits well.
If you can't make an effort in what you're even wearing, you're probably not going to make the effort to create a multi-million dollar company.
Until my businesses really took off, my family, I think, just assumed I was selling printed T-shirts out of the back of my car. They just couldn't wrap their head around how fashion could be profitable.
Yes, it's called 'Queer Eye' and there are five gay men on it, but we're also tackling real issues. The conversations we have on our show would be just as valid if they swapped us out with straight guys. What we do is important, not just because we're a niche gay show.
A leather jacket always makes you look cooler, sometimes more chic, and it elevates your look to make you look like you've purchased something expensive to set yourself apart.
A stereotype is that all gay men know everything there is to know about the LGBTQ community. We don't.
When it comes to a vintage store, we're not concerned with men's or women's. I want you to treat it like no other store. Just find stuff that you love and go for that.
I've been to New York many times, and I've always noticed that there aren't that many French tucks around.
Nobody needs an abundance of plaid.
Nobody wants to see an engagement photo with you in your ratty jeans and t-shirt. Go for layers, and you're always going to look like you made more of an effort.
We have the luxury in the West of being able to say, 'Yeah, absolutely, we're progressive, we've moved forward with the gay community.' We haven't in a lot of other countries. My people from Pakistan - I know we haven't moved forward.
The right kind of floral makes you look styled and well-considered.
I have to battle so many issues, and the biggest is racism.
I am sending a memo to every man in the world: just because you make an effort with your wardrobe doesn't make you a wuss. — © Tan France
I am sending a memo to every man in the world: just because you make an effort with your wardrobe doesn't make you a wuss.
When I speak, I don't speak for myself; I don't have the luxury of a Caucasian to be able to speak for myself. I speak for a whole community, and I represent so many different communities that that felt like a lot of pressure.
Every man's closet should be dark pair of blue jeans, a black jean, and a mid wash jean.
I love a wild animal print. Not just a leopard print - I'm talking about a tiger or zebra print, too.
For me, I don't go, 'Let me walk into this person's home. I don't care who they are, I'm going to put them in a Dolce & Gabbana suit, and I really want them to have a pink shirt.'
I love to wear shades when I'm out and about.
I would have to say Kelly Clarkson's 'Because of You' would be the song I would associate with coming out. It's really emotive, and personally, it reminds me of my father.
I'm really loving Billie Eilish's 'idontwannabeyouanymore.' Her dreamy vocals offer such a lovely moment of escape, and there's a sophistication to the lyrics that are so surprising coming from a teen artist.
I'm an immigrant. I'm from the Middle East.
I was terrified of being on camera. I was worried that whatever I would say, people would assume I'm speaking for every Muslim, every Pakistani, or every Middle Eastern person. That's a lot of pressure. But it also got me excited about what could be done, because I am a representative for people who are underrepresented.
Every man - and every woman, too - needs a white sneaker. — © Tan France
Every man - and every woman, too - needs a white sneaker.
I believe that our show is hopefully a beacon of hope for certain people who think that they have been forgotten, that they don't have the support or representation. We're there for them and also to remind people that even though we are so divided, just a very open conversation can bridge that divide.
You know how Oprah has her moment about bread? Mine's about boots. You could wear it to a meeting at work. You could wear it to a date.You could wear it to a wedding with a suit.
I love that Tom Daley's talking about surrogacy.
I've never dreamt of being on TV; I had never tried to be in the entertainment business at all.
I'm never massively concerned about what somebody is wearing, as long as it makes them feel really good about themselves.
I love a boot. It's an easy transition for all surroundings - not too casual, not too formal. You look like you're off to your engagement photos, even if you're going down to a pub with your friends afterward.
From my vertical, people, especially men, don't realize what clothes can do for their self-esteem, the way they see themselves, their confidence.
Style is dressing the way that you feel confident and what is appropriate for you, your age, your body type.
The main must-have is a capsule wardrobe. I think it's really important that everybody, men and women, have a few items in their closets that are their go-tos. No matter what the occasion, they have something in their closets that they can go to.
My statement pieces change regularly.
I lived a very, very Middle Eastern life until I was in my early 20s. It was very sheltered.
I start with my shoes - I usually pack two pairs if I'm going away for four or five days, and I'll wear another one.
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