Top 615 Quotes & Sayings by Ted Cruz - Page 4

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American politician Ted Cruz.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There is no room for Christians in today's Democratic Party.
We need a commander in chief that speaks the truth. We will not defeat radical Islamic terrorism so long as we have a president unwilling to utter the words 'radical Islamic terrorism'.
If I am elected president, keep an eye on the tarmac, because I'll be back, because Iowa in 2017 will not be fly-over country. It will be fly-to country. — © Ted Cruz
If I am elected president, keep an eye on the tarmac, because I'll be back, because Iowa in 2017 will not be fly-over country. It will be fly-to country.
If you want a president to stop amnesty, to secure the borders and keep us safe, then support a candidate who has led the fight to stop amnesty to secure the borders and to keep us safe.
If I am elected president we will secure the border and we will end the illegal immigration.
I think issues and substance, policy and vision and record should be the meat of politics.
I will always tell the truth and do what I said I would do.
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds.
Tonight, I want to say to every member of the democratic party, who believes in limited government, in personal opportunity and the united States constitution, and a safe and secure America, come home. To the Reagan Democrats, your party has left you. And the Republican party wants you, we welcome you back.
I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to re-ignite the promise of America.
If I'm elected president, let me tell you about my first day in office. The first thing I intend to do is to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by Barack Obama.
First of all, we have seen now in six years of Obamacare that it has been a disaster. It is the biggest job-killer in this country. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, have been forced into part-time work, have lost their health insurance, have lost their doctors, have seen their premiums skyrocket.
I think God has blessed this country with enormous natural resources, and we should pursue all of the above. We should be developing oil, and gas, and coal, and nuclear, and wind, and solar, and ethanol, and biofuels. But, I don't believe that Washington should be picking winners and losers.
We should work to de-link health insurance from employment so if you lose your job, your health insurance goes with you and it is personal, portable and affordable. — © Ted Cruz
We should work to de-link health insurance from employment so if you lose your job, your health insurance goes with you and it is personal, portable and affordable.
There are people who wonder if faith is real. I can tell you, in my family there is not a second of doubt.
And the people I have been accountable to every single day in the Senate are the 27 million Texans who I represent and I made a promise to them that I make to you today, which is, if I am elected, every single day I will do two things: tell the truth, and do what I said I would do.
There is a liberal fascism that is dedicated to going after believing Christians who follow the biblical teaching on marriage.
I will keep my word. My father fled Cuba, and I will fight to defend liberty because my family knows what it's like to lose it.
We should expand health savings accounts so people can save in a tax-advantaged way for more routine healthcare needs.
When I ran in Texas, I told the people of Texas, 'if you elect me, I will lead the fight against amnesty.'
I honored my commitments, and as president, I will honor every commitment that I make to the men and women of this country.
And if you want a commander in chief who will fulfill the most solemn obligation of the president to keep this nation safe, then support a candidate who has demonstrated the commitment, the judgment, the experience, the clarity of vision, to identify our enemy, to call it by its name, radical islamic terrorism.
If I'm elected president, we will repeal every word of Obamacare.
The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens.
If I am elected president, every militant on the face of the planet will know, if you go and join ISIS, if you wage jihad on the United States of America, if you attempt to murder innocent Americans you are signing your death warrant.
We need leaders who will stand unapologetically in defense of marriage.
If we're going to win in 2016, we need a consistent conservative: someone who has been a fiscal conservative, a social conservative, a national security conservative.
We're seeing conservatives and evangelicals and libertarian and Reagan Democrats all coming together as one, and that terrifies Washington, D.C.
Do you want to know what scares the Washington cartel? Actually, not remotely. I don't scare them in the tiniest bit. What scares them is you. What scares them is that old Reagan coalition is coming back together, of conservatives.
The Constitution is brilliant for accountability; for posing factions against each other, to fight amongst themselves in government, which protects our liberty. But also in ensuring that decision-making is made by those who the people can hold accountable.
It is very simple to be likeable in Washington. You just go along to get along. You just do what your leadership wants.
I love Texans. And Texas is clearly the crown jewel of Super Tuesday.
And many of the alarmists on global warming, they've got a problem cause the science doesn't back them up. And in particular, satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years, there's been zero warming. None whatsoever.
In the Second Amendment, it's not about hunting, it's not about target shooting, it's about protecting your home and your family and your life.
Let's go back to the beginning of the Obama administration, when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama led NATO in toppling the government in Libya. They did it because they wanted to promote democracy. A number of Republicans supported them. Well, the result is, Libya is now a terrorist war zone run by jihadists.
If we look at it more from a philosophical standpoint, these foundations of atheism and secular humanism believe that you are your own God. That leads us to something that unfortunately has crept into many churches across America, and it is what I call the Social Gospel. The social gospel, that could creep into something that is called Liberation Theology, which is a mixture of leftist, pseudo-Christianity with Marxism.
Liberty is never safer than when politicans are terrified.
Today, the global warming alarmists are the equivalent of the flat-Earthers. It used to be [that] it is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat, and this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier.
We deserve leaders who stand for principal, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect from everybody. — © Ted Cruz
We deserve leaders who stand for principal, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect from everybody.
Carli Fiorina thinks the answer for Social Security and Medicare budgeting! Christ. People of a certain age are all banging their heads on the table right now.
I treat him [Donald Trump] as an entertainer. I laugh it off. It's like going to the circus and seeing the acrobats and the dancing bears. He's willing to say things that are patently false.
Social justice is collectivism. Social justice is the rights of a group. It denies individual responsibility. It's a negation of individual responsibility, so social justice is totally contrary to the Word of God.
I think our nation faces enormous challenges, and we need leaders who are willing to tell the truth and do the right thing regardless of the consequences.
Start being biblically correct, instead of politically correct.
It's just like calling homosexuals 'gays.' Gay means happy! You know, it's just to try to dilute it so that it becomes socially acceptable, and if you say anything against homosexual marriage or anything - 'Oh, you're not tolerant.' So we're supposed to prostitute our principles, on behalf of tolerance.
What I believe is that we should defend life.
The Obama-Clinton economy has done enormous damage to the Hispanic community.
Every candidate is going to come to you and say they are the most conservative person that ever lived.
I think the debate was really some powerful moments of clarity. We saw that Donald Trump, substantively, has the same issues on issue after issue as Hillary Clinton. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on Libya, toppling the government in Libya. That led directly to Benghazi, led to handing that country over to radical Islamic terrorism.
I think the establishment donor class has begun to crumble. They`re searching for [Marco] Rubio, trying to get some momentum there. But the establishment in terms of the official elected leadership of the Republican Party, when you look at [Kevin] McCarthy, they`re starting to wrap theirselves around the idea of [Donald] Trump, holding back on an endorsement.
One of the problems in Washington is there are far too many politicians who desperately just want to get re-elected. — © Ted Cruz
One of the problems in Washington is there are far too many politicians who desperately just want to get re-elected.
I'm a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. And Ben [Carson] you're a terrible surgeon.
In Texas, we cook bacon a little differently than most folks...MACHINE-GUN BACON.
Always be sexy. I salute that message.
If we want to defend the country, we have to defend against who's coming in.
Move over to Egypt. Once again, the [Barack] Obama administration, encouraged by Republicans, toppled [Hosni] Mubarak who had been a reliable ally of the United States, of Israel, and in its place, [Mohamed] Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood came in, a terrorist organization.
The last 15 years, there has been no recorded warming. Contrary to all the theories that they are expounding, there should have been warming over the last 15 years. It hasn't happened.
I want you to take a good, hard look at me, America, because this is exactly what you’ve got coming.
Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory for a big government politician who wants more power. Why? Because it is a theory that can never be disproven.
Everyone seems to have internalized the fact that you can say anything you want at a televised debate, and only a tiny fraction of the audience will ever see a fact-check. So why not claim the moon is square?
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