Top 70 Quotes & Sayings by Thiruvalluvar

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a poet Thiruvalluvar.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.

Thiruvalluvar, commonly known as Valluvar, was a celebrated Tamil poet and philosopher. He is best known as the author of the Tirukkuṟaḷ, a collection of couplets on ethics, political and economical matters, and love. The text is considered an exceptional and widely cherished work of Tamil literature.

It is good to forget one's anger against one's wrongdoer, whoever he may be, for countless number of evils will quickly grow from this anger.
Indulgence in frivolous speech not only reveals one's lack of moral character, but it deprives him of good qualities also.
To embrace the whole world in friendship is wisdom. This wisdom is not changeable like the flowers that bloom and fade. — © Thiruvalluvar
To embrace the whole world in friendship is wisdom. This wisdom is not changeable like the flowers that bloom and fade.
Those who worship God only, can get rid of anxiety of mind; others cannot.
The true nature of all wealth is temporary; those who have wealth must here and now do good deeds that will live for a long time.
Is there any way to safeguard and acquire wealth? Yes, there is one sure way: namely, never to covet the wealth of another.
A wise person does not undertake any business with the risk of losing the capital money in search of making a profit.
Pleasant speech yields joy to all, and observing this, is there any need for unpleasant speech?
The entire world is a witness to the phenomenon that sorrows keep away from the kindhearted and compassionate.
One who cannot live in harmony with others is regarded as an ignorant fool, even if he happens to be very learned in various matters.
To guard and to deal with others' goods as one's own is considered as the mark of proper trade among merchants.
The benefit a father can confer on his son is to make him fit to occupy the front rank in the assembly of the learned.
The quantity of a man's wealth will not last long if his generous nature is not balanced with the size of his property. — © Thiruvalluvar
The quantity of a man's wealth will not last long if his generous nature is not balanced with the size of his property.
A man who always speaks the truth wholeheartedly is greater than those who do penance and deeds of charity.
The enemies cannot destroy the king who has at his service the respect and friendship of the wise men who can find fault, disagree, and correct him.
The poverty of a man of benevolence is not to be considered as poverty but only as his temporary inability to exercise his inherent duty.
The first and most important thing a man should keep away from is not doing harm of any kind knowingly to anyone, at any time.
One who has no love in his heart will try to possess everything for himself. One who has love in his heart is ready to sacrifice everything, including his own body, for the benefit of others.
People of noble character are afraid of keeping friendship with dishonorable people. But people of discreditable character consider friendship with the dishonorable as a blood relationship.
The most valuable wealth of a man is his knowledge, which cannot be destroyed; all other riches that he has gained are not considered to be wealth at all.
When no food is given to the ear, Then let a little be given to the stomach.
The worth of a wife is a man's good fortune; His jewels are his good children.
Among a man's many good possessions, A good command of speech has no equal. Prosperity and ruin issue from the power of the tongue. Therefore, guard yourself against thoughtless speech.
Friendship with the wise gets better with time, as a good book gets better with age.
Reasoning with a drunkard is like Going under water with a torch to seek for a drowning man.
Make foes of bowmen if you must, Never of penmen.
Even the ignorant may appear very worthy, If they keep silent before the learned.
Those who give way to great anger are like the dead:Those who are free from anger are free from death.
Great wealth, like a crowd at a concert, Gathers and melts.
Better the arrow that missed the lion than the one that killed a rabbit.
The wound that's made by fire will heal, But the wound that's made by tongue will never heal.
As the quality of water changes with the nature of the soil;So will a man's reason vary with the quality of his friends.
A fortress is of no use to cowards.
Even more than the time when she gave birth, a mother feels her greatest joy when she hears others refer to her son as a wise learned one.
Those who pretend to know what they don't, will be thought ignorant of even what they know.
When the rare chance comes, seize it To do the rare deed.
The only gift is giving to the poor; All else is exchange.
Nothing is impossible for those who act after wise counsel and careful thought. — © Thiruvalluvar
Nothing is impossible for those who act after wise counsel and careful thought.
The biggest fool is he who has learned much, taught much, and is still discontented.
They who in trouble untroubled are Will trouble trouble itself.
If men must beg to live, May the Creator also go wandering and perish.
Worthless are those who injure others vengefully, while those who stoically endure are like stored gold. The gratification of the vengeful lasts only for a day, but the glory of the forbearing lasts until the end of time. Though unjustly aggrieved, it is best to suffer the suffering and refrain from unrighteous retaliation.
The crow does not hide its prey, but calls for others to share it; So wealth will be with those of a like disposition.
The lotus' stem is as long as the depth of water, So men's height is just as great as their inner strength.
Conquer with forbearance The excesses of insolence.
There may be many who will gladly face death in the battlefield, but few who will face a hostile society.
To turn away a guest is poorest poverty; To bear with fools is mightiest might.
How can one, who eats the flesh of others to swell his flesh, show compassion? — © Thiruvalluvar
How can one, who eats the flesh of others to swell his flesh, show compassion?
Anger kills both laughter and joy; What greater foe is there than anger?
Not every light is a true light; To the wise the light of truth is light itself.
To use bitter words, when kind words are at hand, Is like picking unripe fruit when the ripe fruit is there.
Real kindness seeks no return.
The ignorant torment themselves more than they do others.
It is compassion, the most gracious of virtues, Which moves the world.
Those who have wisdom have all: Fools with all have nothing.
Those are fools however learned Who have not learned to walk with the world.
Be wise among the wise, but pretend to be dull among fools.
When you are about to badger the weak, Then imagine yourself before a more powerful man.
There is no greater wealth than Virtue,And no greater loss than to forget it.
This world is not for the poor, nor the next for the unkind.
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