Top 3 Quotes & Sayings by Tom Deacon

Explore popular quotes and sayings by a British comedian Tom Deacon.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Tom Deacon

Tom Deacon in Southampton, Hampshire, England) is a British comedian, radio DJ and television presenter.

Where I'm from, people aren't quick. A girl once asked her mum, 'Can I have a Cadbury's Creme Egg?' The mum said, 'No, you can't Danielle, I've already told you, darling - bird flu!'
I never know the right thing to say, especially during sex. After my first time, I said to the girl, 'That's it, I'm afraid' — © Tom Deacon
I never know the right thing to say, especially during sex. After my first time, I said to the girl, 'That's it, I'm afraid'
I once buggered a man unconscious. I'm lying, he was already unconscious when I found him
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