Top 99 Quotes & Sayings by Tomi Lahren

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American journalist Tomi Lahren.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Tomi Lahren

Tomi Rae Augustus Lahren is an American conservative political commentator and television presenter. She hosted Tomi on TheBlaze, where she gained attention for her short video segments called "final thoughts", in which she frequently criticized liberal politics. Many of her videos went viral, with The New York Times describing her as a "rising media star". Lahren was suspended from TheBlaze in March 2017 after saying in an interview on The View that she believed women should have legal access to abortion.

I'm going to stand in my truth no matter what.
After the first trimester, I do think that there is some room for the government to intervene, because at that point, it is an unborn child that could be viable on its own.
Robert Herring had enough trust in me to think I could carry my own show. — © Tomi Lahren
Robert Herring had enough trust in me to think I could carry my own show.
People expect me to be angry, bitter. They expect to me be abrasive, aggressive. I'm not.
My message to women is it's okay not to toe the party line on every issue. You don't have to be a puppet or a mouthpiece for your party on every issue. You can be an independent thinker; you can take it issue by issue, and that's okay. You shouldn't be told, 'You can't sit with us.'
I don't care what you label me or how many times you come for me. I am fearless, and I'm just getting started.
For me, reinstating the ban on transgenders in the military was a very positive step.
I clearly have a point of view; I am very passionate about my point of view. I am a commentator.
What you say about me, my family, and on my social media says a lot more about your character than it does mine.
We live in a time of safe spaces, where micro-aggressions are monitored, where offending someone is the ultimate sin, where white people can't slip up, even once, even by accident.
I fully acknowledge that I am not a journalist.
Win on your merit, not your skin color.
Yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist. — © Tomi Lahren
Yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist.
Fort Hood, Chattanooga, and San Bernardino are not 'terrorist incidents.' They are attacks. Get that straight.
Ya know what's fun? When Democrats start calling each other sexist.
I can't speak for every woman, but my birth control is covered by my insurance, and if it weren't covered, it would cost $9 a month. I don't know a lot of women who can't afford $9 a month.
This is the problem with modern-day feminism. It used to be about equality. Now, it's about bashing men, asking for free stuff, and tearing down other women for refusing to play victim to the trumped-up, B.S. 'War on Women.'
Welcome to ABC News, the network that hires Clinton butt-kissers/donors and calls them 'chief political correspondents.'
We need to start talking, to each other, about the issues that matter most. Otherwise, we are just pawns in the game of politics.
American democracy is greater with free speech and open dialogue.
People can love you, or they can hate you. It really doesn't matter.
One thing my parents never raised me to be was a diva. I'm pretty low maintenance.
I have no problem with free speech, but free speech and then silencing your opposition - boy, I have a problem with that.
Same sex marriage, it's not a big concern to me.
It seems the feminists are all about female freedom of expression so long as the female is overweight or transgender. You can't pick and choose what type of women fit your agenda.
Doors have locks, citizens have guns, and countries have borders.
What matters is that I'm making a connection with people and getting a reaction.
When we talk about more access to birth control, a lot of times that means more funding for Planned Parenthood, and we know that's a touchy subject, so I certainly see that perspective and agree with a lot of conservatives on it.
I don't think most conservatives are against access to birth control, but they are wary of funding things like Planned Parenthood.
Those who feel threatened by you or your success will seek to tear you down.
My Facebook fans have become my family in a lot of ways, so when that was taken away from me, it felt like a huge part of me was shut down.
I'm for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well.
Yeah, you can disagree with someone and still be cool - that's a thing!
People like me because I'm real.
The institution of religion is important.
Ruining someone else's life for attention or revenge should also come with a price.
I have a voice, and I'm going to keep using it.
There are too many conservatives who are terrified of being labelled. They're afraid of being labelled, and they're afraid of being not liked. — © Tomi Lahren
There are too many conservatives who are terrified of being labelled. They're afraid of being labelled, and they're afraid of being not liked.
Our military members should be able to defend themselves here and abroad.
The BET definition of a humanitarian is someone who perpetuates a war on cops.
No single race has a monopoly on racism.
People tell me all the time that my 15 minutes are up.
I don't hate anyone. I just see the evil some pretend doesn't exist.
In order for me to be hurt by you, I have to respect you. I don't respect these hateful Internet trolls who have nothing better to do than attack my looks or the way I speak.
I can't sit here and be a hypocrite and say I'm for limited government, but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.
I know if I stay true to myself and stick to my guns, I will never fail myself.
I find that when people are actually around me, it's impossible not to like me.
As conservatives, we know the media is stacked against us. We know popular culture is often stacked against us. We know the narrative has been written without our voice despite our best efforts.
The only way to cover up a lie? Keep lying. — © Tomi Lahren
The only way to cover up a lie? Keep lying.
Truth is, some of you aren't interested in a real conversation about race - you'd rather go on the attack for anyone that dares question your aggressive, divisive, and damaging agenda.
President Obama, under your leadership, we do need guns to keep us safe.
Guess what, Beyonce? White people like your music, too. White people buy your songs on iTunes, memorize your lyrics, and admire your talent and beauty. Little white girls wanna be like you just as little black girls do, but instead of that, you'd rather perpetuate the great battle of the races.
How else are we going to get anywhere if we can't talk to each other?
'Spiritual' sounds like you worship the grass.
Every now and then, I am reminded it's not always about politics. It's about people.
To exist in an echo chamber and only talk to people with whom we agree is fruitless.
The Hyde Amendment might prohibit federal dollars from directly funding abortion, but federal money is used elsewhere in Planned Parenthood, which allows other funds to be used for abortion.
Most conservatives choose God. The tree huggers choose weather, or preventing weather.
Having done what I've done at 24 years old, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be out of work.
Terrorists don't heed 'gun-free' signs.
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