Top 117 Quotes & Sayings by Tommy Lee

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Tommy Lee.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Tommy Lee

Thomas Lee Bass is an American musician and founding member of the heavy metal band Mötley Crüe. As well as being the band's long-term drummer, Lee founded rap metal band Methods of Mayhem, and has pursued solo musical projects.

I don't think anybody should ever touch anybody in anger, ever.
The horses forced into the chuckwagon races die of heart attacks, broken necks, broken legs, and other injuries. It'd be easy to get off on western tradition without this bloody spectacle. Dude, it's the Old West, not ancient Rome!
Phil Rudd from AC/DC was someone I really liked a lot... Not because I was dazzled by his playing ability - he was just a rock, y'know? — © Tommy Lee
Phil Rudd from AC/DC was someone I really liked a lot... Not because I was dazzled by his playing ability - he was just a rock, y'know?
You never know what's going to happen sometimes, or what you think's going to happen never happens, or when you least expect it, the Santana record comes along and just blows up.
One day I would love to do rock a gig on the moon - how rad would that be? Isn't Richard Branson flying planes to outer space? Motley Crue could be the first band to play on the moon.
If Trent Reznor calls and says he needs a drummer for his tour... I'm there.
Why is it that the hot chicks never can sing?
I love touring Canada, and our Calgary fans are among the roughest and toughest.
A lot of hip-hop artists wear fur, and they think it's a status symbol. That doesn't register for me; I just see dead animals.
At 17, I signed a recording contract right out of high school, so I started touring and traveling the world. I sort of missed out on the college experience.
It's always interesting to me that we all hear music differently. It's an awesome experience to hear what other people hear.
I am such a gearhead. In my recording studio, I personally engineer and edit everything on computers.
I've always loved the mixture of crushing live drums with a programmed groove, that really cool blend, like in the verse there's a really funky drum beat that is programmed then it comes in to the chorus; you've got that enormous human feel where the band kicks in.
Whether I'm writing solo stuff, electronic stuff, or material for Motley, I just write to write. I come up with it and put things in different piles. — © Tommy Lee
Whether I'm writing solo stuff, electronic stuff, or material for Motley, I just write to write. I come up with it and put things in different piles.
My father lived by the philosophy, 'Be yourself, because everyone else is taken,' and he made sure I did, too. Whatever I wanted to do, he supported me. I don't mean that I was spoilt - he didn't believe in material gifts - but he watched my back while I worked to achieve things.
I got really frustrated in jail, and I was like, 'Man, I love what I've done, and I love the mark I've made on rock n' roll history'... and I sat there, and I got really depressed, thinking, 'I gotta make a move... do something fresh and new.'
I don't listen to anybody's full record anymore and when I did, I don't think I listened to the whole record. I'm sorry, and I don't care who it is, if it's the Beatles, I can't listen to an hour and a half of anybody straight so I guess that's just my personal preference.
The quad toms are a completely different animal than the standard drum set/trap kit. Playing wise and stylistically, they are two different beasts.
The drums are about gravity. Your hand naturally falls down on the drums as you hit them.
There are things you do that just come natural, and sometimes those are amazingly in synch, and sometimes they're horribly out of synch, and you're like, 'Ooo! That wasn't very good tonight.' Most of the time, it's just on.
You know what's weird, I just write to write, with no intention, I just write.
One of my favorite things in the world is to be seeing two people that are really old, still holding hands, still kissing.
I've always gravitated towards the beats, obviously. And when I was growing up, I always loved funk music or even - dare I say it - disco.
When I'm single, I'm one guy, and when I'm in a relationship I'm totally another. They're both a good time.
There was a time when cowboys respected their horses instead of riding them to death just to show off for a crowd.
The best thing about being rich is the freedom; freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. It doesn't suck.
Being married to two extremely high profile, you know, actresses, and being sort of chased by, you know, paparazzi and people, it's a whole different dynamic happens to a relationship when that happens. All of a sudden, things get a little crazy, a little crazy.
Playing upside down is insane. It's two or three times more difficult than what's normal. Your feet want to come off the pedals, your arms want to drop down - all of your body is fighting gravity.
It sounds kind of strange, but Jail time was almost a good experience for me.
I'm still that rowdy dude who has after-parties in his dressing room with a concert-sized PA system blasting away.
The older I get, the more I don't care what people think or what people say. I just do what moves me.
The crowd is a pretty good indicator when it's good, because it's kind of a universal energy that gets passed around.
My house is really clean. It's a really big house so I have three ladies who come in and clean it twice a week, but let's just say that, in between times, maybe it's not quite so clean.
The Radiohead record, The Bends is my all-time favorite record on the planet.
Getting married in four days was the biggest... mistake I've ever made. I have two beautiful kids, but... how can you know somebody in four days? Bonehead.
John Bonham was probably the most influential in terms of playing style and timing.
I don't have a problem with my temper.
Aerosmith's 'Rocks' is on the list of my top favorite albums of all time. — © Tommy Lee
Aerosmith's 'Rocks' is on the list of my top favorite albums of all time.
I'll never forget when I was, like, 17, and 'Highway to Hell' came on the radio, and I was like, 'Dude, listen to that guy's voice!'
Sometimes when you have children they're the opposites of you.
I don't specifically sit down to write a Motley Crue song, so for me, that's how it works. The things that sound like they might be Crue, I put aside on my hard drive and keep them in that pile.
The New York Dolls are the only band that we grew up on that we haven't played with.
I was always impressed by some of the progressive styles of guys like Neil Peart.
I threw my son, Brandon, a rave for his birthday and I fully set it up like a crazy rave with lights and sound, me and my partner DJ'd - I got Mix Master Mike from the Beastie Boys to come DJ for a bit.
The very first thing I look at on a woman is her toes.
Trust me: all of us walk around and look at each other, and without saying it, we all know we're thinking, 'Really dude? Were still here!' and pinch ourselves. Typically, careers have short life span, 10 years if you're lucky, so what we've done is amazing.
Nikki lives around the corner from me and I see him all the time. We talk a lot, and of course we're still friends. That was our baby, Motley Crue, we put that band together.
I did the marching band all throughout junior high and high school. Music was one of my favorite things in school.
I guess I always think the people that know me or fans that have followed me and know my solo work would know that I've always had really eclectic tastes - even in Motley, dude.
Drumming's pretty physical. We sit at the back of the stage getting beat up like a workhorse. — © Tommy Lee
Drumming's pretty physical. We sit at the back of the stage getting beat up like a workhorse.
My oldest boy is 14, and he's not in that kind of awkward stage where, when we talk about girls, or there's a hot girl walking by - they're just so shy; it's weird.
No one really buys records anymore. You can look at sales and do that math real quick. Unfortunately, it's fast food in the music industry. People don't ingest full records anymore.
There's no new news.
On our first record, man, I didn't know what I was doing. I was just playing. I was over playing. You're as green as you can be with no experience in recording or knowing how sometimes a song can work: when it's too much, when it's not enough, when it's not right.
I'm always getting injuries like bruised and bloody knuckles from catching a cymbal or the edge of a drum.
When you're playing upside down, it takes twice the strength.
Being a drummer, I'm always like, 'Oh, that's got a funky beat. That's cool,' and I like to dance.
Every tour we do, everybody's always wondering, 'What's Tommy Lee going to do next? What new, wild and crazy thing is he going to come up with?'
I'm really a cool, mellow guy. I'm not as crazy as everybody thinks.
Single's fun - you don't have to check in with your girl, but it's not easy. I do get lonely.
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