Top 100 Quotes & Sayings by Tommy Tuberville

Explore popular quotes and sayings by Tommy Tuberville.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Tommy Tuberville

Thomas Hawley Tuberville is an American retired college football coach and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Alabama since 2021. Before entering politics, Tuberville was the head football coach at Auburn University from 1999 to 2008. He was also the head football coach at the University of Mississippi from 1995 to 1998, Texas Tech University from 2010 to 2012, and the University of Cincinnati from 2013 to 2016.

PBMs claim they help patients by negotiating lower prices from drug manufacturers. But the fact is PBMs rarely, if ever, pass those savings on to patients.
When the federal government settles a case, the settlement dollars should go to the victims or the Treasury - period.
Our veterans gave everything for this great country - often serving in far-off corners of the world and returning with scars, not all of which are visible. — © Tommy Tuberville
Our veterans gave everything for this great country - often serving in far-off corners of the world and returning with scars, not all of which are visible.
By expediting the use of the 1619 Project, our schools are coming perilously close to cementing existing inequality, rather than giving kids the chance to escape it.
Let's ensure our federal government works on behalf of all of its citizens - not just the ones with connections to people in power.
We owe the Greatest Generation a debt we can never fully repay.
For veterans that have exhausted other options, access to HBOT treatment could be a lifeline to seeing another day. We have nothing to lose, but we do have lives to save.
Our men and women in uniform sacrifice every day to keep us safe, often working in some pretty unsafe places around the world.
The men and women of the Greatest Generation answered the call to serve; whether at home or abroad, they defended the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today.
I'm honored to be a member of the Senate's Veterans' Affairs Committee, where we can hear about the problems facing our veterans firsthand, and work together on commonsense solutions.
Americans want faith and trust in the integrity of their election processes.
President Donald Trump knows that he can depend upon Tommy Tuberville to remain loyal to him come Hell or high water, and that is why my campaign proudly carries his full endorsement and support.
A government subsidized economic recovery, is not an economic recovery - it's an entitlement state. — © Tommy Tuberville
A government subsidized economic recovery, is not an economic recovery - it's an entitlement state.
Simply keeping pace with China is not enough. We've got to outpace all our adversaries.
Alabama's Black Belt region played a central role in both the history of our great state and our country. We cannot lose sight of the Black Belt's significant impact in the civil rights movement and the fact that this area is home to some of our state's most celebrated cultural figures.
One of the many important roles of the Department of Justice is to represent the United States in civil and criminal trials.
Just remember that what you earn, grow, and work hard to preserve is your money - it is your money - not the government's.
My dad served in World War II and died on active duty after the war.
We need to believe in the power of the American people, not the power of the Biden Administration.
If veterans are saying they have improved after using HBOT, and if veterans services organizations have seen similar success, I say we listen to them.
Our great country was founded on hard work and competition. That sense of grit is the main principle in our free-market economy where consumers have choice, because competition breeds choice, better quality, and better prices for customers.
I was ready and I still am to work with President Biden in good faith to find commonsense solutions to problems facing the country and to ensure the voices of Alabamians are heard.
In order to win, each player has to be willing to put the team ahead of themselves. They have to set their own interests aside so the team can succeed, and they have to take incredible risks in order to score a win.
Everybody wants to make an opinion and that's fine, but especially for young people to get involved in something they might not understand as much, I think they need to let people, whatever they do for a living, justify it.
As a retired football coach, I know a good bit about teamwork and winning.
Weakness invites aggression.
Folks may not be familiar with Pharmacy Benefit Managers, or PBMs, but they live with the effects of PBMs almost every time they go to fill a prescription and have to dig deep in their wallet to pay for it.
We've got to do more to help these veterans who are suffering from brain injuries and PTSD.
The impact of battle stays with our veterans long after their time in uniform ends.
From the Green New Deal to open borders, President Biden is working for the partisan progressives - not the American taxpayers.
Sometimes the DOJ decides that a pre-trial, monetary settlement for a lawsuit is the best route to take.
Unelected bureaucrats should not have the ability to direct settlement funds to progressive organizations under the guise of 'donations,' especially when these groups could turn right around and use that money to put pressure on members of Congress to vote with their agenda.
Many gave their lives - the ultimate sacrifice - to defend the United States.
The fallout from the Biden Administration's weakness isn't just limited to far-off countries across the sea. We're seeing the very real cost at our southern border.
The Biden administration has embraced the divisive curriculum of Critical Race Theory to rewrite history and paint the United States as a villain.
The Biden Administration is more focused on paving the way for electric vehicles than paving roads in rural America.
I firmly believe we can bring back free and fair competition to the health care marketplace that will benefit consumers and providers alike.
Government doesn't make people prosperous. Prosperity is found within the ideas of the American people. Always has been, and it always will. — © Tommy Tuberville
Government doesn't make people prosperous. Prosperity is found within the ideas of the American people. Always has been, and it always will.
We all need to remember: opportunity through work is the foundation of our great country.
Prosperity is not purchased through the expansion of big government 'safety net' programs.
We must modernize our greatest deterrent and keep peace among our adversaries with our nuclear arsenal.
Given the role that the space industry plays in our state, it was important for me to speak with former Senator Bill Nelson and ensure he knows the contributions the Huntsville area makes to the industry.
The 'American Families Plan' is not about helping American families, it is about redefining what it means to be an American family - allowing for big government to infiltrate Alabamians homes and daily lives.
Democrats call their flagship voting bill the 'For the People Act.' But a better, and more fitting title is the Nancy Pelosi Power Grab Act.
We all want to do everything we can to help our veterans; it is a part of our American values and sense of patriotism.
I think people should downplay politics more, be more involved in what they do.
When done right, education is the key to freedom.
Taking care of our veterans is personal for me. — © Tommy Tuberville
Taking care of our veterans is personal for me.
The Empowering Law Enforcement Act is about common sense.
There is no reason we shouldn't be granting access to every available treatment for our veterans when they've already exhausted other options.
If the Biden administration won't enforce the law, let's empower those that will.
We need to give folks an opportunity, not a hand out.
The U.S. government should not spend a single taxpayer dollar to teach children to dislike their country.
How can we expect the Biden Administration to defend American ideals abroad, if the president won't even defend them at home?
Our job as elected officials is to make sure those who have stepped up to defend our country have the resources they need to do their job.
Positive attitude plus effort equals performance.
It is our responsibility - our duty - as Members of Congress to prioritize the care of the brave men and women who risked their lives to protect their fellow Americans.
It's clear that President Biden thinks we don't need further investment in our military if it's clear he thinks it's OK to ask our men and women to do more with less, and that's impossible.
It should be alarming to every tax-paying citizen that the government could turn federal settlement funds into fuel for activist groups that exert power and influence over Washington.
There is no debating that the coronavirus pandemic hit our economy very, very hard.
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