Top 206 Quotes & Sayings by Tucker Carlson

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American journalist Tucker Carlson.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Tucker Carlson

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is an American television host, conservative political commentator and author who has hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News since 2016.

America is secure because we can afford the strongest military in history. Once the U.S. economy is no longer dominant, we are no longer safe, and the world becomes chaotic.
Children born with Down Syndrome are not vegetables, nor are their lives demonstrably not worth living.
There's nothing scarier than a reckless prosecutor. — © Tucker Carlson
There's nothing scarier than a reckless prosecutor.
Who laughs less than feminists?
I'm not uncomfortable around guns - I've hunted for most of my life - but bringing them on stories is considered taboo.
You can look different but have the same values. That's not diversity; it's conformity.
Pat Buchanan has written and said a number of things that are widely understood to be hostile to Jews and to Israel.
Trump is, in part, a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn't.
People like entitlements. That's why we spend so much on them.
In the absence of evidence, superstition. It's a Middle Ages thing. That's my theory anyway.
The rapid growth of prenatal testing has had some undeniably positive effects: A woman who knows she will bear a child with a handicap can plan to deliver in a hospital equipped for risky births. And many couples prefer the opportunity to prepare psychologically for the work of raising a disabled child.
The tax code is becoming steadily more progressive, which shouldn't surprise anyone who understands power politics. It's always easier to force sacrifice on an unpopular minority than it is to ask the majority to pony up.
I've been in journalism my entire adult life and have often defended it against fellow conservatives who claim the news business is fundamentally corrupt.
As a print journalist, you can be frustrated by people who don't call you back, parts of the story you can't get. TV gets you access to everyone because people call you back. It also allows you to satisfy your curiosity. I am a very curious person.
I don't care what anybody thinks. — © Tucker Carlson
I don't care what anybody thinks.
Canadians are so easily wounded.
I can't wait to work for Rick Kaplan. He's a great producer. I would host an infomercial if he would produce it.
You don't criticize your employer.
I have never been one to look beyond today.
To be a feminist, you could cut your hair really short. You have to be really angry about something.
Almost nobody gets rich or erudite overnight.
It's normal for people, especially politicians, to expect rewards in return for favors.
I like bow ties, and I certainly spent a lot of time defending them.
I do think - I'm sure I'm the lone voice in saying this - that Iran deserves to be annihilated. I think they're lunatics. I think they're evil.
Children with Down Syndrome are not monsters, but uncommonly gentle human beings who can and do lead full lives.
Most of the time, you can beat a woman in an argument.
I am really only interested in new information, not freelance opinion. I don't really care what you think off the top of your head.
I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn't be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year's resolution is not to bark back.
If it was up to the U.N., Saddam Hussein would still be killing his own people.
People with conservative temperaments don't become fighter pilots or presidential candidates - they're all that way to some extent.
I try to tell the truth.
Like everyone else, rich people respond to incentives.
I am not insecure about being a journalist.
Certain Arabs love Dubai because it's not at all like where they live. Certain others hate it for the same reason. When you hear an Osama bin Laden sympathizer rant about the decadence and hypocrisy of the Arab ruling class, you can be certain he's picturing a nightclub in Dubai.
The second you think that all your good fortune is a product of your virtue, you become highly judgmental, lacking empathy, totally without self-awareness, arrogant, stupid - I mean, all the stuff that our ruling class is.
There are legitimate, even powerful arguments, to be made against the Bush administration's foreign policy. But those arguments are complicated, hard to explain, and, in the end, not all that sensational.
Some white people are privileged, some aren't. Some black people are, some aren't. It's strikes me as, by definition, a racist attack in that it's making a generalization - a negative one - based on skin color.
American officials have bent over backwards to show how sensitive they are to Muslim culture. It didn't seem very effective. They seem to be worried about winning the respect of other people.
I'm Christian. I've made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances. — © Tucker Carlson
I'm Christian. I've made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances.
Billy Tauzin is one of the most interesting people in Washington. He is smart, funny, and interesting.
There's almost nothing that upsets Americans more than the idea that somewhere, somehow, somebody is getting his feelings hurt.
Journalists typically don't carry weapons, even in war zones, for fear of compromising their status as neutral observers. If you're armed, the theory goes, other armed people will consider you a target.
If you want another world war, run up unsustainable debts.
One area of liberal phenomenon I support is female bi-sexuality.
Boys and girls are not the same.
I like women.
In the Nation of Islam, Akbar Muhammad is a big deal.
In Washington, no one believes anything unless it comes from 'The New Yorker,' 'New York Times' editorial page, or 'The Washington Post.'
There actually have never been many shows as equally balanced as 'Crossfire.'
Living in Washington, you can't take politics too seriously. I draw the line at honesty. I have no time for political hacks who say things they don't believe because they get paid to.
It is nice to be around people who think differently than you. They challenge your ideas and keep you from being complacent. — © Tucker Carlson
It is nice to be around people who think differently than you. They challenge your ideas and keep you from being complacent.
Unless you know a lot more about something than I do, I am not really that interested. I have too much information already.
People tend to cherish and take care of the things they pay for and therefore own, countries included. The opposite is also true. When was the last time you changed the oil in a rental car?
Studies have shown people listen to TV than watch it.
I was up late last night yapping about the elections on CNN and up early this morning doing the same thing in my daughter's kindergarten class.
People often refer to Dubai as the Hong Kong of the Gulf, but it's really more like Vegas.
I have no time for political hacks who say things they don't believe because they get paid to.
What bothers me is the lack of self-awareness. I don't know if I have ever met a group less self-aware than political reporters.
The two things I was positive about in life were that I was going to be a teacher at a boarding school or an operative with the CIA posted abroad. I could write a book about all the things I was sure about.
I think Michael Moore is loathsome, though, not because he dislikes Bush, but because he seems to dislike America.
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