Top 33 Quotes & Sayings by Walter Martin

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American priest Walter Martin.
Last updated on September 10, 2024.
Walter Martin

Walter Ralston Martin, was an American Baptist Christian minister and author who founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960 as a para-church ministry specializing as a clearing-house of information in both general Christian apologetics and in countercult apologetics. As the author of the influential The Kingdom of the Cults (1965), he has been dubbed the "godfather of the anti-cult movement".

I am a friend of Adventist people and a lover of truth.
I thought some of Mrs. White's material was prophetic. I felt some of her insights were extremely helpful and I regarded her as a sister in the Lord. I wasn't out to attack Ellen White's character.
A key to strengthening spiritual muscles and enduring hardship is finding strength in the Word of God. — © Walter Martin
A key to strengthening spiritual muscles and enduring hardship is finding strength in the Word of God.
A biblical false prophet was a servant of the devil attempting to lead people away from the truth.
You see, 30 years ago I didn't have near the audience I have now. My tapes on the cults have reached a circulation of 15 million. those are not my figures but the figures of the people who distribute them.
The Doctrine of the Trinity teaches that within the unity of the one Godhead there are three separate persons who are coequal in power, nature, and eternity.
The very success of medicine in a material way may now threaten the soul of medicine.
The moment you enlist in the army of God, you personally become a target. You need to remember that if you're living for and walking with Jesus Christ, the powers of darkness are aligned against you.
Mrs. White, in my opinion, made false statements. She misused what she claimed was the prophetic gift she had.
Christ imparts the capacity of conquest to our lives every single day that we are willing to believe Him.
Who knows the minds of men and how they reason and what their methodology is? But I am not going to extrapolate from the General Conference backing out on my book and make it a personal issue.
I am not saying we are categorizing Ellen White in the biblical context of a false prophet.
However, the Bible is called the Word of God because the whole transcript is an inspired, faithful, and infallible record of what God determined essential for us to know about Himself, the cosmos in which we live, our spiritual allies and adversaries, and our fellow man.
What makes you a Christian is whether or not you really are in accord with biblical theology and whether you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
I am not an enemy of Adventism.
And yet, you do not throw out some of the great minds of the Church - and people in Church history - and say they have no credibility because they committed a sin or made a mistake.
What I did was, I went and collected every bit of information from Adventist publishing houses in the basic areas of doctrine covered in the book Questions on Doctrine.
God does say He will graciously entertain our prayers. He says that if we exercise faith, and if our request is in accordance with His will, He will hear us.
Writing about something specific, in my mind, was overwhelming, so I wrote about art because I love art and I know I can say a couple of funny things about art.
A poet’s freedom lies precisely in the impossibility of worldly success. It is the freedom of one who knows he will never be anything but a failure in the world’s estimation, and may do as he pleases. The poet is a man on the sidelines of life, sidelined for life. He belongs to the aristocracy of the outcast, the lowest of the low, below the salt of the earth. A member of the most ancient regime in the world. One that cannot, it seems, be overthrown.
Truth by definition is exclusive. If truth were all-inclusive, nothing would be false.
Looking back, you can romanticize the things you did back then. I also like talking about the stupid things I've done.
It should be carefully noted that Jesus did not say, "I am one of the equally good ways" or "I am a better way than the others, I am an aspect of truth; I am a fragment of the life." Instead, His claim was absolute, and allegiance to Him as the Savior of the world, was to take precedence over all the claims of men and religions.
It's fun to write about myself, but I feel like I would bore people with that.
I feel more productive, mostly because I feel like my ass is on the line. Before I had kids, I would sit around, drink, I don't even know what I did with myself. — © Walter Martin
I feel more productive, mostly because I feel like my ass is on the line. Before I had kids, I would sit around, drink, I don't even know what I did with myself.
In college I had to major in something, so I was like, "Okay I like art history, so I will major in that." I never really had any ambitions to work in museums or anything, though.
When I play stuff for my wife she'll be like, "No, not that song. No way."
When people say, 'I believe in Jesus', look them straight in the eye and ask, 'Which one?'
Who made God? Doesn't matter. We are not responsible to a hypothetical maker of God but to our maker - God.
Are we willing to do for the truth what others are willing to do for a lie?
Text without context is pretext.
Being in a rock band for 20 years is not the best resume for anything else.
Controversy for the sake of controversy is sin. Controversy for the sake of truth is a divine command.
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