Top 119 Quotes & Sayings by Wendy Williams

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American entertainer Wendy Williams.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams Hunter is an American broadcaster and writer. From 2008 to 2021, she hosted the nationally syndicated television talk show The Wendy Williams Show.

I think weddings are ridiculous.
The reason that it's so easy to go out there and be me - warts and all, critics and everything - is because my family and my career are the only two things that really matter in the big circle of life.
My bark is worse than my bite. — © Wendy Williams
My bark is worse than my bite.
It's not how you fall down or how low you go in life, but if you can get yourself up and set an example for even one person, then you've done your job.
I have Graves' disease and hyperthyroid.
I feel as though I'm nice and that I'm down to earth, and - people like me get taken advantage of. So by being tall and outgoing, people mistake that for being overpowering, overbearing, loud, and being a bully. No, no I'm a flower.
When I travel, I love to have roll-up flats, the ones that you roll up and put in a bag, just in case your feet start hurting.
I travel with my own long silk robe. At the hotel, you just never know if the robes have been washed after they've been worn by other people.
I think the biggest issue for women in the workplace is men!
I didn't have the easiest childhood. I was never the popular girl in school growing up. I was always the lone black girl or the lone fat girl or the long tall girl, so that has made me more compassionate to all people. It also gave me the drive and ambition to go after my dreams in a big way.
I wouldn't have changed a thing in my past. Life is like dominoes: if you move one, it wouldn't fall the right way.
I think of myself as the queen of lounging. No lounge queen is complete without lounge clothes and house wigs.
I don't feel I ask anything of anybody else that I wouldn't give up myself. I don't think the things I ask are particularly shocking, and I don't think I approach celebrities from the point of view of being a polished journalist.
I no longer believe in fad diets, crash diets... yes, I did have a jump-start because years ago I did get the liposuction and a tummy tuck, but I have to say that, if there is a poster child for plastic surgery and the jump-off to a new lifestyle, it would be me.
Take some elocution lessons; you can joke with Ebonics, but the truth is, nothing beats the King's English. Learning how to speak properly, and the art of delivery can take you very far in life!
When I make a promise about keeping something in confidence, I do. — © Wendy Williams
When I make a promise about keeping something in confidence, I do.
I'm not overconfident. It's just that I'm not caught up in that. What will be will be. The die is cast. I can't be anybody but me.
I'm not your average talk-show host. This is a tough grind. Morning TV, you wake up at 5:30 in the morning, and you go all day.
One of the most comical comments that my 'Wendy' watchers said is, 'She talks too much!' Duh, I'm a talk show host!
I love the grocery store. I would never have my groceries delivered.
I always have my anti-germ-y wipes, always.
There's some really disgusting places out there who just throw some lentil together and think that just because you don't eat meat, you're gonna eat this slop.
You need more than a year to grow on somebody, and it's very intimate being invited into people's homes every day. Once that trust is built, then you're like that old friend. That's the sweet spot.
My blood pressure is always either perfect or low. It's never high.
I will tell you, I feel very, very bad for Kanye West. He's not well, and that is the very foundation of everything he says.
My first diet was in the first grade! Tuna fish and mustard with yogurt on the side.
I wake up around 8 o'clock in the morning. I am an early riser.
People love to throw stones at me, and I get it. It's fun to make fun of me, because I put myself out there. I'm a large personality, and I got the funny bone; I voice my opinion, and then people get upset.
People have accused me of bleaching my skin, of getting a nose job. They squint at my mom, like, 'I didn't know Wendy was Asian.' I am black all day, honey pie. I am black and very proud.
I'm not gonna fight my body anymore. I've lost the weight; I feel fantastic.
We, as women, particularly if we have families, you know, we're taking care of children, we're taking care of, you know, our home, our husbands, we take care of everybody but ourselves. And it's really unfortunate.
What I think, a lot of people think. They're just too afraid to say it.
I don't really cook.
I know things about R. Kelly that I will take to my grave - unless he tells them.
I didn't grow up rich. I like it here on TV. With finery.
People say a lot of mess about celebrities. In the social media world, celebrities are able to go online and see nice things and horrible things written about them - but these people on the Internet wouldn't have the guts to say it to their face.
I keep a steady supply of paintbrushes and canvases. I like to paint. I'm not some great artist.
I grew up in a single-family detached house. My parents are wonderful. — © Wendy Williams
I grew up in a single-family detached house. My parents are wonderful.
I wanted to do the kind of show that I would want to watch as a busy wife, mother, and midde-aged woman.
I view myself as a multicultural woman who happens to be black.
I don't want to be the crazy showbiz family. When I walk into the PTA meetings with my sensible flat shoes and my sensible short wig, I do not look crazy.
I've learned to be extremely healthy regarding morning eating.
Five percent Lycra makes anything fit.
Don't mistake my tears for weakness.
I didn't ask to be a role model. I don't like that responsibility. But if you see something in me that you really adore, thank you.
I'm where I'm supposed to be. In that purple chair, by myself, yip yapping. I am. I didn't fall into it, you know. I wanted to be a newscaster or a radio broadcaster since I was six years old. When I went to college, I majored in communications. When I touched a microphone, I fell in love.
Parents, you need to watch who you let loose your girls around. If you're so desperate that you want your kids to be stars, and you're going to unleash your daughters to the world, you better watch what you get.
The responsibility that I ultimately feel to the audience is to entertain, maybe enlighten, and help you take your mind off messy things.
I enjoy leading a well-rounded life. Believe me, I don't take it for granted.
The more celebrities I meet, the more disappointed I get in celebrity culture.
I treasure my privacy. — © Wendy Williams
I treasure my privacy.
The only thing urban about me is the parties. I have almost always been a suburbanite. I got a car for my graduation. I want to have a manicured lawn and have my son go to a good college.
I can't change my skin. I won't change my voice. I can't change my confidence.
Radio is not a high-paying job; I just enjoyed being on the radio.
I have been reporting on celebrity stuff my whole career and am very aware that fame is a slippery slope.
I love to travel with my own hot sauce, and I have it in packets so I no longer have to be disturbed by TSA.
In real life, I'm frugal. And, yes, I do love to shop at Marshall's.
I don't love food as much as I used to.
Ten years of being on TV, I'd never taken a sick day.
Family and personal life always come first and career second.
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