Top 151 Quotes & Sayings by Wes Fesler

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American footballer Wes Fesler.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Wes Fesler

Wesley Eugene Fesler was an American football, basketball, and baseball player and coach of football and basketball. He was a three-sport athlete at Ohio State University and a consensus first-team selection to the College Football All-America Team three straight years (1928–1930). Fesler was later the head football coach at Wesleyan University (1941–1942), the University of Pittsburgh (1946), Ohio State (1947–1950), and the University of Minnesota (1951–1953), compiling a career record of 41–40–8. He was also the head basketball coach at Harvard University (1933–1941), Wesleyan (1941–1944) and Princeton University (1945–1946), tallying a mark of 78–139. Fesler was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a player in 1954.

Believe in who you are, and trust in what you know is true. Your choices are reflections of the goodness within you.
Cherish every season of life; for without coldness, there is no comfort in warmth, and without darker days, there is no joy in light.
Many people have told me that I should quit, but I have not yet finished proving them wrong. β€” Β© Wes Fesler
Many people have told me that I should quit, but I have not yet finished proving them wrong.
Real friends tell you the truth...even when you want them to shut up.
When the world grinds you down, bent to tear you apart, cling to what you hold dear, and stay true to your heart. For the world has a way to dismantle your cause, to exploit what you lack and expose all your flaws. But when every layer of your being is gone, and it seems there's no point anymore to go on; just remember one thing, at the end of the day, when you have self-respect they can't take that away.
If we make every day better than the one before, today will be the best day yet, and the greatest days ever will await us in every tomorrow.
I have heeded the lessons of the wise in that when life kicks me in the head, I turn to it my hind section also.
Meet every level of frustration with a greater level of character.
Perceptions of impossibility are commonly disspelled by unmitigated courage and perseverance.
The only valid voice of one's reputation is that spoken by one's conscience.
If you want your voice to be heard, speak from your heart.
If you share in a heart-felt sorrow, you can lighten the load of a friend. Sometimes facing the burden together can mend two broken hearts in the end.
Discipline is the long and arduous process of convincing the mind to abide by one's conscience. β€” Β© Wes Fesler
Discipline is the long and arduous process of convincing the mind to abide by one's conscience.
To hate is to deprive oneself of energy better spent on worthwhile endeavors.
When the hater's fire singes the hated, the hater has already been consumed.
Ignorance fears diversity as an invading enemy, while wisdom welcomes diversity in an alliance of friendship.
While parents should always provide shelter from a storm, they should sometimes allow children to play in the rain.
Mankind's greatest achievements are found on thank you notes, not resumes.
I don't see the point in apologizing to someone who remains angry enough to throw me off a cliff...unless we are standing by a cliff.
For every achievement, there is a critic to devalue its worth.
Scold your children, and they will know what is wrong; but correct them with love, and they will know what is right.
In time, lies bring turmoil, where honesty brings peace.
Worthy goals are consistently achieved by enduring forces of adversity and opposition until they subside.
The only true failure is failure to try.
Look for goodness in others, for beauty in the world, and for possibilities in yourself.
Few moments in life are more gratifying than those when the arrogant are exposed as the ignorant.
Criticism is a painful pill to swallow, but it always makes you better.
Add a task to a busy person's plate, and it will get done in short order. Add a task to the plate of someone with nothing to do, and it will never get done.
There is no future in waiting for tomorrow.
When crushed to your knees, it is best to dig in your heels.
In every difficult situation there is a door to opportunity for which optimism is the only key.
If as a family we must be selective listeners, then let us pay more attention to the words of the heart and less to the words of anger
Never blame what you are on what someone else is.
A father who denies a child of his attention is no better than a fully-equipped medic who watches idly as a soldier bleeds to death.
If something is worth doing right, it is worth doing right now.
A cheerful demeanor makes brighter the day; as the sun, chasing darkness and sorrow away.
Accomplishments of children shine most brightly in the light of a parent's sincere praise.
Self-mastery is the challenge of transforming yourself from own worst enemy into your greatest ally. β€” Β© Wes Fesler
Self-mastery is the challenge of transforming yourself from own worst enemy into your greatest ally.
This world will slam doors in your face at every opportunity. Be willing to employ a foot when necessary.
Until you can't do, you can always do more.
The only person standing in your way is staring back at you in the mirror.
Hate is a hole that exists in your heart; and the more that you hate, the more you fall apart.
Children have an uncanny memory for what parents say, but don't do.
It is difficult to prove yourself reliable when people are required to wait for you.
No degree of worldly darkness can extinguish the glow of a soul's inner light.
One can rarely achieve greatness on the path of least resistance.
Lies are like garbage that you can't throw away. They clutter your life, foul your air, and make living unbearable.
In mere moments of togetherness, families forge their most indelibe memories. β€” Β© Wes Fesler
In mere moments of togetherness, families forge their most indelibe memories.
Resilience is the ability to attack while running away.
Good men are bound by conscience and liberated by accountability.
Don't blame me. The devil made me do it, and the Lord said you have to forgive.
A parent's best intentions are no substitute for attention.
Maturity is developed by respecting others and accepting responsibility for violating that respect.
The best part about burning your candle at both ends is that everything is much brighter in the middle.
When progress is in short supply bring a surplus of determination.
Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.
Never blame others for tracking in mud, until you have checked your own feet.
When your woman gives you the silent treatment, say you're sorry, or you'll find out how truly sorry you are when her monologue resumes.
It has always been, and will always be true; those who do the most good suffer more than most do.
The devil did not make me do it. I managed it all by myself.
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