Top 4 Quotes & Sayings by William Gouge

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an English author William Gouge.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
William Gouge

William Gouge (1575–1653) was an English Puritan clergyman and author. He was a minister and preacher at St Ann Blackfriars for 45 years, from 1608, and a member of the Westminster Assembly from 1643.

English - Author | 1575 - 1653
Happy is that family where both the husband and wife are mutual members of Christ's body — © William Gouge
Happy is that family where both the husband and wife are mutual members of Christ's body
The more purely God's word is preached, the more deeply it pierces and the more kindly it works.
Reprehension is a kind of middle thing betwixt admonition and correction: it is sharpe admonition, but a milde correction. It is rather to be used because it may be a meanes to prevent strokes and blowes, especially in ingenuous and good natured children. [Blows are] the last remedy which a parent can use: a remedy which may doe good when nothing else can.
They who on meare curiositie (where no urgent necessitie requireth) try whether their children may not as birds be nourished without sucking, offend contrary to this dutie of breast feeding and reflect that meanes which God hath ordained as best; and so oppose their shallow wits to his unsearchable wisdom.
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