Top 351 Quotes & Sayings by Zach Braff - Page 6

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American actor Zach Braff.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
So I was at the gas station the other day, and I saw that there was braille on the pumps. I don't see how they can cater to blind drivers. I mean, there are certain rights you should lose once you lose what makes you a person.
Yeah i thought about making the character of JD gay... But then i thought, but what about all the poor girls dreams you'll be crushing
Hitler was about population control. — © Zach Braff
Hitler was about population control.
Sometimes, I go to Barnes & Noble with the sole intention of moving all copies of the bible to the fiction section.
You always see black people complaining about this and that, but you never see me complaining about how slow they work on my plantation.
I find my movie props in my neighbors houses.
I was originally casted to be in the Superman movie but I read the script and realized that it was mysteriously similar to my screenplay for Zach Braff the Movie.
To say I live a cursed life is an understatement. I have to get up every day and work with people who are not as successful as me nor will they ever be as successful as me. Nobody knows the struggles I go through.
I definitely try to play a common man in my roles so people can identify with my characters, but the truth of the matter is that it doesn't really matter what I do or my lines are, I'm still Zach Braff, and people know I'm better than them.
Ya know, Hitler was this evil, evil man. But with the World Bank and Israel manipulating America, he might have been on to something.
I don't think it's that bad, I mean, I love people following me around and helping me do stuff.
I mean, I know thousands of people died and everything, but if it happened today, there's just no excuse. They'd be much safer inside a movie theater watching one of my movies instead of burning alive in a collapsing skyscraper.
The biggest problem I had with starring in Scrubs were the black doctors. I just had to keep telling myself this show was satire.
Now that 'Scrubs' is over, people seem to feel more comfortable telling me that I was a total douche to them for the past 8 years. And the whole time I'm thinking, 'Who ARE you?'
The Jews are just clumsy bakers. — © Zach Braff
The Jews are just clumsy bakers.
I like the punch beggers and panhandlers when they ask me for change. I feel like I am doing my part to clean up the streets.
Oh I love children, but I could never eat a whole one.
I could see why someone would want to make a website about me, and my quotes. They are all gold. How many people have written, directed AND starred in their own movies. I just don't know why they would want to put words into my mouth, I mean I did write, direct AND star in a critically acclaimed movie.
Am I really gonna deny someone the opportunity of a lifetime just because they met me 5 easters early?
I've turned down a lot of proposed scripts for Scrubs episodes, mainly ones with AIDs patients. It sickens me, really. If you don't want AIDs, don't be a ice cream man. Or African. I'm neither and I'm fine.
Yeah i saw An Inconvenient Truth, and i dont want to say it was preachy but let's not kid ourselves, i've got far more important work to do
The fact that 'Scrubs' is so popular in Israel is very important to me. I feel like I'm helping to cancel out the thousands of years of oppression the Jewish people have suffered.
I was originally set to star in 'The Bourne Identity,' but I found it too difficult to even pretend to forget who I was.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of killing unwanted babies, it's just that the idea of letting women make a decision doesn't sit well with me.
You want to know the secret of my success? Let me tell you about eugenics.
When I first moved to L.A., I thought about turning gay. Then I realized none of the guys I was interested in was good enough for me.
People have called me fake, but personally, I don't think I'm fake because I'm so insincere.
I'm grown ass man and grown ass men can do whatever they want, got it?
I like hot dogs. I like eggplant. I like pizza and creamed corn and beer. But I don't like Arabs.
I don't like the term 'black people', I find it demeaning to those of us that actually qualify as 'people'.
One time a reporter asked me what my worst quality was. I looked him in the eyes then punched him in the face. I kind of felt bad about it later, but he didn't need to be rude.
People still make New Year's resolutions? Wow. I figured those were pointless once I perfected myself by directing, writing, and acting in Garden State. I guess it makes sense, though. It gives people a chance to hope that they can become as great as me someday.
If we've learned anything, it's that the combination of yellow smiley faces and blue polyester vests are irresistible to the inbred.
I can't watch the news anymore. They have their priorities all out of whack. All I see is Natalee Holloway and Britney Spears and the war in Iraq. Where's the substantive news? Where's the Zach Braff coverage?
The thing about hitting kids is, think about if you were doing the same thing to another adult. Hitting your kid is really the same as hitting your employee or wife, and the issue become pretty clear when you think about it that way.
What else could I tell them? I like my women like I like my whiskey: 12 years old and mixed up with coke. — © Zach Braff
What else could I tell them? I like my women like I like my whiskey: 12 years old and mixed up with coke.
I actually did ponder doing the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie thing and get a kid from Ethiopia. But you know, I already have an ashtray.
Let's face it, it's only called Scrubs because I'm saving 'Zach Braff' for my autobiography.
I mean, what's eleven million people now days?
Some people just don't want to put in the effort. I just show up and say some lines and I'm famous. Anyone living below the poverty line just needs to shape up or be shipped out, you know?
Probably the most memorable even of my life is when I was born. It really made me who I am. If I die, I hope to go out the same way I came in, but I don't think my mother would be into that.
I wouldn't say I'm bigger than Jesus. If I had to guess, I'd say probably, yeah, but as far as I know, the bible is never clear on this.
Best movie ever?! Come on, my appearance on Arrested Development had more dynamics, realism and feel to it than the whole trilogy combined.
My job as an actor has inspired generations of children to become doctors. My job as a writer has opened up the minds of millions. My job as a director has produced masterpieces that will be taught in film school for ages.
I was excited about The Dark Knight until Heath Ledger gave away the ending, Batman always wins.
Sure, it was terrible and all, but you have to ask yourself: If the whole city was flooded, why couldn't they just swim to safety? — © Zach Braff
Sure, it was terrible and all, but you have to ask yourself: If the whole city was flooded, why couldn't they just swim to safety?
I believe the general consensus is the bigger it is, the more women flock to you. I guess its a good thing mine is HUGE!
I've never had much sympathy for orphans, I mean, when I was their age I would have killed to have no parents to make me clean my room and stuff
One of the things about Scrubs is that it's about great friendships and... as broad and as serious as we get it's always really about friendship. It's about getting through the challenging parts of your life with the help of your friends.
I always wanted to direct movies. That's what I set out to do. When I was a little kid I just dreamed of making movies, and I went to film school [at Northwestern University].
I'm a film geek man. I love toys. I love everything in filmmaking, so for me to just be around this technology is just so cool to watch it being used for the first time, some of the stuff.
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